Depression Counseling in Warrenville, IL.

Leading therapy for major depression, bipolar, postpartum depression, SAD and mood disorders in Warrenville, Illinois.

Catherine Papagiorgio, NCC, LCPC, CADC
Depression Counselor

Catherine Papagiorgio, NCC, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor / National Board Certified by NBCC

In 60005 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Learn and understand the complicated nature of depression, the biology as well as the emotional impact. Develop ways to help you access your strengths again, and see the world differently,A person with depression can suffer major depressive episodes that last for at least 2 weeks. These episodes include a depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities. Additional symptoms may include the following: Increased irritability, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, agitation or restlessness, fatigue and loss of energy, trouble thinking, making decisions or concentrating, disturbed sleep, such as insomnia, changes in appetite or weight, thoughts of self harm.

Althea Olson, Althea Olson, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Althea Olson, Althea Olson, LCSW

Psychotherapist, Author, Keynote Speaker

In 60544 - Nearby to Warrenville.

I've been treating depression and bipolar since 1996 and it is what I do best from chronic lifelong depression to a sad mood that is based on temporary circumstances. I am a constant researcher because I write for several columns a month and keynote speaker at conferences so I am up to date on the implementation of current evidence based therapies that produce results. I am also in an office with a psychiatrist and two psychiatric nurse practitioners if medication management is needed. We all work together providing continuity of care. I am also a top referral source for several local hospitals when a patient is discharged due to depression, bipolar, and anxiety disorders.

Christensen and Sons, LLC, One Family Serving Others
Depression Counselor

Christensen and Sons, LLC, One Family Serving Others

Erik Christensen, LCSW***Lloyd Christensen, MSW, LSW

In 60448 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect your thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. This depressed mood can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable or restless. You may have lose interest in activities that were once pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions, and may contemplate, attempt or commit suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive problems or reduced energy may also be present. Depressed mood is a feature of some psychiatric syndromes such as major depressive disorder, but it may also be a normal reaction to life events such as bereavement, a symptom of...(view profile to read more)

Katherine Harris, Ph.D
Depression Counselor

Katherine Harris, Ph.D

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 60542 - Nearby to Warrenville.

I use traditional cognitive behavioral (CBT) approaches and third-wave mindfulness based CBT approaches in the treatment of Depression. These are considered evidence-based treatments. Importantly, I conduct a thorough assessment of depression symptoms as part of my intake procedures to determine the best course of treatment. I then collaborate closely with my clients to develop their treatment plan.

Marianne Tomlinson, M.S. Ed., L.C.P.C.
Depression Counselor

Marianne Tomlinson, M.S. Ed., L.C.P.C.

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60510 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Are you struggling with depression? Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning? Have you lost interest in things you have liked to do in the past? Are you feeling down most of the time? Research shows that talk therapy can help get you back to living your life again. Together, we can work to come up with a plan to help you get back on the right track. For more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Donna Marie Desai, LCPC
Depression Counselor

Donna Marie Desai, LCPC

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

In 60154 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Research has shown that the most effective approach to depression is a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication (if appropriate). I provide compassionate support for the painful challenges of depression while teaching you to develop effective coping strategies including the ability to lessen negative thinking and increase their enjoyment of daily life. If you are taking or want to try anti-deprresants, I can help with medication management. I also help family members of those with depression manage the stress it causes them as well as learn to use effective approaches to support their relative.

Home Psych Services, P.C., Psy.D.
Depression Counselor

Home Psych Services, P.C., Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist / Company President

In 60521 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Home Psych Services, P.C. provides comprehensive behavioral health treatment for depression involving evaluation, psychotherapy, and, when appropriate, medication management. Because our services are delivered in your home, we are in a unique position to assess the triggers of your depression which are often related to factors within the home enviornment such as family tension, financial hardship, or struggles to maintain independence. Our treatment approach targets depression at its source utilizing solution-focused practices to get the best outcome in treating your problems.

Inspire Therapy, LCPC
Depression Counselor

Inspire Therapy, LCPC

Professional Counselors

In 60403 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Some of the benefits in seeking counseling for depression are: Improved mood Increase in seeking out things that make you feel good Replacing negative thought patterns Help in recognizing when the depression started and treating the root cause Help in recognizing daily stressors that can contribute to the depression Can help with motivation to achieve goals

Cheryl Frost, MA,LCPC,NCC,CH
Depression Counselor

Cheryl Frost, MA,LCPC,NCC,CH

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60439 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning. Reaching out for help is a step towards wellness. Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but it is a very treatable condition. Therapy for depression helps you overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair and to gain control of your life.

