Anger Management and Counseling in Rahway, NJ.

Therapy and counseling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Rahway, New Jersey. Find effective help for real change.

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA
Anger Therapist

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10003 - Nearby to Rahway.

What if you didn't have an anger problem? Are you holding back and constantly giving? You do this so much that you finally can't take it anymore and you explode. If that described you I can help. Too often people think that their anger is out of control when it isn't true. What is happening is you hold back on small irritations until it builds up. I can show you how to recognize this and stop before you explode.

Marion Rollings, PhD
Anger Therapist

Marion Rollings, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 08844 - Nearby to Rahway.

Using a structured, yet individualized approach to anger management, I help you identify triggers and thought patterns that lead to issues with anger. Therapy focuses on learning to respond and not react to people, situations, and circumstances that have been troublesome. We cannot control other people, but we can control how we respond to them. I often provide court-mandated anger management.

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.
Anger Therapist

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10011 - Nearby to Rahway.

I work with anger management for anger that is not physically abusive and not required by the courts. We will look at the root causes - is this a way that you keep others at bay? Are there other ways to cope with anger? Is this an approach to conflict that you learned in your family? We will talk about your thoughts, experiences, and expectations regarding conflicts. I will help you to understand and articulate the cause your anger so that you are less likely to feel out of control.

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC
Anger Therapist

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC

Music Therapist

In 07041 - Nearby to Rahway.

Our credentialed music therapists tailor sessions to each individual, utilizing personalized music exercises and interventions to address each person's unique experiences of anger. Our music therapists work with each client using musical elements like songwriting, processing, and guided imagery to help clients find their own voice and learn new coping skills to help manage anger of any severity.

Allison Gaydos, LMSW, LSW
Anger Therapist

Allison Gaydos, LMSW, LSW


In 07306 - Nearby to Rahway.

Clients can explore and resolve past experiences which may be contributing to an amplification of negative feelings in trigger situations causing tension and distressing emotions and body sensations. Resolving underlying emotional issues related to present anger can help to be able to safely express anger that a client may not have been able to get in touch with before.

Walter Masterson, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Walter Masterson, LCSW

Psychotherapy and Counseling

In 10021 - Nearby to Rahway.

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your words will break my heart." Many people with anger issues know the damage that can be done to a relationship with even one outburst. Mastering anger is necessary to having the affection and trust of the people we care about. It has been accurately referred to as 'restraint of pen and tongue' in some literature. While it may seem like an effort one undertakes for others, the primary benefits are to the person who handles their anger. If you are reading this, and the thought "I wouldn't get angry if so-and-so didn't do such-and-such" consider yourself a primary candidate for this work. Discovering how to escape from anger will set you free.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10012 - Nearby to Rahway.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwaive optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161

Jessica Parlor, PhD
Anger Therapist

Jessica Parlor, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Rahway.

In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anger management, we examine the thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations fueling your anger. Through introspection, we identify triggers and the cognitive distortions amplifying your reactions. Together, we develop strategies to challenge these distortions, fostering a more balanced perspective and reducing impulsivity. You'll learn techniques like cognitive restructuring to reframe negative thoughts and enhance emotional regulation skills. Additionally, we explore coping mechanisms such as relaxation techniques and assertive communication to express feelings constructively.

Francesca Wehr, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Francesca Wehr, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07307 - Nearby to Rahway.

In my approach to anger management counseling, I help clients gain insight into the underlying causes of their anger and teach practical strategies for managing intense emotions. Through a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), EMDR, and emotional regulation techniques, I assist clients in identifying triggers, shifting negative thought patterns, and developing healthier ways to express frustration. My goal is to provide a supportive environment where clients can enhance self-control, improve communication, and cultivate more peaceful, constructive relationships.

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW
Anger Therapist

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW


In 10003 - Nearby to Rahway.

Anger is a common feeling however if you find that your anger controls you more than you control it then it's time to seek help. At Transformation Counseling Services we will help you learn to identify your your feeling and manage anger before it turns into rage. Most people develop anger issues during the developmental stages, due to neglect or abuse. We will teach you new behavioral strategies to combat your anger. If you are ready to do the work we are here to help. Contact us for a free consultation.

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC
Anger Therapist

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Counselor

In 07078 - Nearby to Rahway.

The teenage years can be filled with irritability, aggression, and mood swings. In therapy, your teen will learn about anger, its uses, its consequences, and how to manage it. Your teen will identify their triggers and create a plan to increase their distress tolerance. With practice, they will recognize the physical and emotional warning signs of their impending outbursts and they will engage in healthy responses to regulate their emotions. Whether it is through grounding techniques, or removing themselves from the environment entirely, your teen will learn that it is okay to feel strong emotions and that they have the ability to channel those emotions into productive and healthy actions.

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida
Anger Therapist

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida

LMFT Diplomate, Certified of Anger management

In 10022 - Nearby to Rahway.

Skills building interventions have been extremely successful in decreasing the negative effects of anger. At ART, clients learn to identify, develop and apply effective skills that reduce anger immediately!! It's not enough to TALK about what to do, but to PRACTICE the skills while in session. This way, you'll know exactly how to handle a situagtion that triggers anger. Protect your life and relationships! Learn how to use anger to your advantage.

Michael Barmak, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Michael Barmak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07016 - Nearby to Rahway.

I can help you learn how to manage your anger. Often anger is covering deeper feelings such as heartbreak, helplessness and loneliness. I can teach you a three-step anger process that can help you take personal responsibility for your angry feelings and learn what feelings you may be avoiding with your anger and, how you might be using anger to try to control others. Also how to know if you are really angry at yourself for maybe not setting a healthy boundary with someone and instead project your anger onto others.

