Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Clarendon Hills, IL.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Clarendon Hills, Illinois.

Dr. Jessica Swenson, PhD, LCPC, CCTP, SOTP, CMHIP
Anxiety Counselor

Dr. Jessica Swenson, PhD, LCPC, CCTP, SOTP, CMHIP


In 60540 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

In anxiety and stress treatment, the first goal is to reduce your discomfort. Anxiety and Stress cause real physiological symptoms; a day of anxiety can result in feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. By addressing the events that trigger you, negative thoughts and reactive behaviors that are intertwined anxiety and stress, you can expect a quick reduction of symptoms while making pathways to new positive behaviors and reactions. Longer term, you'll learn to be aware of your triggers and stop anxiety before it starts; you'll work to achieve inner peace and reduce your stress with new self-care actions.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 60440 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

Christensen and Sons, LLC, One Family Serving Others
Anxiety Counselor

Christensen and Sons, LLC, One Family Serving Others

Erik Christensen, LCSW***Lloyd Christensen, MSW, LSW

In 60448 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Have you ever wished your favorite superhero could save you from you stress and anxiety. We can help you become your own stress busting superhero. Everyone has the power to reduce the impact of stress as it is happening in the moment. We can help you take control and identify stressors before the pressure builds and effects your life. Stress can hurt you mentally and physically. Do not put offer learning how to manage your stress.

Sheldon Isenberg, LCSW, BCD
Anxiety Counselor

Sheldon Isenberg, LCSW, BCD

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board Certified Diplomate

In 60540 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

I personally have suffered from anxiety and come from a family where anxiety was a pervasive undertow. I know how anxiety can dominate a life and stress the lives of others. Medications may have been tried and and medical services utilized and proven not enough. In counseling I work with my clients individually, sometimes together with a spouse, in a conversational manner to get at the thought patterns contributing to stress and anxiety. Helping the client to get to the base of their anxiety, how they are stressing themselves out in their given life situation and how specifically to change these entrenched patterns is my goal. Referrals are made for other forms of help as necessary,

Camille Williams, MA, NCC, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Camille Williams, MA, NCC, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60555 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety and stress are a normal part of life, but are problematic when it interferes with your ability to function well. Therapy can provide psycho-education and an understanding of how you experience anxiety and stress in order to best manage it. Physical symptoms, emotional distress, and thought rumination are common aspects of anxiety and stress and we can begin to relieve and treat each of these through therapeutic approaches.

Janet Wichmann, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Janet Wichmann, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60611 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety and stress counseling benefit by sorting through those parts of your life that are unsettling or overwhelming. Anxiety is based on fears, whether conscious or unconscious that counseling discusses in order to understand, problem solve and make peace with. I also teach Breathing lessons to reduce stress from my practice as a yoga teacher.

James McClymonds, Psy.D., HSPP
Anxiety Counselor

James McClymonds, Psy.D., HSPP

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 60606 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Are you feeling overwhelmed from stress and anxiety? Is it getting in the way of your work, personal life, and even relationships? The good news is that therapy can help. When you see me for therapy, we will identify events contributing to your stress and anxiety and create a plan together to cope with them so that you can get back to enjoying your life again. Give me a call today for a free consultation and we can put together a preliminary plan over the telephone.

Inspire Therapy, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Inspire Therapy, LCPC

Professional Counselors

In 60403 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Some of the benefits in seeking therapy for anxiety and stress: Ability to reduce physical symptoms that come along with anxiety Learning coping skills to use as soon as you start feeling the anxiety or even mid panic attack Learning various relaxation techniques to over come stress Learn various types of meditation to relax the body Learn various types of breathwork to calm the nervous system

Merrisa Dawn Santos, MA, LPC, NCC, CTMHP, CCTP
Anxiety Counselor

Merrisa Dawn Santos, MA, LPC, NCC, CTMHP, CCTP

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 60618 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

In my psychotherapy practice, I offer a compassionate and supportive environment for addressing anxiety and stress. My approach combines cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness, and personalized strategies to help patients manage symptoms effectively. Through our work together, patients gain tools to reduce anxiety, enhance coping skills, and improve overall well-being. The benefits of my anxiety and stress treatment include increased resilience, better emotional regulation, and a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Paula Mathiasen, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Paula Mathiasen, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60004 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

I work with anxiety and stress using a cognitive behavioral approach. The goal is to help the client learn that they can manage their anxiety and stress. This is done through gaining insight into their perception and thinking around the circumstances causing them stress. We also work to help them reduce the anxiety through physical activity including exercise and relaxation. Combining the thought process with the physical component work well in reducing anxiety and stress.

