Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Odenton, MD.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Odenton, Maryland.

Elizabeth Nyang, Ed.D., LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Elizabeth Nyang, Ed.D., LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 20906 - Nearby to Odenton.

There are many things that cause us to feel uneasy or uncertain as we move through our daily activities. We may be worried that we will be late for work or may feel anxious about getting a job. Together we will look at ways to reduce stress and make changes to make life less complicated. Sometimes the level of anxiety always is very high and I will help you find interventions to reduce that feeling of being overwhelmed. We may be able to use cognitive behavioral techniques along with meditation and tai chi movements. All sessions will focus on helping you move toward a less stressful life.

Marsha Lucas, PhD
Anxiety Counselor

Marsha Lucas, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 20036 - Nearby to Odenton.

Everyone talks about stress and anxiety, but for many of us, it gets to be too much — interfering with work, sleep, relationships, health, or just being able to enjoy life. There are many options to help reduce the ways anxiety and stress "hijack" you, and to better manage and reduce your stressors. As a psychologist and a neuropsychologist, I'll work with you using the best strategies and practical ways for you to get past the obstacles that stress and anxiety can cause, making excellent use of the ways your brain and mind can shift your response to stress, and helping you move forward in your life with greater freedom and ease.

Rachel Beck, LCSW-C
Anxiety Counselor

Rachel Beck, LCSW-C


In 21210 - Nearby to Odenton.

Learning to manage your anxiety is possible and living a life in which your fears don't cripple you is within your grasp. Anxiety and stress does not need to control your life nor limit the things you want to do. My area of expertise is in helping people understand what anxiety is, where it comes from and how to keep it from ruling their lives. I can help you learn how to face your fears and gain power over them.

Wendy Berman, LCSW - C
Anxiety Counselor

Wendy Berman, LCSW - C

Clinical Social Worker

In 21208 - Nearby to Odenton.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Time of Need Counseling, LLC, MA, LCPC, Clinical Supervisor
Anxiety Counselor

Time of Need Counseling, LLC, MA, LCPC, Clinical Supervisor

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Supervisor

In 21228 - Nearby to Odenton.

Time of Need Counseling offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help clients who suffer from unhealthy anxiety. Anxiety effects mind and body. It can impact a person’s ability to function at work, school, in public places, and in social setting. Our counselors can assist you to identify ways to find relief from worry, social anxiety, phobias, and debilitating fear.

Ann Klein, LCSW-C, MSW
Anxiety Counselor

Ann Klein, LCSW-C, MSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist

In 21044 - Nearby to Odenton.

From time to time most of us will experience stress and anxiety. From a neuro-biological perspective, some of us are more prone to anxiety when we feel threatened or defensive. We together can use many strategies to lower the level of anxiety and work through the stress. Some of them include meditation and deep breathing, visualizing and 'anchoring' times you felt competent and have gotten though a stressful event successfully, writing journal of your experiences, using EMDR to visualize experiences in a different way changing your beliefs to positive ones.

Wayne Bullock, Psy.D., M.Ed.
Anxiety Counselor

Wayne Bullock, Psy.D., M.Ed.

Licensed Psychologist

In 20006 - Nearby to Odenton.

Anxiety takes many forms in life, and many activities in life that can be rewarding or meaning can also cause anxiety. When anxiety is too high, it inhibits us from living a life that feels full and worthwhile. Therapy can help you to understand the underlying dynamics of what contributes to feeling anxious and the sense of risk in engaging in your life in a more full way.

Stanley Tamale, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Stanley Tamale, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counseling

In 20746 - Nearby to Odenton.

Do you worry all the time that your mind finds it difficult to relax. Do feel overwhelmed stressed about life and all the challenges that come with it at times. Well, you are not alone. Counseling can help you learn new ways to manage and control emotions that cause you to worry. In a safe and non judgmental environment we can work together to develop copying skills to manage your anxiety.

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 21209 - Nearby to Odenton.

There is normal stress and anxiety and then there are levels which are far beyond what you imagine to be on that range. We live high-stress and fast-paced lives and it is understandable why we sometimes feel overwhelmed and highly stressed out. There is help available to assist you in calming your nerves and finding productive and safe methods for dealing with the many painful stressors around us.

C J Medearis, Th.D, Ph.D, D.D, Life Coach
Anxiety Counselor

C J Medearis, Th.D, Ph.D, D.D, Life Coach

An Innovative Theology Social-Psychologist

In 20066 - Nearby to Odenton.

