Anger Management and Counselling in Shawnigan Lake, BC.

Therapy and counselling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia. Find effective help for real change.

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Anger Therapist

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V8Z 1J6 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

My approach is to use a step-by-step process that follows an evidence based approach: goal setting; self awareness; cognitive reframing; behavioural modification; review of progress. Fundamental to the work is a good therapeutic relationship. That is, we have the collaboration and trust to combine your knowledge of yourself and your situation and my skills and knowledge of the clinical issues to make change happen.

Tamara Bainbridge, BA, MC, RCC
Anger Therapist

Tamara Bainbridge, BA, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8T 4N4 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger can feel like a sudden and overwhelming force within us or it can be experienced as a persistent, festering feeling that never seems to go away. Often anger is an indication of unmet needs that can stem from as far back as early childhood. I provide a space to explore these hidden emotions and needs within and offer practical tools and strategies for managing anger productively.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Anger Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

A response to life's events falls upon a continuum from neutral to highly-reactive. At times anger, Gandhi called it "Righteous Indignation," is necessary to respond to injustices or inappropriate behaviours. However, uncontrolled, inappropriate anger is destructive to one's self and others. Mindfulness and Metta (Loving Kindness) meditations are excellent tools to deal with anger. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also called Tapping, along with skillful use of affirmations can help to cool the fires of anger. The benefits of anger management lead to a regulating of emotions and thus a gaining of peace of mind, positive relationships, career and family security.

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC
Anger Therapist

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Anger often stems from feeling so many emotions all at once. You lose a sense of control. You go from 0 to 100 in a blink of an eye. By getting angry you’re attempting to regain control that’s presumed lost. But instead, you’re full of guilt and shame. Feeling angry and reacting in anger, is simply exhausting. I’ll help you learn how to regain control, in a healthy way.

Cally Farr, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Cally Farr, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8V 3K8 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Unmanaged anger can interfere with your relationships, your self esteem, and your job. With gentle support and challenge I will help you explore the root of your anger, the belief systems that support your behaviours, and how you can recognize your anger before it becomes translated into acting out. Using self regulation skills, self awareness, and mindfulness skills, you will learn that you have choices in how you recognize and express your feelings. Anger can be a healthy emotion, but can also be destructive when it takes over.

Mary Munro, MA, MCouns, RCC
Anger Therapist

Mary Munro, MA, MCouns, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9A 6Z5 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is our strong feeling of annoyance or displeasure when something doesn’t go our way. The reasons we get angry can be perfectly plain – or they can be a mystery. Anger can also become a habit, a stance we hold. Life puts us in difficult situations – anger may be an understandable response to your situation. But you can develop some choices about how you respond. I work with people to identify what sets them off, and to find ways to redirect situations and feelings. Do you turn your anger outwards or inwards? We consider the factors involved (relationship, family issues, life stress, job, habits, etc.), and figure out what needs to change to let you live with more satisfaction.

Tricia Toth, BSW, MSW, RSW, RCC
Anger Therapist

Tricia Toth, BSW, MSW, RSW, RCC

Professional Masters Level Registed Social Worker and Registered Clinical Counselor

In V9G 1A1 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

We all experience difficulties from time to time in managing our emotions. We feel anger, frustration, anxiety and irritation. When not properly managed we may experience stress, burnout, and feel unsatisfied with life. Our relationships and parenting skills may suffer. Sometimes this is due to us having too many issues to deal with at once, lack of supports in our lives; and when not taught to us, a lack of skills or resources to cope. Seeking the support of a counsellor can help. I have facilitated anger management workshops, and provided one on one counselling to teach coping and management skills. As a former Forensic Therapist, I am qualified to provide court ordered treatment.

Authentic Connections Therapy- Steve Price, B.Ed, MCP, RCC, CCPA
Anger Therapist

Authentic Connections Therapy- Steve Price, B.Ed, MCP, RCC, CCPA

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

It sucks to be angry and loose control of our emotions. Anger can have a devastating impact on the people we love the most. I will support you in addressing the emotions, trauma and pain underneath anger and learn to identify your triggers and patterns. I will teach you tools to address your stress and help you learn to better deal with your emotions. Learning to communicate our needs in a way that will be received is also a part of how I address anger issues.

