Child Psychologists and Child Therapists in East Pasadena, CA.

Find a child psychologist or a counselor who specializes in therapy and assessment for children in East Pasadena, California.

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT
Child Therapist

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91106 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

My practice is specifically focused on children, adolescents, and young adults. Working with younger children requires a playful insight and I frequently employ play therapy and games to challenge anger, anxiety, and frustrations. Further, through play I am able to work with children on managing social situations, dissapointments, and develop problem solving techniques. Following these sessions I work closely with parents to train on these behavioral interventions in order to further reinforce in the home environment. This consistency and collaboration allows us to more effectively shape behaviors and booste self esteem beyond the therapy session.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Child Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 91001 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Many times, child stherapists overdo the family system in their quest to seek effective solutions for emotional, learning or behavioral concerns with young children. And many times doctors overpathologize issues that shouldnt be medicated necessarily. This leaves parents wondering what is the best route for their child? Introducting brainwave optimization technology. A fast, effective, natural, and less expensive way to allow your child's brain to make the optimizing changes it desires to make---on its own! Without any external force, opinion, medication, diagnostic, etc. Contact or 877-606-6161

Laura MacRae-Serpa, M.A., CCLS, LMFT
Child Therapist

Laura MacRae-Serpa, M.A., CCLS, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91030 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

I utilize developmentally appropriate, play therapy to gain knowledge and understanding of how young children perceive themselves and their world. Older children, tweens and adolescents benefit from therapeutic activities and talk therapy, as vehicles for gaining insight and self-understanding. I have provided therapy, on campus at a K-8th grade school and previously worked as a Certified Child Life (Development) Specialist at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. As a mother, I deeply empathize with parents whose children are experiencing difficulties and welcome your questions and concerns regarding the therapeutic process for your child.

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW
Child Therapist

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 91106 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Young children greatly benefit from play therapy, which is a professional form of psychotherapy. I work with children ages 3 puberty and up that will significantly restructure behaviors that will provide relief to parents and caregivers. Structure & consistency is key and disclipline needn't be cruel or overly harsh as many parents have questioned to me through the 30+ years that I have worked with their children. My techniques are based on research with what is called in psychotherapy, evidenced-based-practices; this allows relief knowing that your child will receive help from procedures & practices that have been proven to work, as long as parents or caretakers are invested towards change.

Naphtali Roberts, MA, LMFT
Child Therapist

Naphtali Roberts, MA, LMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91020 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Young children respond well to play, art and music, and these activities can help them in expressing their strong feelings, while also developing new, healthier ways of coping with their experience. Children and their parents often enjoy the benefits of therapy in addressing behavioral issues, life transition, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and loss, Sexual abuse, aggressive or defiant behavior, difficulty with peer relationships and learning issues, like ADHD. The focus of my work with young children is to help them thrive again. If you’re wondering whether your young child may benefit from therapy, I invite you to contact me, as I would be more than happy to speak with you about your concerns and how we might best address them in support your child.

Cristy Pareti, PsyD, MFT
Child Therapist

Cristy Pareti, PsyD, MFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90266 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Too often therapies are not targeted at children's age levels. I specialize in play therapy with young children. Play therapy is an opportunity for children to express feelings, emotions or trauma in a safe environment. Developmentally, children are not able to adequately express their feelings or experiences in words. Through play therapy, the therapist can interact and help the child to express and heal important feelings related to their experiences. I have specialized doctoral clinical training in play therapy and child therapy. I have found play therapy, combined with family therapy, to be an effective technique to help children with anxiety, trauma, depression, and behavioral problems.

Audrey Johnson, Psy. D.
Child Therapist

Audrey Johnson, Psy. D.

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

In 91423 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Does you child have uncontrollable anger? Social skills not up to par? Being bullied or the bully? Having anxiety or depression? An addiction to drugs, gambling or gaming? Often, children and adolescents find it hard to cope and deal with things without professional help. Working with children/adolescents is my specialty. I provide a safe, understanding, and fun environment for a child to disclose how they are feeling through the means of games, art, and talk therapy. Call now for help. Your child is worth it.

David Silverman, LMFT
Child Therapist

David Silverman, LMFT

Free 20 minute phone consult

In 90064 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

I have years of experience treating children in pre-school through middle school. I worked in schools and at home with oppositional children, kids with learning delays, who "act out," tantrum, do not handle transitions in activity well. I have worked with violent children, academic underachievers, children with separation anxiety, bedwetting, and children who eat non-nutritional objects. Applied Behavior Analysis is oftern used to create ground-rules that reinforce acceptable behavior and discourage negative behaviors. It's important that extended family (and teachers, and caretakers, if possible) be on the same page. A united front is essential to positively modify children's behaviors