As we all know stress is from anything in life and left undone, it will start bringing levels of anxiety. If we allow anxiety to grow unchecked it will start overwhelming us and can lead to a life "out of control". Here is one of my principles called "margins". A "margin" is when we give adequate space for the fluctuations of life. If you have put together a serious budget, it needs to have some room for the unexpected. When our "margins" are packed without room to adjust, we are headed for trouble. As we build "margins" with adequate space, we start experiencing rest, hope and joy. For we are not overwhelmed. One cannot have a "crises" management attitude. There is real hope.

Reginald Cunningham, EdD, LPC, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Reginald Cunningham, EdD, LPC, LCPC

Counseling Psychologist

In 20036 - Nearby to Odenton.

I can help you identify and address the thought and situations that are contributing to your anxiety. In a safe, supportive and nonjudgmental environment, you can work through difficult emotions and learn ways to gain more control over your thoughts and your life. In your counseling sessions, you can also develop more self-awareness, breathing techniques and other mindfulness-based stress reduction strategies to reduce anxiety and tension.As you develop more mindfulness, you can also begin to identify, examine and address any self-limiting behaviors or negative self-beliefs that keep you from coping effectively.

John Rhead, Ph.D., CGP
Anxiety Counselor

John Rhead, Ph.D., CGP

Licensed Psychologist

In 21044 - Nearby to Odenton.

Anxiety and stress stem from the perception that you are not up to whatever challenges life may present. I help people to take a closer look at the ways in which they think that they do not have the resources they need to meet life's challenges. Sometimes this involves finding strengths and resources inside yourself that you did not realize you had. Sometimes is involves having the courage to look for such strength inside yourself and to ask others (such as fellow members of a therapy group) to help you.

Dr. Beverly Wright, (D.Min.)
Anxiety Counselor

Dr. Beverly Wright, (D.Min.)

Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor

In 20006 - Nearby to Odenton.

Anxiety and stress go hand in hand. Anxiety is a customary reaction to a stressful situation. But, in some cases it becomes excessive and can cause sufferers to dread everyday situations. Stress is a reality for all of us. But, it does not have to overwhelm us. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to anxiety. Early traumatic experiences can also reset the body's normal fear-processing system so that it is hyper-reactive to stress. The goal would be to; rid the exaggerated worries and negative outcomes in unknown situations. I will counsel you on the many ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life, along with techniques to adjust your reaction to those factors.

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.
Anxiety Counselor

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.

Clinical Psychologist, Licensed in Maryland and Virginia

In 20910 - Nearby to Odenton.

There are at least four components to reducing anxiety. The first is to learn self-soothing techniques. the second is to become aware of the thoughts and images which are making you anxious and to deliberately choose other thoughts and images. The third is to discover and face what you are most afraid of. Sometimes, when there has been trauma, this fear is something that has already happened and from which you have not recovered. Often it is something out of your control, a fact of life, like death! We need to make peace with these, accept their reality and make the best of what we have. I have some excellent tools from hypnosis and a field of study called NLP to speed your progress.

Jack Tawil, MSW, LCSW-C
Anxiety Counselor

Jack Tawil, MSW, LCSW-C

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 21146 - Nearby to Odenton.

Lets face it - modern living can be stressful. We can experience anxiety and stress over many things - work, family, relationships. And sometimes we can feel we are going in circles - tyring our best to manage but ultimately coming back to the place of stress and anxiety - making us feel depleted. It may be hard to believe, but we can work together in therapy to help you break out of this cycle and get you to a place of greater calm and harmony. It takes committment but it is possible.

Paul Kelner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Anxiety Counselor

Paul Kelner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Certified Sex Addiction & Anger Management Therapist

In 21042 - Nearby to Odenton.

Many clients considering psychotherapy are dealing with two levels of anxiety and stress. The idea of consulting with a therapist can be stressful and anxiety provoking. Anxiety and stress can also be experienced when discussing issues of compulsive sexual behaviors, or anger issues, that one has not been successful in managing. I approach my psychotherapy practice with a non-judgmental, compassionate and respectful attitude. You will find a confidential and safe environment in which to discuss the difficult issues that have disrupted your personal and professional lives.

Jade Wood, MA, LMFT, MHSA
Anxiety Counselor

Jade Wood, MA, LMFT, MHSA


In 20036 - Nearby to Odenton.

Life can present you with difficult situations which are hard to process and move past. These challenges are not on your timeline and affect everything. Having worked in many healthcare settings, I am familiar navigating life-changing events and grief. I understand the territory of encountering loss, coping with trauma, the complexity of the medical system and living with illness. These issues can have ripple effects on your relationships, sense of self and perceptions of the world. I know how complex things can get, and I will support you during this process.

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC
Anxiety Counselor

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 21094 - Nearby to Odenton.