Janice Graham, Ph.D., RCC
Anger Therapist

Janice Graham, Ph.D., RCC

Psychotherapist and Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9C 1E7 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger, like other emotions, helps us to respond to our experiences and to meet our needs. However, we can get into trouble in our relationships and with the law if we express our anger inappropriately. Anger may be used to control others by frightening them. Anger can be destructive and can make us physically unwell. In anger management counseling we will try to identify the triggers to your anger and I will coach you in methods of appropriate anger release. To understand the pattern of your anger and where your anger comes from we will look at the story of your life from your earliest memory. With better control of your reactions when you are upset you will be much happier and healthier.

Gravitate Counselling Inc., MA/M.Ed., RCC
Anger Therapist

Gravitate Counselling Inc., MA/M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8R 1C2 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

If you're struggling with anger management, our team of Registered Clinical Counsellors can help! Your counsellor can help you identify your triggers, understand what is happening in your anger cycle, learn to slow down your reactivity, improve your communication skills, develop strategies you can use when you are feeling angry, and how you might repair relationships that have been damaged as a result of anger outbursts. Even if you avoid anger outbursts, instead keeping the anger bottled up inside you, anger management counselling with Gravitate Counselling Inc. can help.

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Anger can be a reaction to a range of experiences, from past traumas to present-day stressors, and EMDR can help to desensitize and reprocess these experiences, reducing the intensity of the emotional response. Through the use of bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping, EMDR can help to process the distressing memories and emotions, leading to increased emotional regulation and a greater sense of control over one's emotional response. By addressing the underlying emotional triggers, EMDR can help to alleviate symptoms of anger and promote more adaptive coping strategies.

Michelle Gay, M.A., RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Michelle Gay, M.A., RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor, EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Certified Consultant, Teacher (BC and TESL Canada)

In V8V 3K8 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is an emotion that can be necessary to protect yourself in life threatening situations or when being treated in hurtful and harmful ways. Yet other times, underlying emotions or misunderstandings may be causing your anger. Your emotions are natural and normal, but you may be acting on them or acting out because of them. In these times, anger can be destructive and alienate you from significant people and life opportunities that you desire. Learning about anger, developing strategies to manage anger and exploring the other emotions and causes of your anger, are ways that we can work together to manage anger.

Mark Watts,  MTC, CCH
Anger Therapist

Mark Watts, MTC, CCH

Registered Master Therapeutic Counsellor, Board Certified Counselling Hypnotherapist

In V8W 1C4 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is a normal, natural response to perceived threats. Learning to manage our anger can be difficult at times. You will want to seek help with your anger if it seems uncontrollable, causes hurt or regret, or is impacting your relationships. Working together, we can collaboratively explore what your anger looks like, what triggers you and the signs that your anger is building. We can learn how to work with your frustration and anger in healthy ways.

Kirsteen Moore, Psy. D., R.C.C.
Anger Therapist

Kirsteen Moore, Psy. D., R.C.C.


In V8M 1J8 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

I am honoured that you are interested in my services and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been described as slightly non-conventional in the counselling world, which suits me perfectly, and also tends to suit youth who are trying to stand up to the force of the problems in their life. I am very comfortable working with this population, and I feel fortunate that I can connect with teens the way I do, conventionally or in a way that makes sense to them.

Sharolyn Sloat, PhD,  CPBC  #1666
Anger Therapist

Sharolyn Sloat, PhD, CPBC #1666

Psychologist (Registered with CPBC)

In V9A 5S1 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Dr. Sloat's approach to Anger Management is twofold. She provides tools and strategies for use when you are actually in the throes of anger. And, she helps you look at the big picture as well. The best way to manage your anger is to have nothing to be angry about. Dr. Sloat's therapeutic methods help you get at the source of your anger so that you can better manage it.

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC
Anger Therapist

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V9B 0A1 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Have you found that anger has started to ruin relationships, interfere with your job, and negatively impact your life? Anger has a way of spreading and infecting day-to-day interactions. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. I work with many people who are controlled by their anger. Typically, anger is influenced by other underlying causes. In counselling, we will work together to learn new coping mechanisms to limit anger while also looking at what is causing anger. If you want to take the next step, reach out to me, and we can begin to change how you react to anger.