Stephen Armstrong, MA, EdS
Anger Therapist

Stephen Armstrong, MA, EdS

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 07960 - Nearby to Rahway.

Hurt, frustration, annoyance, irritability, disappointment....all can be experienced as anger. Gaining clarity about the sources of my frustration can lead me to a calmer and more satisfying life. My relationships do not thrive when anger is constantly present, so resolving these uncomfortable emotions can lead to a happier life. A therapist helps you achieve this.

Steven Sussman, Ph.D
Anger Therapist

Steven Sussman, Ph.D

Licensed NJ & NY Psychologist

In 07092 - Nearby to Rahway.

I believe children must first want to learn and perfect anger management. I have developed techniques to motivate the child or teen to develop a value system of respectful behavior toward others. Once this is achieved anger management skills can easily be obtained. Without a change in attitude and values, anger management training will fail because the child lacks the motivation to practice such techniques.

Sara Maurer, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Sara Maurer, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Diabetes Health Coach

In 10016 - Nearby to Rahway.

Many people don’t know that anger is a healthy emotion! We all feel angry from time to time. They key is learning how to manage our anger appropriately, so that it doesn’t impact our relationships or daily functioning. I have experience conducting group and individual treatment of anger management. This is a no-judgement zone and I’m here to help.

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Walter Matweychuk, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Rahway.

The benefit of my approach is that instead of getting angry you will learn how to think and react creatively so you are better able to find a way to prevail in the long run. People and life will sometimes do you in and obstruct you. However, you are rarely at your best when angry. It is your beliefs that lead to your self-defeating feelings of anger. I show how an angry response leads you to have far less leverage than if you felt healthy negative feelings like great annoyance, frustration, displeasure and disappointment. I teach you how to think about injustice, interference, and insult so that you stay in control of your reactions in order to creatively respond and ultimately prevail!

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Anger Therapist

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In 10012 - Nearby to Rahway.

We feel anger because we feel that something is not fair, something is not working out the way we thought it should, our boundaries have been crossed, or we feel we have been treated badly, or missed out. Anger can be frustrating if you don't know how to address the underlying issue. I specialize in helping those whose anger is related to social anxiety, isolation, bullying, harassment or lack of important social skills.

Dana Spada, PhD, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Dana Spada, PhD, LCSW


In 07722 - Nearby to Rahway.

Understanding one's own anger and feeling like you have a sense of control over it is a process. The first part is exploring the anger. Gaining a greater sense of where the anger is coming from, from its deepest roots, and how it is triggered. Recognizing what your anger is about and how it is triggered is they key to being able to achieve stability in your emotions and a sense of peace and calm.

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP
Anger Therapist

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 10001 - Nearby to Rahway.

Sometimes anger is a response to feeling misunderstood: you cannot believe that the other person does not see what is evident to you. At other times, anger is an expression of frustration because you cannot attain a goal or you are prevented (by others or by life situations) from reaching a desired landmark in your life. As a therapist, I will help you understand what is fueling your anger, and once you get a better sense of this, you will be able use emotional energy to deal with the underlying personal frustration instead of wasting it in staying angry.

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R
Anger Therapist

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11201 - Nearby to Rahway.

Anger is a normal feeling we all experience. In working with my clients I help them understand that feeling angry is not the issue it is what we do as a result of feeling angry. You will learn to recognize warning signs, identify your triggers, learn ways to better express the feeling of anger as well as how to managing it. You will come to realize that you have the power and control over your emotions and not the other way around.

Yasmine Saad, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Yasmine Saad, Ph.D.

Senior Clinical Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Rahway.

Anger is a natural reaction to a hurtful or threatening situation. When it becomes uncontrollable, constant, and extreme, unhealthy anger can wreak havoc on our lives. Some people can manage anger with self-taught techniques, reading materials, and other resources. Yet, anger management therapy is considered the most effective treatment option to address these anger issues and adopt healthy coping strategies to handle them when they arise.

Rebecca Mitchell, LCSW, MSEd, SIFI
Anger Therapist

Rebecca Mitchell, LCSW, MSEd, SIFI


In 10009 - Nearby to Rahway.

Anger is an important emotion, that often gets a bad reputation because it can cause us to behave in ways that are unsafe, out of control, and/or destructive. However, there is a difference between feeling angry, and acting inappropriately. Through anger management you will develop the ability to express your needs, wants and feelings in ways that are effective, and preserve your relationships with others.

Sheila Brown, MA, MHC-LP
Anger Therapist

Sheila Brown, MA, MHC-LP

Mental Health Counselor

In 10003 - Nearby to Rahway.

Anger is a universal emotion. Anger that results in aggressive behaviors, acting out, or is interfering with living a healthy lifestyle is problematic. I will help you learn techniques to manage your angry feelings by working with you in identifying and modifying the thoughts you have that lead to angry behavior. As a result, you will learn healthier ways of coping with the triggers of your anger, and experience healthier ways of being .

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 07101 - Nearby to Rahway.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Rahway, NJ.

Thank you for visiting our New Jersey page of anger counselors in Rahway, New Jersey who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Rahway is located in Union County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 3.90 square miles and a water area of 0.14 square miles.  The population of Rahway is 29,508 people with 10,858 households and a median annual income of $60,374. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Rahway, NJ

Generally Affordable

Therapists in Rahway are often within budget with some potential challenges for longer term commitments. Your mental health and well being are a top priority. If accessibility is a concern, ask your counselor about sliding scale fees or inquire about accepted insurance plans. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Rahway public health department.