Family Counseling Services in Torrance, CA.

Find a family therapist in Torrance, California. Effective help for relationships, blended families, family of origin and other issues.

Joelle Allman, LCSW
Family Therapist

Joelle Allman, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 90713 - Nearby to Torrance.

Every family has some sort of dysfunction since individuals are not perfect. I have worked for over ten years with youth and their families. I believe family therapy is essential when working with youth since children and adolescents have limited insight and need structure, guidance, and discipline from parents/caregivers. I begin the initial session meeting with the parents/caregivers to identify and discuss problems and confidentiality. I then meet with the youth/children with the parents to work on agreed treatment goals. The ultimate goal of family therapy is to increase open and respectful communication and improve parent/child relationships.

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT
Family Therapist

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90240 - Nearby to Torrance.

Family Therapy or Family Counseling is a therapeutic tool to help a family to resolve the many problems that are causing the family to hurt. Sometimes this is just an adjustment to a big life change, such as, a career change, a new baby, a move, a death in the family, launching young adults, or the sad event of the loss of a loved one. This can also involve unhealthy patterns of behavior, addictions, or abuse. With each of these family challenges I utilize a Christian model of counseling to help your family be restored to the healthy loving one you envisioned.

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c
Family Therapist

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c

Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

In 91101 - Nearby to Torrance.

I have a empathetic, compassionate, collaborative, and direct style in my family therapy sessions. Family therapy allows you to tackle hurdles around communication, expectation, life transitions, and culture/race. I work with 1.5 to 2nd+ generation clients trying to balance cultural, racial, and family responsibilities/pressures with what they want. I specialize in BIPOC experience and work with many families navigating complex dynamics around relationships. Whether you have aging parents you need to care for, are trying to assimilate in a world much different than your family or origin, or need help coming out or helping your family come to terms with difficult news; I can help.

Jessica Zucker, M.A.
Family Therapist

Jessica Zucker, M.A.

Associate marriage & family therapist

In 90277 - Nearby to Torrance.

Everyone has a family, even if no two families are identical. Family may mean different things to different people, but there is no denying that the relationships we have shape us as individuals. Some families have healthy traits and some have more toxic traits. In my family work, I aim to help to uncover systems both that are working, and systems that are not working. I also aim to help each member of the family feel heard in asking for their own needs and boundaries to be met, appropriate within the family and cultural context.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Family Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 90035 - Nearby to Torrance.

Most family therapists inadvertently create more chaos through their well-intentioned efforts to assist a family move through a change process. Why? Brains are inherently dysregulated (all of us, may I add) and most talking and dialoguing misses brain-centric problems that need more intensive help. Many times the emotional trauma created by years of solving problems ineffectively can wreak havoc on the brain's parasympathetic nervous system, not ever giving the family a break from flight or fight thinking. Contact us for an innovative neuroscience solution to family dystunction. or 877-606-6161

Michelle Harwell, LMFT
Family Therapist

Michelle Harwell, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90041 - Nearby to Torrance.

My approach in family therapy includes clarifying boundaries, strengthening parental leadership, enhancing coping skills and freeing family members from their entrenched defensive positions within the family structure. I also bring expertise in working with foster and adoptive families. I provide counseling for pre-adoptive and post-adoptive families, adoptive and birth parents, and children in attachment issues, developmental support, and healthy parenting.

Jeffrey Salinas, MS, MFT
Family Therapist

Jeffrey Salinas, MS, MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90755 - Nearby to Torrance.

When our relationship becomes unhappy, it always affects and impacts the entire family. Working with couples to improve the relationship is important but we cannot overlook the impact to the family. In family therapy we explore problems that have negatively impacted the family from wherever it has come. We will help each member of the family to understand what is happening, how it has impacted them and explore methods of adjustment and remediation. We will identify problems and work to resolve them.

Rich Painter, M.S., LMFT
Family Therapist

Rich Painter, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91101 - Nearby to Torrance.

Are you in need of family counseling for you as a parent, your children, or your family? I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and offer professional counseling for individuals, couples, children, and families. I'm a certified Prepare-Enrich Counselor and I'm also a certified Family Wellness Instructor. I'm a professional member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. My approach integrates Attachment Theory, Family Systems, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Life Coaching, and is collaborative, supportive, non-judgmental, and tailored to fit your needs. If you are ready to take the next step I am here to support and empower you. I look forward to working with you

Lyndsay Elliott, PsyD
Family Therapist

Lyndsay Elliott, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

In 92648 - Nearby to Torrance.

