Depression Counseling in Maywood, NJ.

Leading therapy for major depression, bipolar, postpartum depression, SAD and mood disorders in Maywood, New Jersey.

Trisha Sanders, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Trisha Sanders, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07675 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning. Reaching out for help is a step towards wellness. Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but it is a very treatable condition. Therapy for depression helps you overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair and to gain control of your life.

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC
Depression Counselor

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07450 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression is defined as a mood disorder that so many people experience nowadays. It can be induced for many reasons such as grief/loss or even be environmentally based. Depression is when you feel persistent bouts of sadness and hopelessness. You will often lose interest in activities that you once enjoyed, have a loss of appetite, feel fatigue and withdraw socially. Things that once seemed easy may feel difficult to do now. At Emerge, you will regain your emotional and physical strength by exploring and becoming knowledgeable about the triggers that cause your depression. Together, we refocus and define your goals to becoming emotionally and physically well again.

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.
Depression Counselor

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10011 - Nearby to Maywood.

I will determine the severity of depression and the need for medication. We will figure out if depression is an acute response to a crisis or situation. We will look at the causes, your experience of depression, what are triggers for depression, and ways to cope with it and give you better control of it. If it is a recurrent depression we will find ways for you to cope, and develop good support networks if you don't have them.

Walter Masterson, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Walter Masterson, LCSW

Psychotherapy and Counseling

In 10021 - Nearby to Maywood.

Often depression is held in place by thoughts and beliefs that suck the hope out of one's life. Therapy is effective in finding the source of the problem and providing tools for intercepting and changing the problematic thought patterns. Medication may or may not be needed to get the process started. When one gains the ability to envision a rewarding life, it often ends the cycle of depression.

Michael Lepak, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Michael Lepak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07042 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning. Reaching out for help is a step towards wellness. Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but it is a very treatable condition. Therapy for depression helps you overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair and to gain control of your life.

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.
Depression Counselor

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.

Licensed Psychologist & Licensed Social Worker

In 10543 - Nearby to Maywood.

I provide clients with a safe place to explore the root causes of their depression. Within the therapeutic relationship, we will also examine how the individual's thoughts, actions and feelings are connected to and feeding into their depression. We will work on breaking these negative cycles and start positive more adaptive ways of thinking, and acting to improve their mood.

Minimah Rush, LSW
Depression Counselor

Minimah Rush, LSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LSW

In 07003 - Nearby to Maywood.

I can help you recover from depression. We'll start with a thorough assessment to understand what level of depression you have and the treatment options you might consider. We'll look through a toolbox of depression-management strategies from mindfulness and exercise to cognitive-behavioral therapy that can unearth the negative and shame-producing beliefs you operate within. We'll work together to develop a customized depression reduction plan for you. Then comes the hard part--getting started and sustaining the things that work over time. I'll be with you every step of the way until you rebuild the joy and peace you deserve in life.

Beatrijs Van Steertegem, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Beatrijs Van Steertegem, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10024 - Nearby to Maywood.

Psychotherapy has been found to be an effective and valuable treatment approach for depression. We will work together to create a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns. During therapy sessions we will identify life events that contribute to your distress and find ways to resolve them or adapt better to your circumstances. We will identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors that contribute to your sadness. You will learn skills that will enable you to function at your best. The benefits of psychotherapy can have an enduring effect as you will continue to use your coping skills after therapy ends.

David Mark, MS, LCSW
Depression Counselor

David Mark, MS, LCSW

School Psychologist, Licensed Social Worker, Certified Gottman Therapist

In 11434 - Nearby to Maywood.

If you have a pulse and a heart, you have been sad. Using the science of happiness rather than standard interventions for depression we focus on increasing positive emotion, engagement, and meaning rather than directly targeting depressive symptoms. In using these interventions with clients I have noted the effects of these interventions in a variety of settings. In informal and clinical settings these interventions have commonly been reported to me and referred to as “life-changing.”