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c
Child Therapist

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c

Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

In 91101 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

(For Children 12+) Is your child struggling to express themselves or facing emotional challenges? Are you worried about their behavior or sudden mood changes? Look no further! Our dedicated team of experienced child therapists is here to support your child on their journey to emotional well-being and personal growth. I understand the unique needs of children and adolescents. My compassionate approach creates a nurturing and safe environment where your child can freely express their feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Through a variety of evidence-based techniques and play therapy approaches, I tailor each session to meet your child's specific needs and developmental stage

John Kane, LMFT
Child Therapist

John Kane, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91505 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

After 11 years of working with children, I find it more effective to work with you, the parent. This is not because you are responsible for the way your child is behaving or what your child is going through, but because you have the most positive power and influence in your child's life. If I can use what I know through education and experience to empower you the parent to connect to your child, it will be more impactful and long lasting than if I spend therapy sessions with them. Your child will also find healing through their relationship with you, increasing trust, and strengthening your relationship for the present and future. You will have your Parenting Power back, stronger than ever!

Kimberly Koljat, LMFT, LIMFT-S, RPT-S, RDT
Child Therapist

Kimberly Koljat, LMFT, LIMFT-S, RPT-S, RDT

Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor

Available for Online Therapy

Many therapists share they use play therapy in their practice with children, but have not taken further training on its use in therapy. I am a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor, which means I completed 3 years and 3000 additional hours of practice after licensure, clinical supervision, consistent continued education courses, and significant focus in at least two play therapy evidence based practices. I utilize Child Centered Play Therapy, Filial Therapy, Digital Play Therapy, and Prescriptive Play Therapy to address children's needs in addition to creative arts therapies (Drama Therapy, Art Therapy interventions).

Tara Hernandez, MA., LMFT
Child Therapist

Tara Hernandez, MA., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90602 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Children grow and change on a daily basis, which can be a difficult process not only for the child but for the parents as well. I assist children in learning how to express themselves through fun, creative outlets that are both age appropriate and applicable across multiple settings. Such settings may include home, school and multiple social avenues.

Tom Andre, MA
Child Therapist

Tom Andre, MA


In 90245 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

No group of people is as subject to the power of others as young children. Often acutely aware of their situation, I position myself as an ally as they decide how they want to act in the face of this power. I view childrens' voices and creativity as major assets that, if given their due, will serve them well as the move through their teen years and into young adulthood.

Rich Painter, M.S., LMFT
Child Therapist

Rich Painter, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91101 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Is your child going through a difficult time or life transition? They may be stuck in a cycle of mood swings or behavioral reactions. It sounds like your child or adolescent would benefit from counseling, and you have the heart and motivation to get them the help they need. I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and offer professional counseling for children, teens, and families. I'm also a certified Family Wellness Instructor. Additionally, I have experience as a student director and teacher and enjoy working with children, adolescents, and young adults in issues relating to identity and development. If you are ready for your child to begin the healing journey, I am here to help.

Amie Lowery-Luyties, MFT, PPS, MS
Child Therapist

Amie Lowery-Luyties, MFT, PPS, MS

Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90807 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

For about 7 years I only worked with children in my practice. The rest of my practice has been split working with adults and with kids. With kids, its all about their instinct and comfort. If they sense that the therapist isn't comfortable or experienced with kids, they won't engage in the therapy process. I use a variety of techniques working with children, depending on their age. For smaller children, art therapy and play therapy can be very successful for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that it takes the focus off of them and they feel more at ease to talk and be open. For older children who can handle "talk therapy", using simpler language can be effective.

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C
Child Therapist

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

In 91210 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Studies show that our most important years of development are between the ages of 1 and 5 years old. Often what is learned here shapes us the rest of our lives. As any parent knows, a lot can happen in one year with a child, much less five. Fear, trauma, abuse and bullying can have a lasting effect on a child if it goes unaddressed. In my work with your child I will not only help them overcome tough moments but also build resilience for future challenges. If your child is suffering from in emotional or behavioral problems, I'd love to help. You don't have to go it alone.

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT
Child Therapist

Cristina Cano, M.S., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

The developmental stage of parenting a young child is unpredictable and at times chaotic although simultaneously it is the greatest blessing. Parents go thru an adjustment period while learning how to be parents and provide that child with all their needs. Childrearing has its numerous challenges and yet it is the most important role and individual can commit to when becoming parents.

Priscilla Traub, MS., LMFT
Child Therapist

Priscilla Traub, MS., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90815 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Children experience life just as we adults to. Taking time to discuss emotions and feelings, the child will be able to gain tools to access feeling words and express themselves appropriately. Sometimes life becomes chaotic for children (new baby, school transitions, etc.), having a safe place to talk where someone listens will create a positive outcome on their outlook.

