Addiction Therapists in Monterey Park, CA.

Counseling for addiction and codependency in Monterey Park, CA. Help for alcohol and substance abuse, pornography, sex and internet addiction, gambling, and compulsive spending.

Ute Zimmermann, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Ute Zimmermann, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 91106 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Addiction is complex and encompasses many entities. One of them is the participation in an AA program, another one the therapist. I can help on the therapeutic side, as addiction is often connect to underlying trauma. We will work through the trauma and the tools needed, while AA provides the tools required for sobriety. It's an ongoing process, providing growth and stability over time.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Addiction Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addictions can appear in many forms including substance addictions, internet addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, pornography, social media, excessive exercise, food, etc. Strong cravings with a loss of control can lead people to become addicted in spite of possible dire consequences. Counselling is one of several possible treatments available for addictions. Individual, group and family therapies have been found to be helpful in order to inform a client regarding the harmful effects the addiction may have on themselves, their friends, family and society. Promoting physical, emotional and spiritual well being is often critical for the rehabilitation process.

Audrey Johnson, Psy. D.
Addiction Counselor

Audrey Johnson, Psy. D.

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

In 91423 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Gambling? Alcohol? Drugs? Is an addiction controlling your life? Are you tired of being a yo-yo in that addictive cycle? Getting help from a professional counselor and going to a 12-step group often have the best results according to research. I provide treatment for drug/alcohol problems, sexual addictions including internet porn, shopping compulsions, and gambling problems for the individual and his/her family and friends. I am a provider for the State of California to give free, professional treatment to the gambler, gambler's family, and friends. Don't let that addiction lead you to prison, insanity, or death. Call today for a free consultation and lead a clean and healthy life.

Lindsey Rosenthal, M.A., L.M.F.T.
Addiction Counselor

Lindsey Rosenthal, M.A., L.M.F.T.

Psychotherapist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90046 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

The benefits of Addiction Counseling and Treatment are manifold. Too often individuals are controlled by substances in their life and don't feel free to make their own choices. People can be addicted to everything from drugs, to caffeine, to shopping, to gambling, to alcohol, etc. Addiction counseling is about understanding the need one may feel to be attached to a substance. Counseling focuses on developing other coping skills to manage ones' life without depending on a substance to get through each day.

Gary Aris, LPC, CTC
Addiction Counselor

Gary Aris, LPC, CTC

Licensed Pastor Counselor, Certified Temperament Counselor

In 92807 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Is your addiction eating you alive? Perhaps you have received some bad news from a doctor or a loved one because of your addiction. No matter what you're experiencing, we're here to help you. You're not alone! We create a custom made system that fits your life to bring the greatest results through discovering your temperament. Call us now to see how we can help you.

Heather Browne, PsyD, MA, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Heather Browne, PsyD, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

In 92841 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I do not work with severe drug and alcohol addiction. I work with clients who are able to function, yet finding it becoming more difficult and needing to stop their behavior before they hit bottom. We use cognitive behaviorial techniques to protect them from acting out and build up a support network. We also begin to explore soothing and coping techniques which are needed and missing.

Tom Andre, MA
Addiction Counselor

Tom Andre, MA


In 90245 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I prefer to steer well clear of the term "addict." Addict is a word that carries the power to define people in a way that does not reflect their own wishes nor come close to reflecting the totality of their lives. My approach is first to recognize the power, and the allure, of the many substances available for abuse. I will be curious to learn about your journey and relationship with substances, and how you hope to see your relationship in the future.

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT
Addiction Counselor

Eris Huemer, PsyD, MFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90068 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Any Unresolved issues from your past can lead to more serious disorders such as an alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction and others. We will go beyond the symptom of the addiction you are experiencing and treat the underlying cause and possible unresolved psychological trauma. This will help you restore your sense of control and reduce the poweful hold that any the addictive behaviors have on you.

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC
Addiction Counselor

Madeleine Foster, MA, AMFT, APCC

Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

I specialize in helping those struggling with addiction, pain, and psychological trauma. As a psychotherapist, I'm committed to providing a safe and compassionate environment for clients to explore their feelings and experiences. I understand how difficult life can be and strive to provide personalized care that best suits each person's individual needs. My goal is to work together with my clients to gain insight and understanding into their unique situation so that they can ultimately find healing.

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW
Addiction Counselor

Diane Thorp, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 91106 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Addictions can be tricky as they can often fly under the radar if they don't seem to impact other people, such as an individual who exercises to extremes; however, problems arise when addiction(s) begin to impact their social, academic, mental/physical health, financial or professional life. Looking at the difference between merely habit forming behaviors and true addictions can be examined during psychotherapy and looking at benefits and patterns of these behaviors. Supportive measures are key before addictions take over and become the sole purpose of an individual's functioning. I have worked with a number of individuals and psychotherapy can be of a great benefit towards recovery.