Therapy focuses on the patterns of interaction between family members, and emphasizes improved communication and connection as an important factor to create change. Involving various family members in treatment helps to benefit so that everyone has a similar understanding of the issues within the relationships, and expectations of others. The most important factor within those connections is personal accountability so that each member is taking responsibility for any actions they cause to the system, versus being focused on how other members may have hurt them.

John Warrington, Ph.D.
Family Therapist

John Warrington, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 91106 - Nearby to Torrance.

Families are the places where we should find the love and support to face the world and all its challenges. However, sometimes families loose their way due to poor communication and misunderstandings , anger, acting out behaviors, hurt feelings and lack of knowledge. Maya Angelou has said: "People do what they know; when they know better, they do better." My plan for families is to help them know better so they can do better. Where there is loving-kindness and a will to make change the future seems brighter.

Carl H. Shubs, Ph.D.
Family Therapist

Carl H. Shubs, Ph.D.


In 90212 - Nearby to Torrance.

A family is not just a collection of people. Everyone in the family impacts the family dynamic, how the people relate to each other. And, each person changes that dynamic, in a unique way, even when they may not intend to. If you’re having difficulties in your family, we can address how the family’s rules of relating and the patterns of relationships can help to make things better. We’ll also see how unproductive patterns can be eliminated.

Tara Hernandez, MA., LMFT
Family Therapist

Tara Hernandez, MA., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90602 - Nearby to Torrance.

Often times we don't realize the impact our birth families have on how we function on a day to day basis and the difficulties we face. Take this opportunity to explore the dynamics of your childhood, learn how your relationships with immediate and extended family members has impacted your approach to current relationships, work, changes in life and potential stressors.

Samantha Schumann, MA, AMFT
Family Therapist

Samantha Schumann, MA, AMFT

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist 123990

In 90018 - Nearby to Torrance.

When I work with families, a large focus of the work is learning to communicate with each other. It is also learning to hold space for one another and heal attachment wounds. My space is nonblaming and nonjudgemental. I am always aware of the power dynamics in the room. When I work with minors, I like to involve family members. That can be a caregiver or other family members.

Larry Goodman, MA, MFT, MBA
Family Therapist

Larry Goodman, MA, MFT, MBA

Marriage Family Therapist (MFT)

In 90210 - Nearby to Torrance.

I like to work with families with young children, teens and young adults (who are still at home) by engaging and empowering parents and their children to openly talk about the immediate problems that bring them in for treatment. I work with defiance, disrespect, ADHD, depression, anxiety and emotional abuse. I specialize in blended families and single-parent households and work to create a positive and healthy environment for everyone in the home.

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT
Family Therapist

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90501 - Nearby to Torrance.

Is your family life chaos? Are your kids running things? Are you going through a divorce and don't know how to tell the kids? Dr. Eris Huemer has worked with familes and children as a counselor and coach as well as being a Supervisor for Behavior Interventionists and Floortime Therapists for children and adolescents with behavior disorders such as Autism, Learning Delayed, ADHD, Mental Retardation and more. There are very few family dynamics and problems that Eris hasn't helped a family solve. Dr. Eris works to help the family identify its strengths and to reach a concrete solution in a brief period of time.

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT
Family Therapist

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to Torrance.

Family Therapy is essential when a family is unbalanced and in need of guidance on how to become a family unit with a healthier structure. Working with a therapist you will be able to validate each family members desires, discuss family goals and improve communication skills to continue using even after therapy ends. Family therapy is not only essential to the family unit but for each individual to be able to feel important and included in family decisions.

Tom Andre, MA
Family Therapist

Tom Andre, MA


In 90245 - Nearby to Torrance.

My approach in family therapy is to focus on the problem or set of problems, not to assign blame to a person or the family as a whole. In family therapy, we will hear how problems affect everyone. There is not always a "solution," but more often than not there are untapped resources that a family can call upon to help reduce a problem's influence on each person's life.