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Depression Counselor

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression robs you of the feeling of well-being, causing you to feel debilitated by depriving you of energy. To some people, it feels like falling down, trying to get up, and fall right back down. I want to take a look with you to understand what's keeping you stuck in the dreadful feeling of depression. We can team up to say "goodbye" to depression and "hello" to the feeling of well-being. I have helped many clients live lives dominated by a feeling of well-being.

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC
Depression Counselor

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07417 - Nearby to Maywood.

I believe that depression is nature’s way of shutting us down when there is some element in our life or our past that overwhelms and burdens us. It is often something experienced that our usual ways of coping cannot remedy. A client experiencing depression is often ‘turning off’, ‘shutting down’ and going inward in response to something in their life or in their relationships that is just too much to bear. I help depressed clients discover what it is in their life that is overwhelming them and help them find the strength and power to directly face the matter that is causing the turn inward and the shutting down.

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R
Depression Counselor

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11201 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression can present itself in many ways, together we identify symptoms that are specific to you, identify and explore what factors are contributing to the symptoms, we talk about how you can begin to improve these symptoms so that you can be on your way to a happier healthier life. For some talk therapy is enough and for others they may need linkage to other specialists.

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC
Depression Counselor

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC

Music Therapist

In 07041 - Nearby to Maywood.

Our credentialed music therapists tailor sessions to each individual, utilizing personalized music exercises and interventions to address each person's unique symptoms of depression. Our music therapists work with each client using musical elements like songwriting, processing, and guided imagery to help clients find their own voice and learn new coping skills to help manage depression of any severity.

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.
Depression Counselor

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.

Postdoctoral Resident

In 10016 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression can hold you back from living and enjoying life to its full potential. My goal is to provide you with skills, techniques, and an open environment for you to process your past and present, and create an improved platform for your future. As a postdoctoral psychology resident, I am highly trained, and strive to create a safe and supportive environment. I believe that each relationship is a unique interaction, and tailor my approach to each client’s needs, integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and a Humanistic approach.

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Maywood.

My approach attacks depression by quickly focusing in on the primary cause of depression. I show people how their current beliefs about their adversities, past and present, are the primary cause of depression. I teach people how it is well within their power to adopt, without delay, alternative beliefs that help them cope with and prevail over these adversities. I also show my patient how to feel worthwhile and adequate even if she is depressed and performing poorly in life. Often self-downing goes with feelings of depression and makes for depression over being depressed. REBT tackles the rut of depression by attacking both the original and the secondary feelings of depression.

Joel Stukalin, PHD, ABPP, FAACP, MS
Depression Counselor

Joel Stukalin, PHD, ABPP, FAACP, MS


In 11375 - Nearby to Maywood.

Our enriched, multi-modal approach is effective for clients who consult us regarding depression and mood-modulation issues. Often the combination of cognitive-behavioral, supportive and psychodynamic-ego-enhancing approaches help moderately depressed clients within a relatively short time--usually within a few months. Our approachability, empathic listening skills and pragmatic conflict-resolution expertise are most useful for clients suffering from the debilitating effects of depression. We also stress a holistic approaches that integrate medical and nutritional needs, as well as incorporating stress reduction, physical exercise and meditation work. Our clients often benefit greatly.

Abby Mullen, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Abby Mullen, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10709 - Nearby to Maywood.

Depression can leave you feeling lonely and under motivated for change. Therapy with me can help alleviate those emotions and negative setbacks from depression. Furthermore, you will gain useful and important coping skills which will help you reengage with your friends, family, work and life. Depression can be scary but working with a skilled and empathic professional can help you live your life again.

Cathy Roberts, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Cathy Roberts, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07043 - Nearby to Maywood.

I will help you explore the roots of your depression, whether it stems from relationship issues, low self-esteem, biochemistry, or some combination of them. We will formulate an individualized plan of action to help you address the sources of your unhappiness so that you can shed what no longer works for you and begin living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c
Depression Counselor

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c

Porn & Sex Addiction Specialist

In 10282 - Nearby to Maywood.

I leverage a solution-based approach to clearly outline your primary challenge, work through an exercise to meditate on and define your future state and then work over 8 sessions to achieve it via homework and 1:1 sessions. Clients have experienced great success with this approach, my goal is to empower you - YOU have the answers and I want to help you find them.

