Family Counseling Services in Rossmoor, CA.

Find a family therapist in Rossmoor, California. Effective help for relationships, blended families, family of origin and other issues.

Yeshiva Davis, LMFT, MA, MBA
Family Therapist

Yeshiva Davis, LMFT, MA, MBA

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90302 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Do you find yourself overwhelmed and frustrated with your daily family routines? Do conversations often lead to arguments and hurt feelings? Would you like a more enjoyable fun-loving family relationship? If so, I can help. I provide support with managing daily challenges & helping you reach family goals. I believe in a systemic approach, so sessions can include you, your child, your spouse or any combination of family members. During sessions we can address specific issues like: staying calm during disagreements or tantrums, establishing routines, decreasing arguments & improving communication. We can also work on broader goals like bringing more fun & cohesiveness to your family unit.

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT
Family Therapist

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Family Therapy is essential when a family is unbalanced and in need of guidance on how to become a family unit with a healthier structure. Working with a therapist you will be able to validate each family members desires, discuss family goals and improve communication skills to continue using even after therapy ends. Family therapy is not only essential to the family unit but for each individual to be able to feel important and included in family decisions.

John Kane, LMFT
Family Therapist

John Kane, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90036 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

I specialize in online parent coaching with the goal of helping you and your family have a closer more intimate relationship. After 11 years of working with children and families, I have concluded that this is the most effective way I can support families because you parents are the leaders of your home. If I can empower you through my knowledge and experience to implement some strategies at home, you can achieve your goals for your family. The support I provide will be sufficient for many families, but there are some situations that could benefit from the in-vivo coaching and direction that in person family therapy provides. Call me for a free 15 minute consultation about your needs

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Family Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Imagine a family as a tree with branches, roots, trunk representing parts of the immediate and extended family. When working with families, all elements are considered. Usually there is a request for family therapy due to one of it's members in crisis, often a child. However, when an analysis of need is done it becomes apparent that more than one member of the family needs help in adjusting, growing and learning new behaviours. Clients contact me for a variety of reasons: to improve communications, solve family problems, support in special situations such as death, divorce, marriage, illness, child or adolescent issues.

Jean Powers, M.A., L.M.F.T.
Family Therapist

Jean Powers, M.A., L.M.F.T.

Psychotherapist, Individual & Family Therapist

In 92651 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

We need our families. If your family is in danger of disconnecting or falling apart, let's work together to lean toward each other instead of away. No one family member is ever the cause of disfunction. We each must learn our responsibility in the mix. My approach to healing families is to help each member understand how they absorb stress, and explain it to the group in a way that will be heard. Our family is our home base. Let's keep it that way by learning empathy for each other's struggles.

Mary Ann Aronsohn, MA, LMFT
Family Therapist

Mary Ann Aronsohn, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91030 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Many times families need help to deal with struggles between them, or to get through difficult circumstances. Each relationship within a family is different from all others, and may need specific opportunities to express thoughts and feelings. Supportive and encouraging therapy may be just what is needed to remove blocks between family members so that the love can flow again. I often work with parent-adult child pairs or siblings, to clear up old misunderstandings, find ways to share more deeply, and strengthen family connections.

David Shapiro, David S Shapiro
Family Therapist

David Shapiro, David S Shapiro

California Licensed Psychologist (License # PSY 17495)

In 92612 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

There are many ways to work with families and couples. A very straightforward approach involved learning and applying new ways of communicating. One such approach was initially called Non-Violent Communication and has since been termed compassionate communication. In this approach clients are supporter in communicating and understanding each other's needs. Another approach that I often draw upon is called Structural Family Systems. It really depends on the needs of each couple or family. Based upon those needs I work to develop individualized approaches to help them achieve their goals.

John Warrington, Ph.D.
Family Therapist

John Warrington, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 91106 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Families are the places where we should find the love and support to face the world and all its challenges. However, sometimes families loose their way due to poor communication and misunderstandings , anger, acting out behaviors, hurt feelings and lack of knowledge. Maya Angelou has said: "People do what they know; when they know better, they do better." My plan for families is to help them know better so they can do better. Where there is loving-kindness and a will to make change the future seems brighter.