Cory Klath, Cory Klath
Anger Therapist

Cory Klath, Cory Klath

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Social Worker

In V8T 4N4 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is a natural human response and perhaps the most misunderstood emotion. It can both serve and protect us - but left unchecked, it can lead to serious problems – damaging relationships, jeopardizing careers, and leaving us feeling out of control. Many of us were never taught what to do with anger, aside from bottling it up or acting it out. But there is another way. In my work, I help people to develop insight into the roots of their relationship with anger, and learn skills to authentically express it. Anger is often compared with fire, and as the saying goes, ‘fire is a good servant but a bad master.’ Together, we can work toward getting the fire under control.

Dorion Dellabough, M.Ed., RCC
Anger Therapist

Dorion Dellabough, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8M 1M6 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is not an abnormal reaction, but did you know that it is most often not your first response? In other words, it's what is generated when your first emotional reaction to something or someone isn't identified and dealt with. I help people to understand their primary emotions and then find ways to express them with greater clarity and healthier actions. We'll also explore when anger is appropriate and how you can use that energy to confront whatever you see as the cause in a safer, more effective way. You will never look at anger the same way again.

Maryse Neilson, MSW, RSW
Anger Therapist

Maryse Neilson, MSW, RSW

Counsellor and Registered Social Worker

In V8P 3W8 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger is a very misunderstood emotion. The feeling of anger can tell us important things about ourselves, about the situations we are facing, and about the people with whom we are in relationship. I will help you better understand your feelings of anger, to manage your response to them, and to behave in constructive ways to change situations that continue to be destructive.

Guido Timmermans, MA (Couns. Psych.)  CCC
Anger Therapist

Guido Timmermans, MA (Couns. Psych.) CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V9B 6R5 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

I will guide you to make that first step and help you to move beyond your current experience of anger using relevant therapeutic insights and my own experience. If your anger is hurting those close to you or gets you in trouble often, you have to get ahead of your anger. You need to identify what makes you angry, your challenging situations, your thinking and feeling before you explode, and to create a plan to respond appropriately. Managing your anger is an important first step, moving beyond your anger to forge positive outcomes will greatly improve your life. It may take time and perseverance, but fundamental change is possible.

Jennifer Meikle, MC RCC
Anger Therapist

Jennifer Meikle, MC RCC

Registered Clinical Counselor

In V9E 2G4 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Tim Garner, MC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Tim Garner, MC, CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Feeling like you always go from 0 to 100 in seconds? Do people say you overreact to small things, or do you feel constantly on-edge? Maybe your anger is hurting the people you care about. If any of this sounds familiar, counselling can help. Together, we can develop better emotional control, improve your relationships, and reduce your stress. You'll gain insights into your triggers and learn how to manage them. Imagine feeling calm and connected with the people you love. You deserve this peace. Let's take the first step together. Book your free 15-minute consultation now, and start your journey to a more peaceful life today.

Alan Caplan, MA, CCC
Anger Therapist

Alan Caplan, MA, CCC


In V9A 7M7 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

The more you feel out of control in your life, the more likely you are to feel angry. Unless you can identify and share your sense of powerlessness. This often takes a retraining of values but leads to personal empowerment once you learn that you can have "power with" rather than "power over" another person. There are a number of techniques to promote postiive changes fairly quickly including the recognition of one's negative self-talk and replacing it with self-soothing inside,

Erin Laird, Erin Laird
Anger Therapist

Erin Laird, Erin Laird

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V8P 1X4 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

Isn't it interesting how anger can motivate us and make us stuck all at the same time? Study the anatomy of anger in order to learn how to control it and use it in healthy ways. Anger is not "bad"; it is an essential emotion. Learn how to choose what to do with your anger in order to let it do it's job and then be let go. Explore what also masquerades as anger!

Michael Simard, RTC, SEP, RYT
Anger Therapist

Michael Simard, RTC, SEP, RYT

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

In V8R 1B9 - Nearby to Shawnigan Lake.

If things just never seem to be going your way, it can be easy to get frustrated. Discover how to make different decisions and manage the things that cause such feelings in your life. Counselling can help you with changing the root of your anger rather than just applying coping skills for that anger. Contact me today for a free initial consultation. Heal, Grow, Thrive!

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Shawnigan Lake, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia page of anger counsellors in Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Shawnigan Lake is located in British Columbia, Canada. Shawnigan Lake therapists serve postal code: V0R.