Depression Counselling in Oak Bay, BC.

Leading therapy for major depression, bipolar, postpartum depression, SAD and mood disorders in Oak Bay, British Columbia.

Ben Bjorgaard, PhDc, MA, RCC, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Ben Bjorgaard, PhDc, MA, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V8R 4P8 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Sometimes feeling sad, stuck, and hopeless is something that can be shifted with support and some fairly straightforward strategies. At other times, depressed feelings can be signs of complex processes that take time to unravel and sometimes lead to profound transformations. Still at other times, stuck emotions and energies can be moved through experiential processes. Ultimately, feelings of depression and their resolution are unique to your life. Even though ways out can be challenging to see when we’ve been feeling stuck for some time, there are many ways through. I'll help you find the one that works for you.

Tamara Bainbridge, BA, MC, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Tamara Bainbridge, BA, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8T 4N4 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Are you looking for therapeutic help in learning about cognitive strategies for managing depression? Are you wanting a compassionate space to reflect and gain deeper insights into your experience with depression? Are you wanting time for deeper spiritual exploration into your experience with depression? Depression is often complex and does not respond to a "one strategy fits all" approach. Together, we will develop an approach that involves a combination of clinically sound methods that meets your needs in helping you to cope with the daily challenges of living with depression.

Steve Rose, PhD
Depression Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

When struggling with depressed moods, everything feels heavy and you lack a sense of meaning and purpose. Even the most simple tasks can feel impossible. If you find yourself turning to alcohol, substances, or other addictive behaviours to cope with depressed moods, there is a way out. I help clients with addictions overcome the depressed moods causing them to turn to substances or addictive behaviours to cope. Everyone is different, so I work with you to develop a plan that fits your unique situation. If you are unsure where to start, send me a message. If I'm not the right fit, I can connect you to resources that will allow you to start getting help today, without having to wait.

Maryse Neilson, MSW, RSW
Depression Counsellor

Maryse Neilson, MSW, RSW

Counsellor and Registered Social Worker

In V8P 3W8 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Nothing can zap joy from life as quickly and devastatingly as depression can. I will help you move through the fog of depression to understand how our perceptions affect our mood and reality and how to shift to a place where we have more control over our reactions, our beliefs and feelings, and ultimately our behaviours. Understanding why we find ourselves in the place we do is important but it is not useful if we don't also develop the skills to move out of harmful and damaging places.

Guido Timmermans, MA (Couns. Psych.)  CCC
Depression Counsellor

Guido Timmermans, MA (Couns. Psych.) CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V9B 6R5 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

I can guide you to take that first important step using relevant therapeutic insights and my own experience. If your depression is crippling your life or is hurting your loved ones, you need to do something even if it is hard to believe that anything can ever be different. You may tend to feel that nothing matters or that talking or sharing can not help you. Even when you feel you have little or no control, getting a sense of what is going on can provide a small opening you need to think and feel differently. A small change at times when we are desperate can make a huge difference in the end. Yes, it takes patience and tenacity. You need to show up and to be prepared to do what you can.

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC
Depression Counselor

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Depression can be experienced in a multitude of ways and often differently by each person. Depression can leave an individual feeling overwhelmed, a loss interested in activities that they used to enjoy, feel a lack of energy, have difficulty sleeping, experienced pronounced weight changes, and even serious illness. You do not have to suffer or feel alone. We will work with you to uncover the elements to your depression and help you to regain enjoyment and satisfaction in your life.

Tim Garner, MC, CCC
Depression Counselor

Tim Garner, MC, CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or constantly tired? Are you struggling with a sadness that won't lift, losing interest in things you once loved, or trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts? I get it. Depression is tough. But with the right support, you can find joy again, rediscover motivation, and build resilience. As a clinical counsellor, I'm here to help you reclaim your life with compassionate, results-oriented therapy using proven techniques. Let’s take this journey together. Book your free 15-minute phone consultation today and start moving towards a brighter, more empowered future.

Dorion Dellabough, M.Ed., RCC
Depression Counsellor

Dorion Dellabough, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8M 1M6 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

My approach to dealing with depression is to face it on two levels. First, there are the cognitive behavioural treatment options to address the basic skills needed just to get through each day. We will build a strategy together and I will help to keep you on track. Then the real therapy begins. Together, in a safe manner and at an acceptable pace, we will unveil some of your defences and rediscover your trapped potential - the part of you that gives life real meaning and purpose. I truly believe your life means something and that you have purpose.

Marilyn Sundeen, M.C.,  R.C.C.
Depression Counsellor

Marilyn Sundeen, M.C., R.C.C.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9B 3S6 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Those who suffer with Depression know that it is far more than being sad. It is a pall, a darkness, a fog that permeates every part of your existence and sucks the life out of every joy. It is also a complex and complicated knot to untangle. Sometimes depression can be a mask for shame that has been carried from our family of origin. Our work on your experience of Depression will offer practical skills, which can start to ease some of the heaviness. I will also support you to get underneath the pain and discover what is fueling that story and that experience. Any of this will be in concert with, not take the place of, therapeutic medication prescribed by your Doctor.