Emily Newman, MA, LMFT, LPCC
Addiction Counselor

Emily Newman, MA, LMFT, LPCC

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 92647 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I am a CalGETS outpatient provider with specialized training in the treatment of problem gamblers and their families use specific diagnostic tools to determine the extent and severity of the problem. The licensed therapist creates a therapeutic relationship to help each client succeed using proven strategies that motivate the client to change, identify distortions and feelings about gambling, identify gambling triggers, and prevent relapsing into destructive behaviors. The specific types of treatment provided to problem and pathological gamblers will be a combination of state-provided treatment materials, knowledge and skills acquired from the trainings, and techniques from the th

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP
Addiction Counselor

Sara Fischer Sanford, LCSW, CCTP

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

While I do not work with clients in active addiction, I absolutely support clients who have addiction in their pasts, as this likely indicates some trauma. If you are receiving support from an addiction counselor, going to a support group, or working with your MD, I am always happy to be part of your support team. Trauma and addiction go hand in hand, making this a big part of my practice. Therapy is often a small piece of the puzzle, but I always ensure my clients have the tools they need to be successful. If you need support with addiction, please reach out and I can help you with coordination for you to meet all of your mental health needs.

Sean Sprigle, LPCC
Addiction Counselor

Sean Sprigle, LPCC

Licensed professional clinical counselor

In 90048 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Addiction can be a tricky and slippery issue to deal with due to its nonlogical nature. I know this from personal experience because I dealt with with addiction issues before becoming a psychotherapist. It is this combination of personal and professional experience that makes me uniquely qualified to help people recover from this particular issue. With the aid of tools like EMDR CBT and guided visualizations I can help you overcome this issue and heal from the issues that drive it. Additionally, I can provide tools, coping skills, and other resources to help you manage particular issues while I’m helping you heal.

Carl H. Shubs, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Carl H. Shubs, Ph.D.


In 90212 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Are you abusing, addicted, or not sure? Are you concerned about substances (alcohol, pot, cocaine, meth), behaviors (sex, porn, computers, gambling, spending, cutting), or both? Together, we can see if these issues are really a problem for you. If you’re having problems in these areas, we can sort it out and deal with it. Some people benefit from 12-step programs, and others don’t want them. I can work either way. Together, we’ll see what triggers you, how you deal with them, what works, what doesn’t, what situations affect your using and not using, and how this ties in with your earlier life. We’ll see what helps you to cope, where that works and doesn’t, and what other options might be.

Stephanie Weston, LCSW
Addiction Counselor

Stephanie Weston, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 92832 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Battling an addiction is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome because you basically have two enormous issues to work through. You have the addiction, which is an overpowering urge to engage in a particular activity despite it’s negative consequences and then you have the issue underneath that you’re attempting to cope with by means of the addiction. Therefore, my approach is to work with the client on reducing the addictive behaviors so we can explore the root cause of it. Obviously elimination of the addiction is the goal, but sometimes just slowly reducing it is enough to begin work on the underlying cause. Benefits of this would be gaining back your control over your life.

Kelly Duggan Shearer, MA., LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Kelly Duggan Shearer, MA., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 91740 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

No one likes pain. No one likes to feel alone, or stressed, or scared. Wouldn't it make sense to do what it takes to give ourselves relief from our despair? Turning to drugs, alcohol, food, spending, name it, can be our best way to get relief from our pain. And it works...momentarily. Unfortunately, it can become much bigger than we planned. Sometimes, it can hurt those we love and get in the way of living the life we want. Finding out what is underneath that pain, and helping it to be soothed without our addiction can be hard...but it can set us free. If you are ready to reclaim your joy, begin with this first courageous step of reaching out for help.

Gita Seshadri, Ph.D, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Gita Seshadri, Ph.D, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 90213 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I believe that as we grow up we are shaped by our relationships; this starts from the time we are little and continues for the rest of our lives. Through these relationships we are also shaped by society. In being shaped we create various meaning from our experiences as well as receiving and giving instructions on how to live. When we form new relationships of any kind, this gets challenged; coming together and finding a path forward that celebrates all involved is the key to success. Sometimes this gets stalled through unspoken expectations and anticipated or unanticipated pressure related to shame. Lets explore this!

David Silverman, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

David Silverman, LMFT

Free 20 minute phone consult

In 90064 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I believe in a harm reduction model for addiction. I spent years in a clinic dealing with 50 clients, who were addicted to alcohol, opiates, cocaine, crack, and various prescription medications. Clients and I collaborated in finding the motivation to change. Every addict has entertained the thought of quiting. What we do in session is engage you in "change talk" expand on it, and reinforce it. Once the motivation for change is there, learning more positive reactions to triggers can begin. We will deal with self-esteem issues and possible traumas that may have led to self-medication. 12-Step programs are effective in relapse provention. Remember, you are not alone.