Emily Pagone, M.S., L.C.P.C.
Anxiety Counselor

Emily Pagone, M.S., L.C.P.C.

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60563 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, I will help you learn strategies to manage the stress while helping you process and work through these experiences. It is my goal to fully understand you and grasp how this impacts your life; I work to integrate each biopsychosocial aspect of your experience when working through anxiety and stress. I will provide you guidance and support while empowering you to overcome these obstacles and helping you growing from them.

Jens Hussey, LCPC, CADC
Anxiety Counselor

Jens Hussey, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor & Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor

In 60602 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety is miserable but it's also one of the easier things to treat in therapy. Whether you are stressed out and worried about "everything" or if your anxiety has a compulsive side to it I can help. I enjoy working with anxious people because there is a lot of energy that can get channeled towards fast improvement. I initially approach anxiety work from a cognitive side as to how the thought processes generate the anxiety. Understanding the emotions underneath the anxiety is an important part of the process as well. I work with generalized anxiety (worriers), OCD, social anxiety, and specific anxieties. Believe it or not - anxiety work can actually be fun and there's often a lot of laughs.

Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services, PLLC
Anxiety Counselor

Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services, PLLC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

Anxiety can go by many names - fear, shyness, worry, etc. It can be a functional part of life when it is managed, but when it is not, it can be detrimental to your sense of security. We explore what may be feeding you anxiety and try to help you break unhealthy associations. In doing so, we promote self-confidence, self-compassion, and resilience. Oftentimes and over time, it is a surprise to see how much you have overcome.

Thomas Heroldt, MA, LCPC, CADC
Anxiety Counselor

Thomas Heroldt, MA, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60174 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety and fear comes in many forms yet stems from living a life in the future not the present. Walking through what the fear might be helps the client become strong face what life in the present has in store for them. Focusing not he here and now eliminates many fears and anxieties. Understanding if brain chemistry is playing a significant role in the intense sometimes out of control emotions will need to be determined before effective psychotherapy can be utilized.

Regina Rogers, LCPC, NCC, BCC
Anxiety Counselor

Regina Rogers, LCPC, NCC, BCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60504 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Clients seeking therapy for anxiety and stress can benefit from cognitive treatment which aims at changing thinking patterns to ease symptoms and promote positive insight. With cognitive therapy, you will learn to model healthier behaviors and ways of thinking to help change the perception of issues/situations that cause anxiety and stress. The goal of this therapy is for you to gain the ability to differentiate negative or overwhelming thoughts from healthy thoughts to prevent future self-depreciating feelings. Therapy can also help you to assess your need for any anti-anxiety medication to assist with symptom reduction.

Corey Weir, LCPC, CADC
Anxiety Counselor

Corey Weir, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor

In 60187 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety and Stress are one of my primary specialties. Anxiety and stress can affect all aspects of your life. My approach to counseling is down to earth, supportive, and informative. I will help you gain insights and teach you new coping skills. My goal is to provide you relief from your suffering. Counseling is a proven way to help manage anxiety and stress. Seeking a new therapist can be stressful and anxiety provoking. I strive to make the process as frustration free as possible. If you have any questions before making an appointment I would be more than happy to answer them.

Kari Hunter, LMFT, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Kari Hunter, LMFT, LCPC

Psychotherapist, Relationship Specialist, Discernment Counselor

In 60134 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Worry is a normal reaction to everyday stress and traumatic life events. Some ways of coping will reduce your discomfort. However, you may be one of the millions who experience anxiety to such a degree that it impairs your functioning at home, work or school. Left unchecked, anxiety will affect your overall quality of life. CBT, Mindfulness, and Exposure Therapy are proven methods for dealing social or performance anxiety, nightmares and sleep fears, intrusive negative thoughts, or OCD. Kari can assist you, your child or adolescent, in controlling anxiety and achieving relief from the mental and physical symptoms that can be debilitating.

Home Psych Services, P.C., Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Home Psych Services, P.C., Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist / Company President

In 60521 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Home Psych Services, P.C. provides expert evaluation and treatment of Anxiety and Stress Related Disorders. We will help you to sort through the triggers of your anxiety and stress and work on targeted solutions to these problems. We use a step-by-step approach built on evaluation, education, and skill building to help you overcome your problems.