Alia Kaneaiakala, Psy.D, LMFT
Family Therapist

Alia Kaneaiakala, Psy.D, LMFT

Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 92656 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Phoenix Rising provides individualized treatment plans and therapy for family therapy. Our clinicians are highly experienced and will provide you with a customized treatment plan for your unique situation. You do not have to experience this struggle alone, we have compassionate team members who are waiting to help. We invite you to call for a free confidential telephone assessment and schedule an appointment today.

Jenny Liu, MEd. MFT. NLP. Confidence Coach
Family Therapist

Jenny Liu, MEd. MFT. NLP. Confidence Coach

Online Therapist & Coach, Online Career Counselor

In 93021 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

ARE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS IN CONFLICTS OR CRISIS? Counseling helps! I take a unique and effective approach to family therapy- addressing the needs and clarifying the roles of every individual in the system so that everyone knows where they are, where the family is and take the steps they need to a healthier and happier family. Call for a free telephone consult.

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC
Family Therapist

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC

Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

I specialize in helping families find harmony within the home. I have extensive experience working with individuals, couples, families, and children of all ages. Whether you are dealing with a family conflict, a difficult transition, or a new challenge, I am here to help. My practice focuses on providing a safe and supportive environment for all family members. I will work with you to identify the underlying causes of the conflict and develop strategies for improving family relationships. I believe that all family dynamics are unique and strive to provide each family with the attention and care they need.

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT
Family Therapist

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90501 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Is your family life chaos? Are your kids running things? Are you going through a divorce and don't know how to tell the kids? Dr. Eris Huemer has worked with familes and children as a counselor and coach as well as being a Supervisor for Behavior Interventionists and Floortime Therapists for children and adolescents with behavior disorders such as Autism, Learning Delayed, ADHD, Mental Retardation and more. There are very few family dynamics and problems that Eris hasn't helped a family solve. Dr. Eris works to help the family identify its strengths and to reach a concrete solution in a brief period of time.

Samantha Schumann, MA, AMFT
Family Therapist

Samantha Schumann, MA, AMFT

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist 123990

In 90018 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

When I work with families, a large focus of the work is learning to communicate with each other. It is also learning to hold space for one another and heal attachment wounds. My space is nonblaming and nonjudgemental. I am always aware of the power dynamics in the room. When I work with minors, I like to involve family members. That can be a caregiver or other family members.

Lucy Cotter, LMFT
Family Therapist

Lucy Cotter, LMFT

Couples Counselor and psychotherapist

In 90004 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

As a Family Therapist, I specialize in facilitating conversations where all voices can be heard and new understanding can be reached. Psychotherapy offers many opportunities for dialogue. My approach opens space for different experiences, perspectives and possibilities for the future. It is a chance to heal past hurts, deepen relationships and move forward with increased sharing and connection.

Carolyn Hudson, M.A., LMFT
Family Therapist

Carolyn Hudson, M.A., LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 92835 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, my education, training, and experience has had an emphasis on the family system. When working with families, a focus on the structure of the family, roles, rules, boundaries, and communication are areas included in our work together. Families of origin, extended families, and blended families can participate in family therapy and I find it beneficial when we can include all involved so everyone has a voice.

Laura MacRae-Serpa, M.A., CCLS, LMFT
Family Therapist

Laura MacRae-Serpa, M.A., CCLS, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91030 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Families enter therapy for different reasons. Many families are seeking help for an immediate problem or crisis, while others need support changing long standing negative patterns. Family therapy can be beneficial as, it provides opportunities to identify and build on strengths, improve communication, and better understand roles and dynamics that shape the family system. I have experience working with families in crisis and am skilled at assisting parents and children/adolescents increase positive communication and connectivity.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Family Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 90742 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Most family therapists inadvertently create more chaos through their well-intentioned efforts to assist a family move through a change process. Why? Brains are inherently dysregulated (all of us, may I add) and most talking and dialoguing misses brain-centric problems that need more intensive help. Many times the emotional trauma created by years of solving problems ineffectively can wreak havoc on the brain's parasympathetic nervous system, not ever giving the family a break from flight or fight thinking. Contact us for an innovative neuroscience solution to family dystunction. or 877-606-6161

Lyndsay Elliott, PsyD
Family Therapist

Lyndsay Elliott, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

In 92648 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Therapy focuses on the patterns of interaction between family members, and emphasizes improved communication and connection as an important factor to create change. Involving various family members in treatment helps to benefit so that everyone has a similar understanding of the issues within the relationships, and expectations of others. The most important factor within those connections is personal accountability so that each member is taking responsibility for any actions they cause to the system, versus being focused on how other members may have hurt them.

