Great Couples Counselling in Murrayville, BC. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Murrayville, British Columbia. Discounts available (see profiles).

Tara Azimi, PhD Candidate, RCC, CCC.
Couples Counsellor

Tara Azimi, PhD Candidate, RCC, CCC.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3C 6K5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

My aim during couples counselling is to create an impartial and comfortable environment for both partners to equally share their experiences, thoughts and emotions. Through cultivating a better understanding of one another, couples I have worked with have shared that they experience more connection, patience, intimacy and appreciation for each other after our sessions. My aim is to improve communication by offering practical techniques, to explore the deeper rooted cycles of conflict and dissatisfaction and to help couples understand their own and their partner's past traumas and childhood experiences that may impact the relationship. I draw on approaches such as EFT or the Gottman method.

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3B 1A8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples could face many different issues in their relationships. These issues could include communication problems, conflict, sexual and intimate issues, different cultural backgrounds, and a lack of understanding about where each other's feelings. To provide counselling to couples, we use a variety of techniques depending on each couple's unique struggles and challenges. We help you develop better communication skills, work toward better conflict resolution, understand each other's needs and feelings, recognize your own triggers and your partner's triggers, and identify unhealthy coping mechanisms and replace them with healthy ones.

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Couples Counselor

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

The first step with my approach to couples therapy is for us to establish rapport as you inform me of the problem that has brought you to therapy. I use a Choice Theory approach which includes defining more closely what each of you want for yourselves as individuals and the relationship as a whole. From there, we get to work on rebuilding trust in the relationship by enhancing communication skills so each of you feel listened to, heard, and respected. Then we can build on trust to establish the changes needed to restore the happiness that brought you together in the first place.

Rosemary Fromson, RPC, MPCC-S
Couples Counsellor

Rosemary Fromson, RPC, MPCC-S

Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

In V2T 1T8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples counselling is an opportunity for two people to re-learn the art of communication and the art of love. There are several homework assignments that I use as well as cognitive strategies. I work with couples to find the value in the others actions: how do you know you are loved without hearing words. Over time there can be an erosion in respect. We work to knit the rift together again and rejoin in a united belief of their relationship.

Fred West, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Fred West, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I have been in practise for a long time and much of my training and experience is in couples counselling. It is a privilege and opportunity to work with couples and more often than not we see successful outcomes. There is never a more satisfying feeling than seeing couples making important decisions for their future while keeping a priority of each person's own emotional well being!

Operine Banton, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Operine Banton, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3Z 0C7 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couple relationship problems are not only significant in their right, but they also impact a host of individual problems. You will encouraged to channel your efforts into specific changes leading to long-term goals and problem resolution. There will be questions to discern where the troubles lie in terms of family of origin issues, current stressors, emotional status concerns, social network, pressures, physical health problems, coping skills, interpersonal conflict, etc. Strategies will address your greatest needs and desire for a health-supportive relationship. e.g., communication.

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4N 5J8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples counselling focuses on the important structural aspects of your relationship, and builds on your relationships strengths to overcome challenges together and reduce conflicts. Couples that develop a strong sense of attunement towards each other are better able to empathize with each other, stop anger and resentment before a boiling point or a barrier is reached. There will always be disagreements and conflicts; being a successful couple is about using productive skills and tools to resolve these conflicts without going to war. Doing so helps bring couples closer together. Imagine your next disagreement making you two fall deeper in love!

Lorill Drummund, M.Ed., RCC, Certified EFT Therapist
Couples Counsellor

Lorill Drummund, M.Ed., RCC, Certified EFT Therapist

Registered Clinical Counsellor, EMDR Therapist

In V4B 3Z8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Do you feel alone in your relationship? Are you tired of nagging? Do you freeze, shut down, or walk on eggshells? I help each partner feel secure in the relationship, and able to express their deepest longings, and hear each other. Together, I help couples shift away from negative interactions, and become fully engaged in a positive connection. I clarify what is going on beneath the surface in your relationship, and assist you in recognizing the problem interactions, and deeper emotional needs, so that we can team up to deal with it together. I mentor you to understand each other's experience, so you can take over managing your relationship yourselves in a caring, fulfilling way.

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt
Couples Counselor

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt


Available for Online Therapy

Couples counselling focuses on developing strong communication skills, conflict resolution techniques, forgiveness, and effective dialogue. Many couples experience frustration at some point in their relationship where they feel they are not heard, valued or even loved any more. A toxic cycle of blaming, fighting and pulling away begins to form, creating distance and fatigue. For others an affair has shaken the very core of the safety and love they once felt in their relationship. It can be an agonizing and terrifying discovery for the partner who has been betrayed, and strong feelings of guilt, shame and a lack of understanding to how it even happened for the offending partner. Whether you are looking for a tune up to build back the excitement and...(view profile to read more)

Deana Brandt, MA-MFT, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Deana Brandt, MA-MFT, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2T 7A2 - Nearby to Murrayville.

In working with couples, I use an emotionally focused therapy approach (EFT). Sometimes the treatment process benefits from drawing on other sources such as Narrative therapy, Gottman, or Experiential therapy however my foundation works from EFT. I have experience in working with EFT in various couple dynamics.

Shinnie Steven, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Shinnie Steven, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 2M6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

As a couples' therapist utilizing the Gottman Method, I provide evidence-based, effective tools to strengthen relationships. This approach, developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, focuses on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and deepening emotional connection. Through structured exercises, assessments, and practical skills, I help couples gain insight into their dynamics, identify areas of concern, and develop strategies for healthier interactions. By fostering trust and understanding, the Gottman Method empowers couples to build lasting, resilient partnerships based on empathy, intimacy, and a shared vision for their future together.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

What are the most common couples' issues? If you are thinking "communication, conflict, sex, money, child rearing" you are correct. However, most therapists will go after the symptom on each side of the couple fence thinking that the way to effective change is by getting each party to "work" on their respective "issue". Many times the parties don’t agree but comply. Imagine if you could align the unconscious brains of a couple and stop the "working on your issues" part that has become so popular in therapy settings? Contact to learn how! Or call 877-606-6161. DR. FLEMING'S NEW RELATIONSHIP/COUPLES INTENSIVES.

