Anger Management and Counseling in View Park Windsor Hills, CA.

Therapy and counseling for anger issues, self control and stress management in View Park Windsor Hills, California. Find effective help for real change.

Lori Freson, M.A., MFT
Anger Therapist

Lori Freson, M.A., MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91426 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Sometimes unresolved issues with a partner or family member turn to resentment. As resentment builds up, you can become filled with anger and rage. This is when people tend to "lose control" and blame others for inappropriate behaviors. Some people even get into trouble with the law. Learn appropriate ways to express your feelings of anger, and see how it benefits your relationships.

Leandra Wills, MA, MFT
Anger Therapist

Leandra Wills, MA, MFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90266 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger management can be helpful when emotions feel so strong that they are are to control. Learning Impulse control and mindfulness skills can be helpful to manage Anger. I offer Dialectical Behavior Therapy to focus on the ways to improve Distress Tolerance and improve your ability to think before you act. Working through the skills and increasing your emotional regulation can be very helpful for Anger Management.

Jeffrey Salinas, MS, MFT
Anger Therapist

Jeffrey Salinas, MS, MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90755 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger is a healthy expression of emotion. When anger and rage become the dominating emotion that rules our actions, a potentially serious problem exists. When this occurs we feel out of control, even frightened by the intensity of feeling. Scared by life altering actions and repercussions. We become lost and confused. We know this is not me but yet it is. This mystery is solvable. Sometimes when negative experiences happen we hide and bury them, We do this so well we forget why the anger is there. Over the years these experiences multiply, fester and grow. A time bomb waiting to be triggered. We can help you unearth the issues, defuse and help you to dismantle the bomb. Call! We can help.

Behnam Keyvan, LMFT
Anger Therapist

Behnam Keyvan, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91364 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger management treatment helps you regain control of your emotions. Different types of anger management programs are available to address the issues related to different types of anger management issues and to help those who struggle with anger due to a range of underlying causes. Ultimately, learning how to break the cycle of aggression and violence can not only save the life of the person living with anger management issues but increase the safety of those around them. Friends and family can breathe easier knowing that you are getting the treatment you need to live a healthy and balanced life. Contact me today at (818)448-2753 to get the anger management treatment you need to turn your life around.

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT
Anger Therapist

Schwarz and Associates, Rebecca L Schwarz, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90240 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Sean Sprigle, LPCC
Anger Therapist

Sean Sprigle, LPCC

Licensed professional clinical counselor

In 90048 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger can be a difficult beast to manage that can fracture or relationships and create guilt and shame, but it is possible to treat it. With the aid of tools like EMDR CBT and guided visualizations I can help you overcome this issue and heal from the issues that drive it. Additionally, I can provide tools, coping skills, and other resources to help you manage this particular issue.

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT
Anger Therapist

Dustin Vander Haar, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91106 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

I work closely with my clients and their families in identifying the triggers and body cues which preceed an anger episode. Focusing on being in touch with ones emotional experience prior to an outburst allows my clients to begin to identify and disrupt this behavioral pattern prior to a full meltdown. Behaviors are much easier to change before full escalation, and working with my clients and families on identifying these clues and implimenting effective coping strategies is a pivotal part of change.

Debra Burianek, LMFT
Anger Therapist

Debra Burianek, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90703 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger has a place in life but you need to know how to use it effectively. Anger is a powerful emotion that can come from hurt, frustration, annoyance or disappointment. If you find yourself out of control and losing your temper more frequently its time to get the help that you need. Give me a call and we can work together on finding the root causes to the problem.

David Silverman, LMFT
Anger Therapist

David Silverman, LMFT

Free 20 minute phone consult

In 90045 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

I have a great deal of experience working with anger issues and domestic violence situations. DV is especially important to address because of the reaction of the children pulled into this dynamic. Cognitive Behavioral methods are taught which are easy to implement. We will look for the source of anger and find different redirected behaviors to replace anger. Mindfullness and various relaxation methods will be discussed. However, you will have input and final say in setting goals and in laying out our approaches to dealing with anger. We work together as equals, without judment.

