Grief and Loss Counseling in Los Altos Hills, CA.

Therapy and bereavement services in Los Altos Hills, CA. Find real help with the right therapist.

Jason Esswein, M.S., LMFT
Grief Counselor

Jason Esswein, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 95051 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief, if left blocked, can be a significant drain on our energy. It is possible (and common) to move at such a fast pace through life that we are completely unaware of unprocessed feelings. When sadness, loss, and regret are identified, expressed, and released we reclaim our vitality and improve self-esteem. Another benefit of this process is improvement in our relationships. I provide a safe, comfortable environment to explore these issues.

Suzanne Greene, JD, MA, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Suzanne Greene, JD, MA, LMFT

Psychotherapist, LMFT

Available for Online Therapy

I am a Certified Advanced Grief Specialist. Grief is a natural process following a meaningful loss and it can influence physical, emotional, behavioral & spiritual aspects of our lives. Grief is most associated with the death of a loved one, but also occurs with the loss of a pet, job, relationship, and changes in your health. People cope with grief in a variety of ways. The intensity and duration of grieving differs between individuals. Therapy is a safe place to express & explore your feelings. I will help you learn to cope and transform your pain into healthier ways of meaning and remembrance. Through therapy you will find permission to live your life and develop connection again.

Christi Lindsay, PsyD
Grief Counselor

Christi Lindsay, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Available for Online Therapy

When we lose someone we love, it feels like we have lost a part of ourselves. Something within us has been torn out, leaving a hole that we easily imagine will never heal. The pain can be profound, the feelings of helplessness, or regret, or guilt overwhelming. Having a partnership where you can talk through these feelings can make a huge difference not only in how quickly and how well you are able to move through the process of grieving, but also how you ultimately are able to frame the experience and your memories of the person lost into the narrative of your own self and life as you move forward. What you carry with you afterward is just as important as surviving the hurt of the loss.

Brian Jones, AMFT
Grief Counselor

Brian Jones, AMFT

Brian La Roy Jones, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Grief and loss comes in all forms, from the death of a pet, to moving, to the loss of a dream, to the death of a child or spouse, and more. My clients discover grief and loss are a process (which includes: shock/disbelief, anger, blaming, depression/sadness, bargaining, and denial), and how to move through that process to an increased state of acceptance. As their state of acceptance increases, my clients experience an increase in forgiveness, healing, freedom and hope for the present and future. My clients see how they can begin to feel good about their life and future again.

Carol Jaron, MS, MFT, CHT
Grief Counselor

Carol Jaron, MS, MFT, CHT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 94401 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Sometimes you might feel like you are searching for how to heal from grief and loss in relationships, times of your life, or getting past an old way of being. I am here to help you get through times that might be confusing and seem unmanageable, and transform them into a more soothing and supported experience. It can be difficult with others telling you just to get over it, or move on, as well as if people you want understanding from distance themselves. The best part of this is to know how to approach loved ones about these issues and how to be comforted and fully alive within yourself! Allow me assist you with your grieving or transitional process, and things can feel manageable again.

Verna Nelson, MA, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Verna Nelson, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 95032 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grieving is a very personal experience and we all experience it differently and for different amounts of time. It helps to have someone you can share your experience of confusion, numbness, loss, relief or pain with who won't judge you, or tell you to "get over it." I work with people who are grieving the loss of a spouse, friend, or family member to death, Alzheimer's, chronic pain or addiction. The loss of a child who goes to college, the service, or moves out of the area is a grievous loss that almost no one understand who hasn't experienced it. I listen and we reflect on the times you have lost people and places that were precious to you, and you move towards acceptance, life and hope.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 94023 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of grief & loss through the lens of innovation----instead of growing the same neural networks responsible for the pain in weekly therapy sessions, we reset the brain to move forward quicker and efficiently by working on the stuck limbic system so as to empower the person with more success and traction. For no one wants to stay in a grief mode for too long; but when you don’t include the brain in your work with someone, you risk describing the water to them while they drown and calling it success. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Sean Sprigle, LPCC
Grief Counselor

Sean Sprigle, LPCC

Licensed professional clinical counselor

Available for Online Therapy

Grief can be a difficulty beast to manage, a beast which can surface at any moment without warning and often comes in waves. When I’ve been grieving I’ve felt like I was in an emotional pong ball. With the aid of tools like EMDR CBT and guided visualizations I can help you to heal and leave the pain, loss, and grief in the past while holding on to the happy memories. Additionally, I can provide tools, coping skills, and other resources to help you manage this particular issue.

