Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Atlantic Highlands, NJ.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey.

Esti Piotrkovski, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Esti Piotrkovski, LPC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 07701 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety and stress is very common among adults today. It’s normal to feel anxious from time to time but how we cope with it makes all the difference. I provide a safe space for the client to explore what triggers their anxiety. We explore the client’s possible trauma, negative thinking patterns and past experiences to help understand the anxiety better so we can induce self soothing coping skills.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10012 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they dont treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people dont believe it or you!. Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161

Joel Stukalin, PHD, ABPP, FAACP, MS
Anxiety Counselor

Joel Stukalin, PHD, ABPP, FAACP, MS


In 11375 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Dr. Joel and Dr. Sara work supportively and educatively to help you gain a sense of mastery with respect to your anxiety and stress. For over 40 years, we have helped the victims of abusive relationships, work stress, emotional burnout, identity concerns, & perfectionsitic personalities who partake in unhealthy habits. Clients have often reported a sense of relief and appreciation over being well-understood and accepted by Dr. Joel and Dr. Sara. Our practical and reasonable therapeutic approaches build your healthy self-esteem and provide you with the tools for enhanced growth and effectiveness while facing life's challenges. Often within a few sessions, clients feel better.

Allyson Cole, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Allyson Cole, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

We embrace an expansive view of the individual and collaborate with clients to explore how their sense of self, past experiences, environment, and culture, impacts their current moods, relationships, experiences, and self-beliefs. We will work together in identifying what areas of life you would like to further explore to best reach your goals/growth in this process of self-discovery.

Yasmine Saad, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Yasmine Saad, Ph.D.

Senior Clinical Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety therapy is the first line of treatment for unhealthy anxiety. Your therapist can support you to put your mind at ease, recognize and address the patterns that may contribute to your symptoms. Anxiety therapy sessions can also help you identify coping mechanisms to manage anxiety and reclaim your life. You may feel uncomfortable or even anxious about going to therapy. You may think, “this will probably pass… maybe I should just push through it, and things will get better.” Rest assured that you are not alone. Many people have been there. But you don’t have to wait for your anxiety symptoms to get worse or to affect other areas of your life to seek help. We are here to help.

Cathy Noblick, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Cathy Noblick, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07702 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety and stress can range from annoying to debilitating, Left unchecked, symptoms of anxiety and stress can impact your health, your work and family life, and your general functioning. Depending on your specific symptoms and needs, I provide a range of simple, practical strategies to change your thinking and your behavior in ways that will reduce your anxiety and your reaction to stress.

Nicole Digironimo, Ph.D; LPC, LCADC, ACS
Anxiety Counselor

Nicole Digironimo, Ph.D; LPC, LCADC, ACS

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC); :Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor LCADC; Play Therapist

In 07753 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

My philosophy of therapy and change is that change comes from within. As a therapist, I ask a great deal in asking an individual to change, as change is an incredibly difficult task for everyone. The journey of change requires both the client and myself to work collaboratively throughout this journey. It is for this reason that the rapport between the client and myself is critical. I aim to provide all my clients with the space to explore their underlying feelings, thoughts, and behaviors so that they can engage in change.

David Mark, MS, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

David Mark, MS, LCSW

School Psychologist, Licensed Social Worker, Certified Gottman Therapist

In 11559 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

We have all had moments of anxiety and we remain anxious due to the beliefs we hold about our reality and the thoughts we have about our situation. An individual becomes anxious when they overestimate the negative aspects of their situation and underestimate their ability to cope and function in problem situations. The anxious individual will imagine and create even more negative consequences than are actually present. I guide my clients to a more rational approach of focusing on the task at hand, not engaging in or imagining negative outcomes, and not engaging in or exaggerating possible negative outcomes. We focus together on ways that enable coping, behavioral change and flourishing in that situation.

Jean Eljay, MS, PhD, CNLP, CH, CI, AdvHC
Anxiety Counselor

Jean Eljay, MS, PhD, CNLP, CH, CI, AdvHC

Certified Advanced Hypnotist and NeuraLinguistic Programmer

In 07728 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

In our daily lives, stress, worries and anxieties are silent killers. They contribute to major morbidity and mortality in common medical diseases worsening the outcomes. Our approach not only gives you the tools to conquer stress, but provides the “how” of applying these tools to each new challenge. Benefits include a happier and more optimistic life, a peaceful and tranquil approach to problems and a way of breaking the recurring disastrous cycle of stress.

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

I will show you how you make yourself anxious about the things you find threatening and challenging. Anxiety and stress are largely self-created by the beliefs we tacitly hold about adversity or potential adversity. I will show you your self-defeating beliefs and teach you how to think so you feel sensible concern and do what you can do to avoid danger and threats. I will show you how to philosophically accept what cannot be avoided and thereby minimize the stress you feel about what cannot be changed or avoided. Using the power of your own ability to think in a self-helping way I will help you to change your feelings of anxiety.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Anxiety Counselor

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In 10012 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety and stress take a hold on you and never let go, leaving you trapped and frozen. I help my clients to learn all about the magic of mindfulness practice. It's one of the most effective ways to put you in control of your emotions, rather than them controlling you. Imagine how great it would be to have an internal place of peace and serenity that you can use at any time to relax and become grounded. Mindfulness is an ancient practice that is also supported by scientific empirical studies. It's one of the best ways to change your life.

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R
Anxiety Counselor

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11201 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Counseling will allow you to identity the things that triggers your feelings of anxiety and stress. It is important to explore current coping strategies whether successful or not. You will learn skills and technique to better manage your feelings and reaction. Some of these skills may involve relaxation, reframing thoughts, prioritizing or delegating tasks.