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT
Couples Counsellor

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4B 3X7 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a model of couples counselling that has proven to repair broken relationships. Through EFT, couples gain the skills necessary to understand themselves and communicate their emotional needs which enhances intimacy and the relational bond. With EFT, I focus on creating a safe and secure environment for couples to explore their emotions and the underlying patterns that contribute to their relationship challenges. and fulfilling relationship, and my goal is to help my clients build the foundation necessary to achieve that.

Charlene Kostecki, M.A., S.T.E.P. RCC
Couples Counsellor

Charlene Kostecki, M.A., S.T.E.P. RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3W 1A6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Charlene has over 10 years experience working with couples. Couples counselling can help to identify the problem issues that each couple is facing and provide them with effective tools to work through these issues. Couples counselling can improve communication between couples, teach couples how to fight fairly and to work together during difficult times. Call Charlene to discuss how she can help you and your partner find your way back to love.

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3Z 4P5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I am passionate about this work and will invest deeply in helping both of you succeed based on your engagement in the process. My approach: -Focus on the positives as well as the negatives - Hear from each individual about the positives and the negatives in the relationship -Teaching new skills that can help the couple based on the problems that are coming up in the relationship - Going over what's resolvable and not resolvable in the relationship - Have exercises the couple can work on each week

Rebecca Schroeder, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Rebecca Schroeder, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor - BCACC certified

In V2S 6E6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples counselling is highly rewarding work when both people are invested and willing to work. The work tends to lend itself not only to growth and healing in relationships but also in friendships, parenting and other relationships in peoples lives. On the flip side sometimes couples need support to know when it is time to identify behaviours in themselves or their partner which are incompatible with healthy relationships and to decide how best to proceed.

Bonnie Dyste, MAMFT
Couples Counsellor

Bonnie Dyste, MAMFT

Certified Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 4K2 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Building a long term relationship has its challenges and can sometimes feel overwhelming. I seek to help couples heal and strengthen their relationships. This can be a wonderful time to build trust, resolve conflict, and reach mutual marital satisfaction. As a compassionate therapist, I will provide support, guidance and several skills to help couples achieve their relationship goals and, therefore experience a more fulfilling life.

Rawda Tomoum, MS, RCC, CCC
Couples Counsellor

Rawda Tomoum, MS, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5A 4R4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I work with couples stuck in fighting, withdrawal, and disconnection, and help them bring back harmony, safety, and stability to their relationship. If you feel alone, unheard, and misunderstood, and no matter what you do, you can't seem to make it work, I can teach you what it takes to feel emotionally safe, understood & connected in the relationship. I follow the Gottman Method through which couples learn the key to a successful relationship. You learn to recognize and address negative patterns of interaction and develop a deeper understanding of each other's needs and perspectives. This help you rebuild a more satisfying relationship that is built on trust, mutual respect, and love.

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach
Couples Counsellor

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach

Cognitive Behavioral Marriage, Individual Therapist and Life Coach

In V3S 0V4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Do you lie in bed looking at the ceiling thinking, "I just can't do this another day"? Are you seeking for ways out? Thinking of alternate life situations? Is looking at porn become a replacement for sex with your spouse? What about romance novels, are you stuck in a world of non-reality, wishing that prince charming would make his acquaintance, and do it fast! Do you hate the way you have to wean through his dirty socks to get to the bed...or deal with her city of bottles on your bathroom vanity counter? Have you breached your marriage vows with someone else, or sought the unhealthy friendship of someone from the opposite sex online or at the office? It is time to take the love back.

Jaspreet Kaler, MA, RCC
Couples Counsellor

Jaspreet Kaler, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2T 2X5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples counselling can be sought at any stage of your relationship. By meeting you where you are in your journey together, I can offer several tools to enhance communication; cultivate understanding; increase capacity for connection and intimacy; adequately manage conflict and navigate boundaries. Through the use of several therapeutic interventions, I can work to uncover deep-rooted concerns that are affecting the quality of your relationship. And namely, offer appropriate, effective solutions. We can work collaboratively to resolve conflict, manage expectations and deal with various challenges including, but not limited to infidelity.

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC
Couples Counsellor

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3M 3P6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Couples therapy. I am trained in solution focused couples therapy to bring the issues at hand right out at the first appointment. I ask clients to prepare for their first appointment by bringing in a wish list, what each partner wants the other to get better at, to stop, to do more of, and to do less of. These take us right to the couples' goals and then we begin to work on the most important issues on their list. A successful, peaceful relationship can bring great joy to our lives.

Roya Vojdanijahromi, MA, RCC, CCTP
Couples Counsellor

Roya Vojdanijahromi, MA, RCC, CCTP

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3B 0B3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Relationships usually start with lots of love and passion. After a while, however, the miscommunication between partners, their previous traumas, and the everyday stresses of life lead to an unhappy couple. With training in evidence-based approaches to helping couples, I help my clients become mindful of the repeating patterns in their relationship and their roots. We will then work together to change these patterns and create new loving healthy patterns. We will work on helping you communicate your true feelings to your partner without blaming, stonewalling, or criticizing. We will focus on helping you become more vulnerable with your partner so that your emotional bond becomes stronger.

Murrayville is located in British Columbia, Canada.  The population of Murrayville is 9,600 people. Murrayville therapists serve postal code: V3A.