Robin Bates-Pualuan, MS, LMFT, LPCC
Grief Counselor

Robin Bates-Pualuan, MS, LMFT, LPCC

Marriage & Family Therapist, Professional Clinical Counselor

In 95008 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Loss is painful. Some losses hurt, but we're able to move past them. Some losses hit harder and we can get stuck in the sadness or anger or a sense of un-reality. We all experience loss during our lives, and all losses affect our sense of self to some degree. If you are struggling with grief that has knocked you off balance, together we can honor what you lost and discover ways for you to continue forward with a new reality.

Lauren Hadley, MA, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Lauren Hadley, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 95136 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

When experiencing a loss, having the support of a compassionate and understanding therapist can be very helpful. I can support you through the difficult experience of grief by helping you gain insight into your unique grief experience, and by supporting you in increasing your access to your own set of internal coping mechanisms and external tools. You deserve compassionate support during this difficult time.

Doreen Maxwell MFT and Associates Experiential Psychotherapy, MFT, CHT
Grief Counselor

Doreen Maxwell MFT and Associates Experiential Psychotherapy, MFT, CHT

Marriage & Family Therapists, Certified Hakomi Psychotherapy

In 95032 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

I know personally how painful grief and loss can be. Also, my studies and my work at Hospice, counseling people in grief, showed me the many facets of this journey. Whether a loved one has passed, or you are going through divorce, change of home or career, a major loss presents big challenges. You may very well face day to day difficulties like low energy, foggy thinking, overwhelming feelings, physical pain, and changing relationships. I can help you navigate these challenging days and weeks and months. Your journey through your grieving can ultimately be a blessing in your growth, self understanding, and in the expansion of your loving heart.

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP
Grief Counselor

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP

WELL COACHED LIFE| Individuals | Couples | Youth

In 94022 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief is hard. Grief is natural. Animals grieve. Grief is something we feel deep in our bodies and can be disorienting and destabilizing. Grief brings up questions about who we are, the world, the existence or goodness of God, and purpose and futility of life. Dealing with grief, especially when the loss is traumatic and unexpected, requires a slow and tender space to allow the grief to move through our body and to settle in our hearts with warmth and memory. I am here to help you grieve the loss of your loved one, experience, health , future or even your beloved pet. .

Janice Shapiro, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Janice Shapiro, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 95008 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief and Loss Therapy is one of my specialties. I will help you all the way through, until you can remember your loved one with fond memories. We often get stuck in our grief and can't get to the point of fond memories. I will gently and compassionately guide you through. Just remember, no one grieves in the same way. Anyway you grieve is normal and natural as long as you do it your way.

Julie Herman, MFT
Grief Counselor

Julie Herman, MFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 95070 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

In grief and loss therapy with me, you will learn to identify, feel, and let go of past losses so that you can live more fully in the present. By processing unresolved grief, you will be able to achieve more consistent happiness and a deeper level of satisfaction within yourself and in your relationships. Learning with me about your own unique path through the grief process will help you to get more quickly through the experience of loss in the future as well as to do so with more peace. I will also teach you valuable skills so that you can stay more current and comfortable emotionally even after completing therapy. Call me with any questions or to schedule an initial appointment.

Annette Barnett, MA, AMFT 119490
Grief Counselor

Annette Barnett, MA, AMFT 119490

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

In 95112 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Free 30 minute zoom call - Grief & Loss are normal experiences in life. Yet, they are often overwhelming - combining experiences of sadness, fear, anxiety, surprise & disorientation, frustration, worry, loneliness, confusion & more. Grief is truly not meant to be experienced alone. The guidance of a caring therapist as well as the support of loving, friends, family & community is invaluable and truly needed. Grief takes time, comes in waves and needs expression in multiple ways, through tears, writing, talking and the help of a grief counselor.

Lauren Miller, AMFT 116374
Grief Counselor

Lauren Miller, AMFT 116374

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

In 95070 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

The healing process for grief and loss first begins with allowing your grief to fully be expressed. Within the safety of the therapeutic relationship, you will be accompanied on your journey through mourning the loss of your loved one. Sitting with the emotional pain of grief will support self-expression and meaning making. The grieving process allows for transformation: new awareness of life, reality, interconnectedness, wholeness, and gratitude. Therapy will help you be more fully present in your life and your relationships.

Eileen Goldman, MA MFT
Grief Counselor

Eileen Goldman, MA MFT

Liscensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 95030 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief and Loss come in many forms and symptoms can sometimes mimic other issues like depression/anxiety. We can carry grief about many things; the relationships we desperately longed for with our parent, children, partners that never materialized, the betrayal of our bodies as we age or deal with disability, loss of a loved one, pet, or dream. Working through grief is its own very personal journey. My experience working with Bereaved families with Hospice and my own personal losses help inform my approach with clients to deal with their own grief and mourning.