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP
Family Therapist

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

I work within a family framework, but I do not treat families as part of traditional "family therapy." This means that if you are a parent and you struggle with your child's behavior, I can help you learn techniques to manage the behavior better. I have extensive experience working with parents of children with autism and other mental health disorders that can make parenting extremely challenging. There is no shame in asking for support. I can help with creating a parenting plan, I can help with co-parenting after divorce, and I can help parents who care for their own aging relatives. We truly live in the "sandwich generation" where family can grow far.

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP
Family Therapist

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP

WELL COACHED LIFE| Individuals | Couples | Youth

In 90402 - Nearby to Torrance.

Let me guess. One partner feels alone and like they don't matter and the other feels they are always being criticized and can't get anything right. The more one asks for the other to show up, the more the partner disappears physically and emotionally. You both bicker and fight and the idea of sitting and just hanging out seems elusive, if not impossible. Something like this? Often we crave connection but are blocked by the pain and the history that gets in the way. Small fights about little things become battles that highlight our struggle to have our basic relational needs met. I can help you get under the bickering to the parts crying out for connection- to an enriching relationship.

Lucy Cotter, LMFT
Family Therapist

Lucy Cotter, LMFT

Couples Counselor and psychotherapist

In 90004 - Nearby to Torrance.

As a Family Therapist, I specialize in facilitating conversations where all voices can be heard and new understanding can be reached. Psychotherapy offers many opportunities for dialogue. My approach opens space for different experiences, perspectives and possibilities for the future. It is a chance to heal past hurts, deepen relationships and move forward with increased sharing and connection.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Family Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Imagine a family as a tree with branches, roots, trunk representing parts of the immediate and extended family. When working with families, all elements are considered. Usually there is a request for family therapy due to one of it's members in crisis, often a child. However, when an analysis of need is done it becomes apparent that more than one member of the family needs help in adjusting, growing and learning new behaviours. Clients contact me for a variety of reasons: to improve communications, solve family problems, support in special situations such as death, divorce, marriage, illness, child or adolescent issues.

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C
Family Therapist

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

In 90403 - Nearby to Torrance.

When a crisis hits it can be hard to know what to do. Family can be messy, my role is to help you and your family come together in a deeper more meaningful way. Not only will we be looking at the specifics of the conflict/situation at hand, we will also work on developing tools and strategies that uniquely meet the needs of you and your unique family's dynamic. If you feel we might be a good fit--I'd love to hear from you and see how I can be of support.

Jeanne Clevenger, PsyD
Family Therapist

Jeanne Clevenger, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 91106 - Nearby to Torrance.

Many of our struggles are not just individually focused; they are shaped by and affect the family system around us. I have a passion for helping family relationships heal in places where they are broken, and thrive in places that are stagnant. I especially love journeying with parents and their children, strengthening bonds and decreasing family conflict. My training has predominantly been in family psychology, and I love to watch families transform together -- as individuals and as whole units.

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT
Family Therapist

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91106 - Nearby to Torrance.

I work closely with families throughout my treatment to focus on understanding the family as a system and each member as having a unique role. Working together we can often uncover unmet needs and ways in which we can support one another towards our mutual goals. Further, by working with the family as a whole, we are able to acknowledge each of our role in the identified barrier and take ownership in our plan towards a solution.

Erika Rogers, MA., AMFT #145348, APCC #15929
Family Therapist

Erika Rogers, MA., AMFT #145348, APCC #15929

Associate Therapist | Individuals | Couples | Family | Groups

In 90277 - Nearby to Torrance.

Is your family struggling to connect or navigate challenges? Family therapy sessions provide a safe space for open communication and exploration of family dynamics. I'll guide your family in identifying unhealthy patterns and developing healthier ways to interact with each other. We'll work together to build stronger communication skills, improve conflict resolution, and foster a more supportive and loving family environment.

You Have Found the Best Family Therapy in Torrance, CA. Let's Get Started.

Thank you for visiting our California search of licensed family therapists in Torrance.  Discord due from strife, marital problems, sibling rivalry, family of origin issues and blended families (just to name a few) can strain and hurt loving relationships. Counseling with honesty and depth will get to the heart of the issues and work towards healing. Find resolution for your family in Torrance right now, please contact a specialist above, you can email 24/7.

Torrance is located in Los Angeles County, California. It has a land area of 20.47 square miles and a water area of 0.07 square miles.  The population of Torrance is 148,475 people with 55,377 households and a median annual income of $79,549. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Torrance, CA

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Torrance for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Torrance public health department.