Joelle Allman, LCSW
Family Therapist

Joelle Allman, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 90713 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Every family has some sort of dysfunction since individuals are not perfect. I have worked for over ten years with youth and their families. I believe family therapy is essential when working with youth since children and adolescents have limited insight and need structure, guidance, and discipline from parents/caregivers. I begin the initial session meeting with the parents/caregivers to identify and discuss problems and confidentiality. I then meet with the youth/children with the parents to work on agreed treatment goals. The ultimate goal of family therapy is to increase open and respectful communication and improve parent/child relationships.

Susan Melchior, MFT, MASC
Family Therapist

Susan Melchior, MFT, MASC

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 92612 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

In the 30 years of pracitcing family therapy, I have learned effective ways that allow my clients to feel safe, and empowered and to heal in an invironment that is both confidential and respectful. I am a solution oriented therapist and I work to assure that each family member is heard and respected as we work together to achieve the agreed upon "family" goals which are healthy for all members. I believe that when one member is having difficulty the entire family is "sick" and I work toward getting the entire family back to health and happiness. Please visit my website:

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC
Family Therapist

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC


In 90026 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Family therapy looks at the entire family system—parents, children, extended family members—to identify strengths and problematic behaviours. I collaborate with families on strategies for utilizing their own capabilities for resolving problems, and on developing effective communication and problem-solving skills for preventing conflicts. I specialize in working with families of teenagers, which is an age that can be challenging for both the teenagers and their parents.

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.
Family Therapist

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.


In 91030 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Family therapy sessions aim to strengthen all members of the family so they can work out problems together. Often, if one family member is identified as having an illness, the cause can be traced back to a larger family problem. If the person with the illness is treated while the rest of the family does not change, then the symptoms will persist. Family therapy breaks these cycles by teaching everyone to better interact with one another.

Lexi Berard, MA, AMFT
Family Therapist

Lexi Berard, MA, AMFT

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90034 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

I offer family therapy for teens, parents, and siblings struggling with issues together. I help families explore their unconscious patterns that are causing conflict and bring them to the surface to be examined together as a team. I encourage family members to say what needs to be said in a safe and honest forum to resolve conflict. My style is directive, straightforward, and compassionate.

Debra Burianek, LMFT
Family Therapist

Debra Burianek, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Are you having difficulties in your family? Having difficulties navigating the communication process? Struggling with teens or young adults launching into adulthood? Blending two families? I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who can help you to navigate the process of being heard and being able to communicate in ways that can bring unity to your family.

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT
Family Therapist

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to Rossmoor.

Family Therapy or Family Counseling is a therapeutic tool to help a family to resolve the many problems that are causing the family to hurt. Sometimes this is just an adjustment to a big life change, such as, a career change, a new baby, a move, a death in the family, launching young adults, or the sad event of the loss of a loved one. This can also involve unhealthy patterns of behavior, addictions, or abuse. With each of these family challenges I utilize a Christian model of counseling to help your family be restored to the healthy loving one you envisioned.

You Have Found the Best Family Therapy in Rossmoor, CA. Let's Get Started.

Thank you for visiting our California search of licensed family therapists in Rossmoor.  Discord due from strife, marital problems, sibling rivalry, family of origin issues and blended families (just to name a few) can strain and hurt loving relationships. Counseling with honesty and depth will get to the heart of the issues and work towards healing. Find resolution for your family in Rossmoor right now, please contact a specialist above, you can email 24/7.

Rossmoor is located in Orange County, California. It has a land area of 1.54 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Rossmoor is 10,816 people with 3,731 households and a median annual income of $114,677. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Rossmoor, CA

Widely Affordable

Licensed, professional counseling in Rossmoor is considered widely accessible by the majority of people who live here and budget is often not a concern for mental health treatment. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Rossmoor public health department.