Paul McNulty, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Paul McNulty, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 60108 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Do you long for relationships with others but are afraid to take risks because of how you might be perceived? Do you avoid people, places or experiences? Is your life feeling more constrained and difficult to enjoy things you once experienced. If so you may be dealing with something commonly known as an Anxiety Disorder. Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. It is a normal feeling that we are born with to keep us safe from danger. The problem is when anxiety levels b/c elevated it can be very debilitating and keep people from a full life. Approximately 25% of the population experiences elevated levels of anxiety and there is help. Contact us to set up a consultation.

Marianne Tomlinson, M.S. Ed., L.C.P.C.
Anxiety Counselor

Marianne Tomlinson, M.S. Ed., L.C.P.C.

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60510 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Is fear stopping you from living your life? Anxiety can be overwhelming. However, it is possible to learn to understand your anxiety and learn to how to get out from under its effects. You can gain control over your anxiety! I will help you learn to relax your body and calm your mind. Together, we can figure out what is triggering your anxiety and relieve it's gripping effect on your life. For information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Diane Goodman, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Diane Goodman, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 60134 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Like some caffeine, some anxiety can motivate people to meet deadlines or complete tasks. Also, as stress seems to be an integral part of our lives, people often say some stress is vital to keep us stimulated or successful. But what if the anxiety and stress you feel seems to be hurting not helping you? Maybe you can't fall asleep or you bite your nails? Perhaps you often interrupt others or get overwhelmed when starting a project? Certainly, medication is a possibility. However, talking with a psychologist is a necessity.

Cheryl Frost, MA,LCPC,NCC,CH
Anxiety Counselor

Cheryl Frost, MA,LCPC,NCC,CH

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 60439 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Althea Olson, Althea Olson, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Althea Olson, Althea Olson, LCSW

Psychotherapist, Author, Keynote Speaker

In 60544 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Anxiety is an obstacle that keeps people from moving towards their goals and dreams. Anxiety hinders relationships, career opportunities, dreams, and keeps people from being successful. I believe in order to get through anxieties one must change their "yes but" language to "yes and" so that opportunities begin to present themselves. The biggest regrets in life are generally now what we have done, but what we didn't do. I believe it is never too late to do the next right thing. Using evidence based modalities of CBT, ACT, and DBT interventions, I can assist you in moving past the anxiety and back to the life you desire.

Craig Mead, LCSW, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Craig Mead, LCSW, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 60661 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Stress and anxiety are a natural result of the increasing complexity of the world and our individual lives. Many have stressful high high-demand jobs that leave us exhausted at the end of the day. We're also inundated with constant media stimulation that offers a distraction but contributes to overstimulation, burnout, and overwhelm. This chronic stress often leads to depressive episodes. I help clients learn how to manage their stress and anxiety better and reduce overwhelm. We'll work on reducing chronic worry and mental distress while improving overall wellness. You'll learn how anxiety affects the body and what makes anxiety worse. We'll focus on finding practical solutions to reduce distress

Catherine Papagiorgio, NCC, LCPC, CADC
Anxiety Counselor

Catherine Papagiorgio, NCC, LCPC, CADC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor / National Board Certified by NBCC

In 60005 - Nearby to Clarendon Hills.

Learn how to relieve stress. Gain the coping skills you need to handle stress, create balance, and negotiate problem solving behavior. By understanding how your body works, you will be better prepared to deal with your anxiety. You will also be able to be proactive and take the best course of action to you manage both the physical and emotional symptoms.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Clarendon Hills, IL.

Thank you for visiting our Illinois page of stress therapists in Clarendon Hills, Illinois who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Clarendon Hills, IL will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Clarendon Hills is located in DuPage County, Illinois. It has a land area of 1.79 square miles and a water area of 0.01 square miles.  The population of Clarendon Hills is 8,676 people with 3,216 households and a median annual income of $105,720. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Clarendon Hills, IL

Very Affordable

Booking a weekly counseling session with a licensed therapist in Clarendon Hills is not a large financial issue for the majority of people in this area. Sustaining a commitment to mental health treatment is easily accessible for the average family, but ask your therapist if there are any concerns as many will accept insurance or even offer sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Clarendon Hills public health department.