Paul McNulty, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Paul McNulty, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 60108 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression is frequently referred to as the common cold of mental health issues. Everyone experiences difficulties in life from time to time but when normal grief, stress,work, family issues or other stressors become overwhelming depression can set in causing individuals very serious symptoms and struggles including, decreased energy/motivation, alienation from relationships, feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, poor concentration and at worst no longer wanting to go on with life. The good news is there is help available. When dealing with depression it is important to be able to talk about the struggle but we will also give you strategies and tools to relieve your distress.

Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services, PLLC
Depression Counselor

Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services, PLLC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

Isolation feeds depression and then also becomes a breeding ground for negative thought patterns. In session, we challenge those thought processes and take baby steps towards leaving isolation, hopelessness, and helplessness. As your therapist, we do not want you to be alone; we will work to develop skills and techniques that benefit you and that challenge the fog that you may feel that you are stuck in. These skills and techniques are practiced in session and often suggested that it be continued to be practiced outside of session. Then, we regroup, process, and re-strategize as needed.

Diane Goodman, Psy.D.
Depression Counselor

Diane Goodman, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 60134 - Nearby to Warrenville.

People may medicate their depression with TV, alcohol, food, isolation, or excessive sleep. One definition of depression is "anger turned inward." Talking with a psychologist is one of the best methods to understand your down moods, unusual thoughts, and self-defeating beliefs. Friends may say, "Get over it" about your jealousy toward your sister or your sadness over your girlfriend who texted "it's over" 3 months ago. If you are on medication for already-diagnosed depression, therapy is important to bring new ideas into your brain. If you are considering medication, start with talk therapy. Don't keep waiting for "it" to go away. What's at the bottom of your depression?

Thomas Heroldt, MA, LCPC, CADC
Depression Counselor

Thomas Heroldt, MA, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60174 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Making sure that if the depression is chemical in nature is very important to get a medical/psychiatric evaluation. Many of symptoms of depression stem from unresolved self esteem issues and early childhood issues. Changing the way we self talk and how we view self and who we operate in the world can change our mood state. Being more aware of the cognitive nature of ones perceptions allow the individual make significant changes in how they feel.

Kari Hunter, LMFT, LCPC
Depression Counselor

Kari Hunter, LMFT, LCPC

Psychotherapist, Relationship Specialist, Discernment Counselor

In 60542 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been identified as the treatment of choice for depression. Whether you are on medication or not, CBT strategies can offer relief from the heavy weight of depressive symptoms. Kari's clients gain an understanding of what makes someone vulnerable to depression, how to increase motivation, energy, and positive mood. They will learn how to react to difficult situations with control and composure and better combat depressive tendencies in the future. Because teens display depression differently than adults, parents are often unsure about their son/daughter. Kari will provide an assessment and if necessary, a plan for effective treatment.

Jennifer Froemel, MA, LCPC
Depression Counselor

Jennifer Froemel, MA, LCPC

Counselor, MA, LCPC

In 60546 - Nearby to Warrenville.

From mild to severe, the levels of sadness or depression that may color your world can be oppressive. We can help you understand the complicated nature of your own sadness or depression, including both the bio-chemical aspects as well as the emotional impact. Through this understanding, we develop a plan with you to access your strengths again, and see the world differently.

Corey Weir, LCPC, CADC
Depression Counselor

Corey Weir, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor

In 60187 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression can be debilitating. Dealing with loss of energy, difficulty concentrating, hopelessness, feeling worthless, low mood, and overall difficulty dealing with the day to day can be a symptom of depression. Through counseling I can help provide you relief from depression. I will help you identify ways your thinking is impacting your mood and offer your tools to help correct your thinking. I will also teach you new ideas/concepts that will help you make changes to your thinking and mood.

Ralph Whetstine, Psy.D., ACHT
Depression Counselor

Ralph Whetstine, Psy.D., ACHT

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 60007 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depressive symptoms can stem from a variety of sources in an individual’s life usually reflecting a sense of loss. While medications can be helpful, it’s the behavioral symptoms associated with depression that can leave a lingering impact even after the depressive symptoms have stated to improve. Being pulled into depressive experiences over and over reflects both habits that can be difficult to break and/or subconscious issues that have yet to be addressed. Through processes such as hypnotherapy that address the whole person, we are able to capture a wider range of challenges and help the individual to regain the ground lost to he depressive illness.

Dr. Jessica Swenson, PhD, LCPC, CCTP, SOTP, CMHIP
Depression Counselor

Dr. Jessica Swenson, PhD, LCPC, CCTP, SOTP, CMHIP


In 60540 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression can leave you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. It can be hard to complete simple tasks, go to work or care for ourselves; being overloaded with thoughts has zapped your energy. But, there's hope for a way out through therapy. I utilize Cognitive and dialectical behavior therapies, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, and person centered therapy to help you overcome the internal battle that keeps you from getting better.

