Grief and Loss Counseling in Henderson, NC.

Therapy and bereavement services in Henderson, NC. Find real help with the right therapist.

Lauren Campbell, LCSW, PLLC
Grief Counselor

Lauren Campbell, LCSW, PLLC


In 27613 - Nearby to Henderson.

Grieving can be experienced in the death of someone you loved, or in a number of other areas including job transitions, moving, separation or break ups, having children, children leaving the home, or other ways as well. Major changes or transitions can be very difficult to cope with. I help people adjust to the different grieving stages, better understand them, and learn ways to heal from loss. Using the Kubler-Ross model as well as utilizing a person's supports and strengths, I will guide you through this journey to a place of acceptance and peace.

Louis A. Giordano, RhD, LPC, NCC, BCPCC
Grief Counselor

Louis A. Giordano, RhD, LPC, NCC, BCPCC

Doctor of Rehabilitation, Nationally Certified Counselor

In 27707 - Nearby to Henderson.

My clients benefit from grief and loss therapy from me due to my extensive personal experience with multiple, serial deaths I've experienced, which affords me unique insight and compassion toward others who are experiencing loss. Together with my extensive clinical training and 16 years experience have effectively helped my clients cope with their losses.

Katherine Walker, PhD
Grief Counselor

Katherine Walker, PhD

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

In 27587 - Nearby to Henderson.

I work regularly with clients coping with grief and loss, whether it is related to death of a partner or loved one, end of a relationship, loss of a job or important role, or loss of identity and previous life roles due to chronic pain and disability. I help clients struggling with grief and loss to make sense of their grief and help them to cope with their loss, learn how to move forward in their lives one day at a time in a way that helps them feel more whole, and restores some meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives.

Lisa Cloyd, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Lisa Cloyd, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 27703 - Nearby to Henderson.

Grief and loss may be a normal part of life, but that doesn't mean that it is simple or easy. One of the most important things to experience when grieving is someone who is willing and able to listen to you. Often, caring others are so overwhelmed that they don't know how to respond, leaving the grieving person feeling alone and possibly stuck. I will be here for you to walk through this journey with you, providing a listening ear and helping you explore what you need to only when you are ready in order to travel through the grief process in a health fashion.

Ross Kellogg, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Ross Kellogg, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Working through grief and loss can be confusing and feel isolating. With my approach, I can walk alongside you through the different stages of grief, help you identify the unique ways you are currently grieving now and will need to grieve in the future, and bring you back to a place of resolution regarding your loss. I'm available for free 20-minute phone consultations or by email to further discuss your needs, answer any questions you might have, and outline what the therapy process can look like for you.

Meredith Stokke, MC, NCC, LPC
Grief Counselor

Meredith Stokke, MC, NCC, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 27615 - Nearby to Henderson.

I specialize in treating grief and loss, and believe that counseling after losing a loved one can be a helpful, healthy and effective way to process feelings and work towards healing. I like to educate my clients about grief, because there are many misconceptions about grief. I walk with people through their pain and work hard to help them honor and memorialize their loved ones as they work hard to keep living their lives with purpose and value.

Eve Cribbs, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Eve Cribbs, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 27605 - Nearby to Henderson.

Clients with eating disorders must grieve the loss of their thin fantasy if they are to recover successfully. I challenge clients to address what beliefs they have long held about who they will be, how they will feel, what opportunities they will have and satisfaction they will achieve when they are thin. I ask them to reach for those things now, in the bodies they currently have instead of waiting until that day when they see themselves as "good enough". Believing that they must be thin to deserve good in their lives keeps them stuck . The willingness to grieve the thin fantasy allows them to offer a bit of what they really crave, unconditional love.

The Mindly Group, PLLC
Grief Counselor

The Mindly Group, PLLC

Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, and Marriage & Family Therapists

In 27615 - Nearby to Henderson.

Our Therapists & Counselors are trained in helping clients navigate grief and/or loss. We understand the difficulties associated with processing trauma and ensure our treatment approaches and goals are designed with the individual needs of the client. We believe the client is in control of their needs and we are here to guide them through the process.

Katherine Cato, M.A., LPC, CEAP
Grief Counselor

Katherine Cato, M.A., LPC, CEAP

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 27612 - Nearby to Henderson.

When you experience loss, it is normal to feel clumsy, confused, and overwhelmed or numb at times. Many people feel hopeless and worthless, and sometimes guilty and "left behind". My practice is focused on couples, and we often face our losses together as a couple. Counseling can help you learn how to be there for each other during your grieving. Counseling can help you if you desire to: Get the support you need to recover from loss. Identify the stages of grief and your progress through them. Find out what to expect, so you can stop wondering if your grief is "normal". Let go of painful guilt and shame about your losses, while building hope and renewed interest in your future.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Henderson, NC.

Thank you for visiting our North Carolina search of licensed grief specialists in Henderson.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Henderson right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Henderson is located in Vance County, North Carolina. It has a land area of 8.51 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Henderson is 15,271 people with 5,547 households and a median annual income of $23,904. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Henderson, NC

Difficult yet possible - ask your therapist

Committing to weekly sessions of therapy without insurance coverage or low cost options is very challenging for most people in Henderson. If this applies to you, please contact your counselor and ask about sliding scale options or inquire about insurance coverage. The good news is that there are options available to you to establish an effective relationship with a great therapist in Henderson. Your well being and health are important enough to make the best possible effort for. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Henderson public health department.