To help you manage your stress and anxiety symptoms, we start with understanding the nature and patterns of your symptoms in relation to environmental triggers, traumatic life events, and unhelpful thinking patterns that influence your daily perspective. Using a collaborative alliance, we will look for better ways to manage both your external stressors and internal reactions. A cognitive-behavioral approach offers practical methods to understand how thought patterns influence emotional reactions and behaviors. By redirecting and re-framing your thoughts with alternative thoughts, you can experience a reduction in unpleasant emotions and an increase in personal effectiveness.

Juliet Goozh, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Juliet Goozh, Ph.D.

Licenses Psychologist

In 21093 - Nearby to Odenton.

Let's face it. Life can be overwhelming and stressful at times. When your normal coping is no longer effective, that stress and anxiety can take over. The clinicians at GBCC are exemplarly and helping with anxiety. Our clinicians specialize in relaxation techniques that can help reduce overall stress and anxiety to help you get on to better living.

Laurel Fay, M.S., LCMFT
Anxiety Counselor

Laurel Fay, M.S., LCMFT

Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist

In 20910 - Nearby to Odenton.

Anxiety and stress seem to be everyone's typical standard way of life these days...but that doesn't make them any easier to deal with. Though they can certainly be linked, stress and anxiety can be very different, including the way they are treated. From everyday issues to healing from past traumas and losses, anxiety can steal your quality of life. The good news is that anxiety is one area that is particularly receptive to therapy and counseling - much can change in a short period of time with the right intervention and help.

Jeffrey Crouch, LCSW-C
Anxiety Counselor

Jeffrey Crouch, LCSW-C


In 21044 - Nearby to Odenton.

Are you a worrier or are you often nervous? Do you have panic attacks? I can help you feel calmer and more peaceful. I know that worry can be disabling in your life, but with help you can live free of worry. I use cognitive therapy as well as guided imagery to help you feel more grounded and living in the moment. I also use hypnosis which can help uncover your strengths.

Carol Corcoran, LCMFT, LMFT
Anxiety Counselor

Carol Corcoran, LCMFT, LMFT

Licensed Clinical Marrige & Family Therapist

In 21146 - Nearby to Odenton.

There are many stressors in life that can overtake us and leave us feeling scared, lonely and confused. Rather then being caught in the grip of anxiety, PTSD/trauma, or other types of anxiety, take the step forward to reach a new level of healing in a compassionate and comfortable environment with a supportive and knowledgeable therapist who can assist. Carol Corcoran, LCMFT, LMFT, EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist can help you release the fear that grips you. To learn more go to

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST
Anxiety Counselor

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

In 20009 - Nearby to Odenton.

Anxiety and stress are some of the most common concerns that clients bring to me in session. The constant worry of how to get everything done, while navigating a pandemic, in an ever-changing world can seem overwhelming at times. You are not alone. Whether you are looking for help with your daily challenges or feel like stress and anxiety are impacting your relationships, I can help. I look forward to working with you on ways to calm your mind and experience the peace you are looking for.

Keith Miller & Associates Counseling
Anxiety Counselor

Keith Miller & Associates Counseling

Psychotherapists, Psychiatrist, and Couples Counselors

In 20036 - Nearby to Odenton.

We are counselors that know how to help you with anxiety in its many forms. Our psychotherapy for anxiety and stress can be the relief you need. Anxiety comes in many forms and is not usually a welcome part of our life. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve how you respond to your anxiety so that you can enjoy life, be productive, have healthy relationships, and boost your creativity. Our psychotherapy for anxiety can help you discover your body’s natural relaxation response that you can learn to stimulate through regular practice until it becomes part of your memorized set-point.

Gabriel Newman, Ph.D., ABDA, BCIA
Anxiety Counselor

Gabriel Newman, Ph.D., ABDA, BCIA

Licensed Psychologist

In 21208 - Nearby to Odenton.

Trained in critical incident intervention, we can quickly address the stress induced by fresh trauma. But the other unique feature of our practice is the integration of newly developed devices that have proven track record at reducing anxiety, stress, and PTSD symptoms, treating neurons of the brain in more direct manner than 'talk therapy'. This has brought us very quick and dramatic outcomes of improvement in patients, from the very young to 'senior'.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Odenton, MD.

Thank you for visiting our Maryland page of stress therapists in Odenton, Maryland who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Odenton, MD will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Odenton is located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. It has a land area of 14.77 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Odenton is 38,787 people with 15,059 households and a median annual income of $94,428. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Odenton, MD

Very Affordable

Booking a weekly counseling session with a licensed therapist in Odenton is not a large financial issue for the majority of people in this area. Sustaining a commitment to mental health treatment is easily accessible for the average family, but ask your therapist if there are any concerns as many will accept insurance or even offer sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Odenton public health department.