Michelle Gay, M.A., RCC, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Michelle Gay, M.A., RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor, EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Certified Consultant, Teacher (BC and TESL Canada)

In V8V 3K8 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

I am available to support at any point in your experience of depression. Recovery from a episode of depression can take time, warmth, patience and small steps. Prevention can involve learning about thought patterns, reducing triggers, plans for action, consultation with other health professionals and lifestyle changes. Some approaches I draw on include, talk therapy, mindfulness, EMDR (eye movement desentization and reprocessing) and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).

Cory Klath, Cory Klath
Depression Counsellor

Cory Klath, Cory Klath

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Social Worker

In V8T 4N4 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Just about will experience depression at some point in their lifetime. Sometimes, there is a clear reason for its presence… sometimes it might not make sense. Depression can knock us hard, flatten us out and keep us down. Sadness, unhappiness, unmotivated, helpless, discouraged, hopeless, numb or just feeling empty with no energy… it manifests in all kinds of ways. In my practice, I help people to gain insight into their relationship with depression and develop a personalized approach to get through to the other side. With some help, change is very much possible. You can get up again and move toward different experience in life.

Kathleen Lafferty, MCP, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Kathleen Lafferty, MCP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8N 1G4 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression includes low mood, feelings of sadness or hopelessness, diminished interest in activities, fatigue, change in appetite or sleeping behaviour, diminished ability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and suicidal ideation. These symptoms cause impairment in an individuals’ social, occupational, or other areas. Therapy for depression typically involves cognitive-behavioural therapy, where thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are investigated, cognitive-restructuring, and learning new skills and coping strategies. At the outcome of therapy, individuals can experience more energy and joy, greater peace, clarity, connectedness, self worth, hope, and improved functioning.

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V8R 1C6 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

My approach is to work with you to understand all of the many layers of your life which may have caused your depression. Then we can collaboratively develop a plan for getting better, one step at a time. I use therapies such as CBT, ACT, and EMDR as needed to speed your recovery in collaboration with you. Most important is our therapeutic relationship and connection for change you can count on.

Sharolyn Sloat, PhD,  CPBC  #1666
Depression Counsellor

Sharolyn Sloat, PhD, CPBC #1666

Psychologist (Registered with CPBC)

In V9A 5S1 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Dr. Sloat's therapeutic approach* to treating depression stems from her belief that depression is best treated while a person is feeling well. Although she acknowledges that depression should also be treated while acute, she also recognizes that depression tends to be episodic for long term sufferers, and the best way to long term success is to create tools and strategies while well that inoculate against further episodes. In short, Dr. Sloat describes her approach as "Depression Management". *Approach includes CBT, i.e., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Michele Dolan, MACP, RCC, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Michele Dolan, MACP, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8L 4P7 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Clients have talked about being down there in ‘the pit’, not being able to see any light, only darkness with no path. You are doing less and less, you are losing motivation to connect with others, or even get out of bed. Using behavioural activation, where we listen to or thoughts instead of our feelings, we can pull ourselves out of the downward spiral of depression. Sometimes that means treating trauma too. With help, imagine someone throws down some tools and materials, we make a plan to build a ladder, and with support and encouragement, you get yourself out of that pit. I know there's a path and I have helped others find it.

Alan Caplan, MA, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Alan Caplan, MA, CCC


In V9A 7M7 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression is usually marked by a change in eating habits, sleep, and energy levels. The person may suffer from isolation and a sense of worthlessness. I work to draw out my clients' concerns and deeper thoughts as well as their doubtful concerns. Every person has the potential of drifting into a depressed states, and some people live here a lot. But sharing one's personal thoughts and unmet needs is a powerful way to draw a person out of their depression. I also focus on some of their past successes, even in situations that appear to be futile. We all have the power to survive and overcome, even when things seem hopeless. Bearing witness to the moments of success, contribute to forward moti

Kirsteen Moore, Psy. D., R.C.C.
Depression Counsellor

Kirsteen Moore, Psy. D., R.C.C.


In V8P 1A3 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

I am honoured that you are interested in my services and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been described as slightly non-conventional in the counselling world, which suits me perfectly, and also tends to suit youth who are trying to stand up to the force of the problems in their life. I am very comfortable working with this population, and I feel fortunate that I can connect with teens the way I do, conventionally or in a way that makes sense to them.

Erin Laird, Erin Laird
Depression Counsellor

Erin Laird, Erin Laird

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8R 2B6 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Caught under a dark and weighty cloud that affects your thoughts, mood, emotions and behaviour? Maybe you're having trouble concentrating, remembering things or even contemplating suicide. Facing depression can alleviate feelings of sadness, worthlessness, guilt, restlessness, emptiness, irritability (just to name a few!). You may also feel relief from more physical symptoms such as a loss of energy and appetite, aches and pains, and digestive problems. Building on the joy and vitality that you may be overlooking in your life, we will pull you out of your pit of despair and teach you how to walk the path with no giant holes!