Barbara Pannoni, M.A., LMFT
Grief Counselor

Barbara Pannoni, M.A., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 94024 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief and loss can take many forms in our lives. If you have lost a loved one to death, divorce, addiction or estrangement, the pain can be intense and disorienting. Other forms of loss such as disability, loss of health, infertility, infidelity, loss of faith or the loss of a lifelong dream can also leave us reeling and grieving. Loss is very personal. While others may not understand what you're going through, I will respect your experience and walk through it with you for as long as it takes.

Nancy Wesson, Ph.D. MFT
Grief Counselor

Nancy Wesson, Ph.D. MFT

Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor

In 94043 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

I am a caring presence as a psychologist during the grieving process. I listen and comfort and help with pressing decisions which are difficult to face while grieving. I understand that grieving takes many forms which need to be understood. Sometimes grieving takes a very long time and sometimes grief is a lifelong presence. Sometimes loss can lead to positive changes or new life directions.

Christine Dufond, MFT
Grief Counselor

Christine Dufond, MFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 94022 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief work, including complex grief has become a specialty for me. One thing I have learned from my studies of Carl Jung and Sandra Ingerman is the importance of honoring your soul when you are grieving. I will hold the safe space for you to actively move through your grief so that you don't end up with depression or soul loss. Grief is often an initiation into sacred grounds where you come to understand your own soul and its needs. I am always honored to guide a client through their grief, for it can be a spiritual invocation, a catalyst for coming into more authenticity and self love. I offer gentle processes for complex grief, forgiveness work and creating healthy closure.

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC
Grief Counselor

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC


In 94040 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief and loss is, unfortunately, a normal part of living. There is no single "correct" way to grieve: different cultures and even individuals from the same culture grieve differently. The only consistent feature is that grief takes time. The most effective thing anyone can do for someone grieving is to be there—to listen, to empathize, to walk along with the grief. There is no "fixing" grief. But counseling can help prevent normal grief from developing into major depression or other mental health conditions.

Peter Cellarius, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Peter Cellarius, LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 95030 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

Grief counseling helps people cope with grief and mourning following the loss of a loved one or due to major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (i.e. job loss or divorce). It provides a space for individuals to work through and process the complex emotions surrounding loss. Healthy grieving results in remembering the loss with a newfound sense of peace, rather than searing pain.

Ross L. Kellogg, LMFT
Grief Counselor

Ross L. Kellogg, LMFT

Licensed Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapist

In 95113 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

I use an empathetic and compassionate approach combined with a range of specialized therapeutic techniques, including sensorimotor psychotherapy and internal family systems, to address Grief & Loss. Together we will master the intricacies of the grief process to enable a personalized and profound healing journey for those grappling with one of life's most challenging transitions. Clients will find solace and strength in my care, and I will create a safe space for exploration and growth, fostering resilience and understanding during grief. My methods not only alleviate the immediate pain of loss but also nurture a path towards long-term emotional well-being and empowerment.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Grief Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Grief is a potential reaction to a loss of any kind whether through death, divorce, abandonment, separation, job loss, illness, disease diagnosis, kids leaving home, etc. Feelings of anger, resentment, shame, confusion, isolation or abandonment can result. Friends and family may not know what to say or how to provide support. A trained professional, who is profoundly sympathetic, respectful and empathetic, with the skills required to help one navigate through this difficult time, can be critical in helping one regain equilibrium.

John Kane, LMFT
Grief Counselor

John Kane, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 94086 - Nearby to Los Altos Hills.

When you lose something or someone important or close to you, it may be difficult to make sense of life or to feel that others can relate to or understand what you are going through. If you need someone to talk to about what happened, I am here for you. I understand that sadness is often something that shouldn't be fixed, but embraced. I also specialize in helping people who were hurt or abused by the deceased. Grief and Loss is a painful time of life, one that every human being goes through. You are not alone. I will come alongside you through the anger, loneliness, fear, shock, and panic. In the middle of the grief, the way forward can bring hope, strength, peace and freedom from guilt.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Los Altos Hills, CA.

Thank you for visiting our California search of licensed grief specialists in Los Altos Hills.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Los Altos Hills right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Los Altos Hills is located in Santa Clara County, California. It has a land area of 8.92 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Los Altos Hills is 8,419 people with 3,047 households and a median annual income of $226,319. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Los Altos Hills, CA

No Financial Burden

Professional, private counseling in Los Altos Hills is extremely affordable for nearly everyone. This area ranks among the top of income earners for the entire nation and therfore hiring a therapist is not a financial issue for most people living here. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Los Altos Hills public health department.