Jessica Achugbue, LMFT, PMH-C, EMDR
Anger Therapist

Jessica Achugbue, LMFT, PMH-C, EMDR

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90804 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Postpartum rage is not talked about nearly enough. Overwhelmed by massive hormone shifts, a body that has survived one of the most brutal physical experiences a human can endure, and the stress of caring for a tiny brand new person, it makes sense that new moms are vulnerable to intense feelings of anger. Feeling constantly tense and on-edge can make it feel like you aren't yourself anymore. And this stress might be taking a huge toll on the relationships you care about most. As a perinatal therapist, I use mind-body therapy approaches like EMDR to help postpartum moms release stress, tension, and anxiety and ease into peace and stability. Let's work on calming the storm together.

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C
Anger Therapist

Christian Holmes, AMFT, EMDR, CSAT-C

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

In 90210 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Is your anger getting the best of you? Perhaps its ruining your relationship or compromising your ability to move up in your career. Maybe its just a feeling--you're always tense, stressed, worked up, you feel "on edge." Whatever your experience is, there is health to be had and hope to be found. Something in you knows there's got to be another way to live. Together, we'll explore what your anger is really about and develop strategies to get you feeling more healthy and whole so you can have the relationship with others you want to, the internal peace that people talk about, and the ability to move well through stressful situations.

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 91106 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger is a natural emotion resulting from events that happen in our lives; we all get angry which may stem from things within or outside of one's own control. Emotional regulation is key and I can help quell those rages with techniques and strategies so that my clients can learn what lies at the root of their anger which often includes frustration and rage as well. In this manner, they can identify triggers that ignite these rages & we can pinpoint effective coping mechanisms when they do arise. Research studies have shown that psychotherapy can significantly provide a positive impact on how an individual recognizes and works to deescalate their boiling points, reducing stress/anxiety.

Mark Baker, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Mark Baker, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

In 91107 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

We frequently offer courses on Anger Management and have several therapists that specialize in this area. Helping people struggling with anger requires a specialized approach to treatment so make sure you are talking to a therapist that specializes in this area if you are in need of help. Call us and our intake coordinator will have one of our anger management specialists give you a call.

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c
Anger Therapist

Seema Sharma, SEP, EMDR, AASECT, PhD-c

Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

In 91101 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Repressed anger can be a silent but powerful force, shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships in ways we may not even realize. I specialize in helping individuals recognize and manage repressed anger, offering a path toward healing and emotional liberation. Anger is a natural human emotion, yet many of us have been taught to suppress or ignore it, fearing its consequences. However, when left unaddressed, anger can manifest in a variety of harmful ways, from passive-aggressive behavior to physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach issues. Through a compassionate and nonjudgmental approach, I strive to create a safe space for clients to explore the root of their struggle

Christi Lindsay, PsyD
Anger Therapist

Christi Lindsay, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is one of our fundamental emotions, part of the basic machinery of our mind and personality. In some ways it is a useful tool that helps to motivate and energize us in seeking fairness and justice in the world around us. But this powerful hold-over from our primal history can also be enormously destructive if we lose control of it. If your anger is slipping out of your control and you find yourself saying or doing things that damage your reputation or your relationships, hurt those around you, or otherwise consistently put you on the outside of society's expectations for behavior, you need help to find tools or strategies to change this and I would be happy to help.

Duane Osterlind, LMFT, CSAT
Anger Therapist

Duane Osterlind, LMFT, CSAT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90803 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

When will feel stuck in life we often feel anger. Our frustrations grow and we end up doing things we later regret, like yelling at our spouse, or children. We know we want to remain calm but our frstrations overtake us. If you are struggling with anger I can help. I understand how you can calm your emotions to take the actions that truly help your situation. Using evidence-based practices around emotion regulation you can respond in ways that help you and the ones you love.