Shelley Gordon, MSW, RSW
Depression Counsellor

Shelley Gordon, MSW, RSW

Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V8V 4Y2 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Shelley helps clients with depression explore their distorted thinking that leads to feeling hopeless and defeated. By reframing their negative thoughts clients can begin to see their world in a more positive and empowered perpective. Shelley helps clients to embrace themselves in a compassionate and empathic way, and to explore what they can learn, or change in their life that might come from this difficult time. The concept Pain in the Service of Growth helps clients to understand that their negative feelings might be an indication that something needs to change and to feel supported in making those changes, with Shelley's guidance and encouragement.

Mark Watts,  MTC, CCH
Depression Counsellor

Mark Watts, MTC, CCH

Registered Master Therapeutic Counsellor, Board Certified Counselling Hypnotherapist

In V8W 1C4 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression can feel like a wet blanket you wear around you day in and day out. You may find it hard to remember what if felt like before or have hope that you will ever feel normal again. The most valuable thing I can do for a client with depression is to inspire hope, to help you regain your confidence and recover a positive, constructive outlook on life. My therapeutic approach for helping clients move through their depression incorporates a compassionate and nonjudgmental acceptance so important to supporting changes in ourselves.

Mary Munro, MA, MCouns, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Mary Munro, MA, MCouns, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9A 6Z5 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression hurts. It hurts to feel stuck, to feel alone, and to feel out of step with other people. And it hurts not to know how to pull ourselves out of it. When depressed, we often believe that something is deeply wrong with us at a personal level. In counselling, we explore the legitimate reasons why you might be depressed – what in your situation sets you up to feel bad? And we consider what you can do differently to support yourself. It can be challenging to face your difficulties, including both those things you can and cannot change. In counselling, I help you clarify your experience, support you, and help you find confidence and motivation to live life differently.

Michael Simard, RTC, SEP, RYT
Depression Counsellor

Michael Simard, RTC, SEP, RYT

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

In V8R 1B9 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

I believe depression can be the body and mind's way of protesting against aspects of life that are uncomfortable and may not be working anymore. Exploring depression requires patience, gentleness and willingness to wonder what else your life could be. We will look at areas of your life that are successful and work together to find ways to transfer these feelings into all aspects of your life. Depression doesn't have to be a lifelong experience.

Cally Farr, MA, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Cally Farr, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8V 3K8 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression can actually feed on itself, creating an on-going cycle of paralysis and drain. Through therapy with me, you will learn tools to understand, recognize and manage your depression. Often people have been depressed for so long that they give up ever recovering. We will look at your belief systems and thoughts that keep you stuck, and develop new beliefs and thoughts that can break the cycle.

Janice Graham, Ph.D., RCC
Depression Counsellor

Janice Graham, Ph.D., RCC

Psychotherapist and Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8V 1E2 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

When you are depressed you may feel sad, weepy, hopeless, helpless, unmotivated, maybe sleep too much or not enough and also lose interest in sexuality, your friends and activities. These feelings last a long time and are really hard on relationships. You may think that you will never be happy again. You may have tried drugs but now want to take charge yourself of the changes you want to feel in your life. Counseling starts with your story of what is happening. I will ask lots of questions to help you get a clear idea of the causes and patterns in your life. We'll work on coping strategies and maybe try therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You'll feel more content with your life.

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC
Depression Counsellor

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9B 0A1 - Nearby to Oak Bay.

Depression is tricky. Depression causes a lowered mood, fatigue, and decreased motivation. Sometimes, Depression goes unnoticed by friends and family. It can appear like everything in your life should be fine, but inside, it's a struggle to get out of bed. I provide a non-judgmental space to explore the areas of your life impacted by depression. You will learn alternative coping mechanisms to help ease future symptoms of depression.

You Have Found The Best Therapists for Depression and Mood Issues in Oak Bay, BC.

Are you ready to experience new freedom? Thank you for visiting our British Columbia search of licensed therapists in Oak Bay who specialize in helping people overcome sadness, treat major depression and mood disorders such as bipolar, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Feeling down, lonely, and depressed can affect us at any station in life. Sometimes the cause may be physiological (such as hormonal or due to medication), it may be emotional, environmental, psychological or any combination of the above. Counselling for recovery and restoration from depression by a top rated therapist in Oak Bay will help you climb back up and start living your dreams again.

Oak Bay is located in British Columbia, Canada. It has a land area of 10.53 square kilometers.  The population of Oak Bay is 18,094 people with 7,737 households . The population ranking for Oak Bay is #239 nationally and #37 for the province of British Columbia with a density of 1717.70 people per sq km. Oak Bay therapists serve postal code: V8R.