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 11201 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

There is normal stress and anxiety and then there are levels which are far beyond what you imagine to be on that range. We live high-stress and fast-paced lives and it is understandable why we sometimes feel overwhelmed and highly stressed out. There is help available to assist you in calming your nerves and finding productive and safe methods for dealing with the many painful stressors around us.

Rebecca Mitchell, LCSW, MSEd, SIFI
Anxiety Counselor

Rebecca Mitchell, LCSW, MSEd, SIFI


In 10009 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety and stress are are essential to a productive life. However, like fuel in a car. Too little or too much can cause you to stall or damage your engine. Often the things we worry about are fantasies (or nightmares) about the future. Therapy for anxiety and stress often begin with developing mindfulness based practices. These practices will help you to non-judgmentally accept the present moment, find compassion for yourself and others, and learn techniques to cope with and tolerate distress and emotional overwhelm.

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Anxiety Counselor

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

What are the factors associated with your anxiety? Quite often, individuals who suffer from anxiety do not understand why they are having anxiety. As we engage in therapy together, questions that I ask you in therapy will help me to understand the collaborative factors that may be causing your anxiety. I want to help you understand and resolve the underlying problems that are keeping your anxiety alive. I will use cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy approaches to help you get your anxiety under control. Come join me!

Kim Leatherdale, LPC, ATR-BC, NCC, BCC
Anxiety Counselor

Kim Leatherdale, LPC, ATR-BC, NCC, BCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Art Therapist, Board Certified Coach

In 07711 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c
Anxiety Counselor

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c

Porn & Sex Addiction Specialist

In 10282 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

I leverage a solution-based approach to clearly outline your primary challenge, work through an exercise to meditate on and define your future state and then work over 8 sessions to achieve it via homework and 1:1 sessions. Clients have experienced great success with this approach, my goal is to empower you - YOU have the answers and I want to help you find them.

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10011 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

I have experience with reducing and eliminating panic attacks, curing phobias, and reducing more generalized anxiety. Anxiety can feel unbearable, and give you the sense that you are in danger. Here also looking at relationships can be very helpful to determine where your anxiety comes from, as babies aren't born believing that the world is a dangerous place. We might progress to uncovering important thoughts and feelings your anxiety may be distracting you from. "Going to university about yourself" can be instrumental in providing relief from anxiety and reassure you that you are not alone.

Sara Maurer, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Sara Maurer, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Diabetes Health Coach

In 10016 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

We all experience stress from time to time. But, when stress or anxiety starts to impact your relationships and functioning, that’s often a sign that it’s time to seek help. I approach anxiety and stress management from a skills-based perspective. I use CBT and DBT frameworks to provide skills that help you to manage symptoms and gain independence.

Anxiety Counselor


Licensed Therapist

In 07722 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

My goal with my clients is to help them navigate through their anxiety and stress, while developing the coping skills needed for longterm success and relief. I utilize cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and other clinical frameworks to assist with filling the clients "toolbox". This may include meditation practices, CBT handouts, and other techniques.

Jessica Parlor, PhD
Anxiety Counselor

Jessica Parlor, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is a highly effective treatment for anxiety disorders, particularly OCD. It involves gradually exposing individuals to feared stimuli or situations while preventing the typical compulsive response. Through repeated exposure to these anxiety-provoking triggers, clients learn to tolerate distress without engaging in compulsive behaviors. ERP therapy is based on the principle of habituation, where anxiety decreases over time with repeated exposure. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized exposure hierarchies and teach coping skills to manage anxiety. ERP has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms.

Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 10009 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Anxiety and stress are interrelated. Generally people with anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, tend to internalize conflicts that cause them to always be stressed out, which affects their thinking and behavior. Through an eclectic psychotherapy approach that includes psychodynamic, cognitive and behavioral work, I help them release the fears and angers that underlie the build-up of stress. In time they learn to moderate their feelings, cope better with stressful situations and live a calmer life.

Joanne Gerr, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Joanne Gerr, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist and Adult Educator

In 10017 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Modern life makes finding balance a challenge for all of us. However, I have helped many women, men, and children learn cognitive skills that have enabled them to overcome the stresses in their lives. Additionally, I offer instruction on communication skills to diffuse stressful misunderstandings at home and at work. I am highly trained in a number of techniques designed to help clients to combat stress. These include: • Positive Psychology techniques • Meditation techniques • Breathing techniques • Time Management strategies • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy • Harnessing wisdom from Yoga teachings

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW


In 10003 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

At Transformation Counseling Services each member of our clinical team is exceptionally trained in the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness for anxiety disorders. Our goal is to help our patients reduce their symptoms and improve in their daily lives. We help our clients learn concrete skills, and current evidence-based practices tailored to their unique needs with special attention paid to racial , social economic, cultural, and spiritual/religious beliefs. If you are ready to live a stress free life please contact us for a free consultation.

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA
Anxiety Counselor

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10003 - Nearby to Atlantic Highlands.

Many people have anxiety. Anxiety is the most common problem that clients bring into psychotherapy. Anxiety can create feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, and dread. Sometimes you can say what it is bothering you. Your job or relationship may be causing you stress and you want to solve the problems. You don’t know how to deal with the mounting pressures. Friends will often say “don’t worry about it” but that doesn’t help. Sometimes you don’t really know what is bothering you it just is. I can show you how spot these feelings before they overwhelm you and what you can do about it. We’ll get clear on what has been difficult for you and how have you been feeling.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Atlantic Highlands, NJ.

Thank you for visiting our New Jersey page of stress therapists in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Atlantic Highlands, NJ will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Atlantic Highlands is located in Monmouth County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 1.29 square miles and a water area of 3.27 square miles.  The population of Atlantic Highlands is 4,311 people with 1,853 households and a median annual income of $88,024. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Atlantic Highlands for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Atlantic Highlands public health department.