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC
Anger Therapist

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC

Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

I aim to help my clients gain a better understanding of their emotions and how to manage them. My practice specializes in anger management and provides tools and techniques to help people maintain stable emotions, stronger relationships, and better communication. I also offer psychoanalytically informed counseling, which helps clients gain insight into their unconscious thoughts and behavior. With my understanding of the human mind, I am able to provide my clients with the support they need to make positive changes in their lives.

Bruce Levine, Ph.D., ABPP
Anger Therapist

Bruce Levine, Ph.D., ABPP

Board Certified Clinical Psychologist

In 90210 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Frustration can sometimes lead to aggression. Cognitive-behavior therapy, as practiced by Dr. Levine, is a valuable tool in reducing the impact of frustration and reducing the resulting degree of anger. He will work with you to help you alter your reaction to frustration and develop alternative mechanisms to react to these events. Once your anger response is reduced your relationships with your family and friends are also likely to change in a much more positive direction.

Laura Pescione, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Laura Pescione, Ph.D.


In 91604 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Do you find that you are prone to angry outbursts in your relationships? Do you have a hard time with frustration tolerance? Through an empathic and collaborative approach, you will learn how to identify and understand your feelings and triggers, develop the capacity for frustration tolerance, and strengthen your coping skills so that your anger is no longer a destructive force in your life.

John Kane, LMFT
Anger Therapist

John Kane, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90036 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

I help people struggling with anger management by working with them to develop awareness of their anger experience in their body and mind and how it is impacting their body. I help you learn and practice strategies for regulating your body and mind so you do not lose control of the anger. I help you to learn healthy communication of anger, and the development of conflict resolution skills. I support you in exploring issues of transference from past relationships and experiences that may be contributing to your strong feelings of anger in present circumstances and relationships. We create safety, increase positive expression of anger, and reduce or eliminate sources of anger when possible!

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 90291 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Curtis Miller, MFT, Psy.D., D. Min., M.A., M.Div.
Anger Therapist

Curtis Miller, MFT, Psy.D., D. Min., M.A., M.Div.

Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychotherapy

In 91107 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Anger is not only something to "manage." The feelings in anger need to be recognized, understood, and responding to in a way that make sense. You're not bad because you are angry, you treat yourself and others badly when your trapped in intense feelings. I help people come out of the shame of being labeled in negative ways because they struggle with anger. Anger becomes less of a struggle when you're not alone in it.

Parshaw Barati-Marnani, LMFT
Anger Therapist

Parshaw Barati-Marnani, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91356 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Consider anger a socially acceptable mask that we wear to protect ourselves from more vulnerable feelings. It’s easier to show anger than hurt feelings. The way I work with anger is to explore what’s fueling the anger, what’s underneath it. Once the underlying feelings are identified and acknowledged, the anger becomes less intense and more manageable. I also use a somatic approach to anger, using physiological cues to recognize it before it grows out of control.

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP
Anger Therapist

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

I treat individuals with histories of trauma. Many adults walk away from abusive childhoods and find themselves acting in angry ways as adults. Anger is only a way that people cope with hardship, and we will work together to learn better ways to cope. Anger is only a symptom-- it does not define you. Anger can mask fear, anxiety, and insecurity. We will work together to find the true underlying issues causing anger. With hard work, you may see the anger melt away over time. I feel our society sees anger as a dirty or shameful part of our mental health, but this must change. You will not be treated poorly in my practice if you are making the effort to learn to cope better!

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 90035 - Nearby to View Park Windsor Hills.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwaive optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in View Park Windsor Hills, CA.

Thank you for visiting our California page of anger counselors in View Park Windsor Hills, California who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

View Park Windsor Hills is located in Los Angeles County, California. It has a land area of 1.84 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of View Park Windsor Hills is 11,374 people with 4,751 households and a median annual income of $82,718. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for View Park Windsor Hills, CA

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in View Park Windsor Hills for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local View Park Windsor Hills public health department.