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW

Psychotherapist / Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11218 - Nearby to Maywood.

I address depression by exploring its roots in childhood. What were the negative influences that made you believe things would never get better? What made you feel it was pointless to try? Where does your low self-esteem come from? Together, we can identify these factors and how they affected you, and then question their validity in your present circumstances, as an adult with adult capabilities. In addition, I will teach you coping strategies, including mindfulness practices, self-compassion and self-care, that will help you reduce depressive symptoms on a day-to-day basis.

Nureen Wohl, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Nureen Wohl, LCSW

Tona Therapy

In 10022 - Nearby to Maywood.

Discover relief and resilience at Tona Therapy with our specialized support for managing depression. Our compassionate therapists offer personalized strategies to help you navigate the challenges of depression. Through tailored therapy sessions, we focus on understanding your unique experiences and empowering you with effective coping skills. Utilizing trauma-informed approaches and mindfulness techniques, we provide a safe space to explore emotions and foster lasting emotional well-being. Choose Tona Therapy to embark on a path towards healing and renewed vitality.

Steven Sussman, Ph.D
Depression Counselor

Steven Sussman, Ph.D

Licensed NJ & NY Psychologist

In 07092 - Nearby to Maywood.

Children and adolescents who act out due to symptoms of AD/HD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, and School Underachievement constantly receive negative feedback from parents, teachers, and peers. This results in underlying feelings of helplessness and hopelessness leading to depression. I motivate such children to develop self-control which leads to improved academic and social skills. This leads to social acceptance and academic achievement and self-esteem rises. Helplessness and hopelessness dissipate and depression and anxiety lessen.

Jessica Parlor, PhD
Depression Counselor

Jessica Parlor, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Maywood.

In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression, we address negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to your feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Together, we identify distorted thinking and replace it with more realistic, balanced thoughts. Through structured exercises and homework assignments, you'll learn coping skills to manage symptoms and challenge depressive beliefs. We also focus on behavior activation, gradually reintroducing enjoyable activities and routines into your life. With CBT, you'll gain tools to break free from the cycle of depression, cultivate self-awareness, and develop healthier ways of thinking and behaving, leading to long-lasting relief.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10012 - Nearby to Maywood.

Grey Matters International, Inc. and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D. handles depression and other emotional disorders in a very unique way. Most of therapy or counseling processes utilize validation, unconditional positive regard, and reframing as common techniques to get someone to heal from their depression. Though this can be helpful, it rarely fixes the core problem behind it and for tough cases we then refer them usually to a psychiatrist for medication which can have tons of side effects. Instead, why not try a natural and arguably more effective way to not just change your mind, but change the brain--where the depression is rooted. Contact us at

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC
Depression Counselor

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Counselor

In 07078 - Nearby to Maywood.

Your teen can, and will, rewire their brain to think and feel differently. In our work together, your teen will replace unhealthy coping skills with healthy ones. They will learn about depression and identify ways to manage it with techniques that work for them. If needed, I will assist them in creating a safety plan. I will help them identify their warning signs, internal coping strategies, people they can ask for help (both at school and home), crisis resources, and how to make their environment safe. Most importantly, I will communicate safety concerns with you so we can partner as a team to support your teen. With counseling, struggling teens can develop into thriving adults!

You Have Found The Best Therapists for Depression and Mood Issues in Maywood, NJ.

Are you ready to experience new freedom? Thank you for visiting our New Jersey search of licensed therapists in Maywood who specialize in helping people overcome sadness, treat major depression and mood disorders such as bipolar, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Feeling down, lonely, and depressed can affect us at any station in life. Sometimes the cause may be physiological (such as hormonal or due to medication), it may be emotional, environmental, psychological or any combination of the above. Counseling for recovery and restoration from depression by a top rated therapist in Maywood will help you climb back up and start living your dreams again.

Maywood is located in Bergen County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 1.28 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Maywood is 9,805 people with 3,530 households and a median annual income of $81,339. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Maywood, NJ

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Maywood for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Maywood public health department.