Regina Rogers, LCPC, NCC, BCC
Depression Counselor

Regina Rogers, LCPC, NCC, BCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60504 - Nearby to Warrenville.

People who struggle with depression often report feeling overwhelmed with life or less interested in activities. They struggle with maintaining focus and have difficulty in interpersonal relationships. While there are many types of therapy for the treatment of depression, today, most people with depression can be treated successfully with antidepressant medications, “talk” therapy (psychotherapy), or a combination of the two. Talk therapy is effective because it helps you to understand and work through the root of depression, helping you to identify patterns of thinking and behaving that underlie personal difficulties. With therapy, you will be able to live in accordance with your values.

Merrisa Dawn Santos, MA, LPC, NCC, CTMHP, CCTP
Depression Counselor

Merrisa Dawn Santos, MA, LPC, NCC, CTMHP, CCTP

Licensed Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

In my psychotherapy practice, I support patients with chronic, mild, and severe depression by creating a compassionate and non-judgmental space. I use an integrative approach, combining cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and other evidence-based techniques to address negative thought patterns and behaviors. My goal is to help patients develop coping strategies, build resilience, and find a renewed sense of purpose and hope, ultimately improving their overall well-being and quality of life.

Donald Olund, MA, LCPC, NCC
Depression Counselor

Donald Olund, MA, LCPC, NCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60521 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression is an intruder. It gets in the way of personal happiness and pursuits. Depression also interferes in interpersonal relationships. So how do you deal with this intruder? Either you manage depression or it manages you. I assist my clients in developing coping strategies to manage depression so that it is less intrusive. Using modified thinking and acting strategies, individuals report improved mood and energy. I often hear my clients report, "I feel like myself again!"

Sharon Depowski, LCSW, CADC
Depression Counselor

Sharon Depowski, LCSW, CADC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Alcohol/Drug Counselor

In 60181 - Nearby to Warrenville.

I think that my most important technique is to assist individuals in recognizing that depression is a condition and is not a form of laziness; many individuals have expressed a sense of relief as others have encouraged them to "just get over it". I utilize a combination of support and encouragement, including discussions of successes and challenges. I strongly discourage the use of the word "should" and any judgmental language. In addition, I believe that there is no specific time table for recovery, and that each individual is unique in their recovery.

Debra K. Hirschberg, Hope Reins
Depression Counselor

Debra K. Hirschberg, Hope Reins

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 60118 - Nearby to Warrenville.

You may have found that pushing through hard days just isn't working anymore. Maybe it is hard to get out of bed or experience joy as you once did . We use a grace based approach to find positive and healthy solutions to manage your overwhelming feelings so that you can find your energy and purpose. We will look at your life holistically to determine if there are health problems or biochemical reasons for your depression. We want you to be free of shame so you can develop a healthy sense of self worth, competence so you can experience joy and hope!

Camille Williams, MA, NCC, LCPC
Depression Counselor

Camille Williams, MA, NCC, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60555 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression can be paralyzing and make it challenging to have the motivation to take care of daily life activities. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can provide insight to your emotions and help with identify values that you want to live by. We can work together to not allow depressive symptoms to determine how you live your life. We will identify commitments that will build positive experiences and decrease depressive symptoms. The first step and often the most difficult is making an appointment and coming in for your first session, and you will begin feeling better once you do!

Bruce Christensen, Ph. D.
Depression Counselor

Bruce Christensen, Ph. D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 60067 - Nearby to Warrenville.

Depression is seen by some as a biochemical imbalance that is genetically transferred to the individual and can only be treated through medication. This might be part of the picture, but also a depressive, negative style of thinking can result in changes in the brain that bring about this unhealthy biochemical imbalance - and psychological treatment can change the thinking style that leads to this imbalance, rendering the individual to be free of reliance on medication and overall improved life that lasts on it's own merits.

You Have Found The Best Therapists for Depression and Mood Issues in Warrenville, IL.

Are you ready to experience new freedom? Thank you for visiting our Illinois search of licensed therapists in Warrenville who specialize in helping people overcome sadness, treat major depression and mood disorders such as bipolar, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Feeling down, lonely, and depressed can affect us at any station in life. Sometimes the cause may be physiological (such as hormonal or due to medication), it may be emotional, environmental, psychological or any combination of the above. Counseling for recovery and restoration from depression by a top rated therapist in Warrenville will help you climb back up and start living your dreams again.

Warrenville is located in DuPage County, Illinois. It has a land area of 5.42 square miles and a water area of 0.15 square miles.  The population of Warrenville is 13,317 people with 4,904 households and a median annual income of $75,517. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Warrenville, IL

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Warrenville for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Warrenville public health department.