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP
Child Therapist

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP

WELL COACHED LIFE| Individuals | Couples | Youth

Available for Online Therapy

GRIT Kids exists to allow parents or caregivers to aid their children in the work of self-awareness—at every developmental stage— to better understand themselves and the world around them. Simple behavioral management fails to develop the internal locus of control that is necessary for developing character and self-discipline. Forming a self-identity and learning to live with purpose is a necessary life skill for children to learn in order to live into their fullest self. GRIT Kids Coaches are trained to help you do the work of raising your child with intention so you can see that little person grow into all they are capable of.

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.
Child Therapist

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.


In 91030 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Stress for young children can often be challenging to discern. Parents may notice that their child begins to experience a greater incidence of tantrums and/or angry outbursts, but often attribute such changes to growing up. Children may also demonstrate strict rules for their play and become upset when their schedule is changed without warning. Sometimes parents may not be able to identify obvious signs of stress in their children, but recognize that their child has encountered a number of stressors. In any of these cases, children can benefit from therapy wherein they can explore how to express their feelings and learn to process their emotions in a safe non-judgmental environment.

Melinda Haynes, Multi-Disciplinary Team
Child Therapist

Melinda Haynes, Multi-Disciplinary Team

Family & Children's Counseling Services

In 92801 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Children often lack the verbal and emotional regulation skills needed to express their feelings. Add that to the guilt, shame and fear that comes from believing something may have been their fault, and you have one hurting little kiddo. Child Therapy enters the child's world of play to help him or her identify and process grief, work through trauma issues, express feelings, and develop new coping skills. You can learn more about us at

Cynthia Henrie, LMFT, BCET
Child Therapist

Cynthia Henrie, LMFT, BCET

LA Therapy Network - Feminist Therapy, Trauma Experts

In 90042 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

At LA Therapy Network we have therapists whose specialty is helping couples and/or single parents with young children! Children often need therapists who understand their special needs, but also a therapist who can work with you, the parent to understand and help your child through whatever difficulties he or she is experiencing, or that you are dealing with as parent. Let us help you through the tough times or to learn how to be a more effective parent! We offer parenting support, family therapy, play, art and sandplay therapies! Because we are a group of private practice therapists, we can offer you services as a collaboration which can make a huge difference to your treatment! LA & LB!

Suzanne Greene, JD, MA, LMFT
Child Therapist

Suzanne Greene, JD, MA, LMFT

Psychotherapist, LMFT

Available for Online Therapy

Today it is more complicated than ever to be a teen. With so much going on, it’s common for teens and children feel anxiety, irritability, isolation, low self esteem, and sadness. Teens just need someone to talk to, that isn’t a family member about difficult topics they are experiencing. It’s not that they don’t trust their family, but many times teens need a private, non-judge mental space of their own to gain insight. I have extensive experience working with teens and children, even those resistant to therapy. I specialize with teens managing high academic & athletic achievement. Through therapy teens will learn to manage their emotions, reach goals, and grow into healthy young adults.

Yeshiva Davis, LMFT, MA, MBA
Child Therapist

Yeshiva Davis, LMFT, MA, MBA

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90008 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

One of the ways children improve behavior & make positive change is through play. Some of the ways I help kids make change is through: games, storytelling & artwork. I set clear expectations, & create a supportive, fun-loving atmosphere. I focus on strengths: I identify & address problems and then focus on what’s right & how to do more of it. I work with your family, teachers & others to make sure the improvements made are reinforced in all areas of life. Family members are taught tools to ensure your child continues using new, positive behaviors. I help with: Managing upsetting feelings & tantrums; using effective discipline; managing opposition & aggression; school challenges & more.

Joelle Allman, LCSW
Child Therapist

Joelle Allman, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 90703 - Nearby to East Pasadena.

Young families today have a lot of challenges living in Southern California due to the high cost of living, pressures of family life, and the demands of working. All of these responsibilities can contribute to a high level of stress and anxiety for parents. Many parents also deal with additional issues as having a special needs child, a family member experiencing trauma, divorce and blended families, a defiant child, and possibly marital problems. These circumstances can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with. You may feel alone and hopeless regarding your situation. Isolating, avoiding the problem, and repeating old arguments will not change the circumstance.

You have found the top therapists in East Pasadena, CA who specialize in helping children.

Thank you for visiting our California page of licensed child psychologists and child therapists in East Pasadena, California who are trained and experienced in helping children and youth.  Working with children requires a different skillset from other types of therapy and here you will find therapists who are skilled, patient and experienced. Please note that while all therapists here work with children, not all may be a registered psychologist. You can easily verify this on each profile. Reach out to a child therapist or child psychologist in East Pasadena today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

East Pasadena is located in Los Angeles County, California. It has a land area of 1.31 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of East Pasadena is 6,123 people with 2,011 households and a median annual income of $76,523. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for East Pasadena, CA

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in East Pasadena for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local East Pasadena public health department.