Lauren Stevenson, Psy.D.
Addiction Counselor

Lauren Stevenson, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 91108 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

I strongly believe that the first step in overcoming an addiction is to feel supported in a safe and comforting therapeutic environment. Without trust, it is nearly impossible to address the issues, including shame, that so often accompany substance abuse. My approach is to help my clients learn to identify the thoughts and beliefs (often negative thoughts about themselves and their lives) that lead them to turn to drugs or alcohol. Treatment helps the client unlearn old patterns of behavior and to learn new ways of coping with situations and thoughts that may have led them to use substances in the past.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 91001 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

While most treatment approaches to addiction include 12 step progams, rehabs, and now sober living houses, Grey Matters International, Inc. provides a wildly successful alternative to traditional models of addiction treatment----that keeps the brian in mind. That is, talking to the conscious brain while the primal brain is deciding things even before you are consciously aware? well, that is the problem to solve in addiction. We have the solution utilizing a new cutting edge neuroscience-centered brain rebalancing system. Contact or call 877-606-6161

Matthew Kijak, LCSW, Psychotherapist
Addiction Counselor

Matthew Kijak, LCSW, Psychotherapist

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 90042 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

My approach to addiction therapy is holistic and compassionate. I understand that addiction is a complex issue that affects not only the individual struggling with substance abuse, but also their loved ones. Together, we will work to identify the root causes of the addiction and develop coping strategies to overcome it. We will also address any co-occurring mental health issues that may be contributing to the addiction. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to work through their addiction, while also addressing any other areas of their life that may be affected. I may incorporate evidence-based interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational

Rick Deaton, Psy.D.
Addiction Counselor

Rick Deaton, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 90036 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Seeking treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction is a courageous undertaking. I have 20 years experience treating patients who suffer from alcohol and addiction from cocaine, heroine, crystal methamphetamine, marijuana and prescription medication addictions. Individuals often have an underlying symptom of depression and anxiety for which alcohol and drugs provide some relief. I integrate psychotherapy and encourage participation in AA, NA or other 12 step programs to provide additional support for sustaining sobriety. Many patients often abuse alcohol and drugs and wish not to use the 12 step programs or desire complete sobriety. Psychotherapy can be beneficial in decreasing abuse.

Ross L. Kellogg, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Ross L. Kellogg, LMFT

Licensed Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapist

In 90067 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Clients grappling with addiction often feel a profound injury to their confidence, trapped in a cycle that seems insurmountable. In my therapy process, you will discover a compassionate and understanding environment where the underlying reasons for addiction are not only identified but addressed with clear, actionable solutions. My approach emphasizes the your unique experience, helping you to rebuild self-trust and confidence. Through personalized support and long-term management strategies, clients will find empowerment in their journey towards recovery, regaining control, and hope for a healthier future.

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Verdant Oak Behavioral Health, Psy.D. and Ph.D.


In 91030 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Struggles with addiction and substance abuse can often be accompanied by guilt and shame, and this guilt and shame are typically triggers for continued use/relapse. Use of a strengths-based approach to treating substance abuse can tap an individual's own strengths to gain insight and to increase coping skills. Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy can also prove useful to address unmet needs, feeling "stuck" and challenging irrational thoughts that lead to continued use.

Kevin Bergen, MA, MFT
Addiction Counselor

Kevin Bergen, MA, MFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

In 90274 - Nearby to Monterey Park.

Don't know if you're an "addict"? Are you SURE you are? Whether someone just accuses you of addiction or you've been around the recovery block a few times, you'll find qualified and understanding help at CCRG. But nobody REALLY understands you? Try us! You'll find real understanding and patience, skill and knowledge, motivation and support. Would all that help? Call us and let us help.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Addiction And Codependency in Monterey Park, CA.

Thank you for visiting our California page of therapists in Monterey Park who specialize in addictions in all forms- internet addiction, pornography and sex addictions, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, shopping, and food addictions.  An addiction can destroy lives and relationships. Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict. Professional therapy from an addiction specialist in Monterey Park, CA is a vital part of recoverey and healing. We are ready to help, let's get started.

Monterey Park is located in Los Angeles County, California. It has a land area of 7.66 square miles and a water area of 0.05 square miles.  The population of Monterey Park is 61,468 people with 19,106 households and a median annual income of $54,097. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Monterey Park, CA

Affordable with Planning

Therapy in Monterey Park is generally within financial reach for the average family, but some budget planning may be needed for a real commitment to weekly counseling. Remember that your mental health and happiness are important. Check with your Monterey Park therapist about insurance coverage or ask about sliding scale fees if there are any difficulties with accessibility. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Monterey Park public health department.