Anger Management and Counselling in Oyama, BC.

Therapy and counselling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Oyama, British Columbia. Find effective help for real change.

Mary Ellen McNaughton, MEd. CCC
Anger Therapist

Mary Ellen McNaughton, MEd. CCC

Registered Canadian Counsellor

In V1Y 4N7 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger is one of the most valuable emotions that we have but it is also the most misunderstood. There is sometimes a false sense of power generated with anger, however speaking or acting from a place of anger will often almost guarantee our needs with respect to anger will not be met.. Often in an attempt to "manage' anger we are actually either trying to suppress it or to vent it. Either of these options are usually counter productive. Instead if we see anger as a warning light on the 'dashboard', alerting us to deeper emotions at the root of anger we can transform it and use it in a productive and helpful way.

Alexandra Goodall, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Alexandra Goodall, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Somatic Psychotherapist, Arts-based Psychotherapist, Sex and Intimacy Coach

Available for Online Therapy

Our anger can be a sentry, a protector and a wise indicator that our boundaries have been transgressed or that something vitally important to us is threatened. It can also be a raging tyrant, a short fuse, a simmering internalisation that off-gases through passive-aggression, or a childish tantrum. Becoming intimate with our anger is synonymous with becoming intimidate with our power. In anger therapy, we will work to understand the unique way your anger process happens through somatic awareness, mindfulness and emotional intimacy. We will look at your history with anger, your family lineage, and you will learn tools to channel this fire in ways that support rather than hinder your life.

Sarah Harris, BSc, MC, RCC
Anger Therapist

Sarah Harris, BSc, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1Y 4N7 - Nearby to Oyama.

I believe that anger, as an emotion, is often misunderstood; and because of this, feared. Pushed to our limits, we might say or do things that hurt others or the ones we love, adding shame and loss right into the mix. Because of this, we might work hard to avoid it, push it away, or appease it - feeding into a cycle, keeping us stuck. I help clients to make sense of their experience, in a new, non-judgemental way in order to regain a sense of control, de-escalate and self-regulate, and to use anger effectively, as it was intended.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Anger Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

A response to life's events falls upon a continuum from neutral to highly-reactive. At times anger, Gandhi called it "Righteous Indignation," is necessary to respond to injustices or inappropriate behaviours. However, uncontrolled, inappropriate anger is destructive to one's self and others. Mindfulness and Metta (Loving Kindness) meditations are excellent tools to deal with anger. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also called Tapping, along with skillful use of affirmations can help to cool the fires of anger. The benefits of anger management lead to a regulating of emotions and thus a gaining of peace of mind, positive relationships, career and family security.

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Anger Therapist

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

My approach is to use a step-by-step process that follows an evidence based approach: goal setting; self awareness; cognitive reframing; behavioural modification; review of progress. Fundamental to the work is a good therapeutic relationship. That is, we have the collaboration and trust to combine your knowledge of yourself and your situation and my skills and knowledge of the clinical issues to make change happen.

Lynleigh Immelman, CPCA, (Master Counsellor)  MD
Anger Therapist

Lynleigh Immelman, CPCA, (Master Counsellor) MD

Certified Member-Canadian Professional Counsellors Association

In V1Y 1W2 - Nearby to Oyama.

I would like Clients to understand that anger is an emotion. Most have been discouraged to feel anger. I get Clients to recognise, rather than supress, anger. I hope to inform how a Client behaves when feeling angry is most important. Communication is essential with the other individual is important, but not while still anger. Leaving the situation is advisable until tempers have lessened. Then I encourage communication. For example, feeling inadequate, useless, betrayed or put down. These, in their own right, can be the beginning of anger. Sort out "what is really going on" then, when ready, try to discuss your real feelings. Anger "acted out" I discourage.

Haley Gershony, M.Ed., RCC
Anger Therapist

Haley Gershony, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1Y 2H4 - Nearby to Oyama.

By learning to recognize and understand your anger you will take back control of both your emotions and your actions. Anger will no longer take over your relationships, and you will be able to focus on being the person you want to be. Without the burden of unhelpful emotions you will create space for more enjoyable and helpful experiences. The first step is recognizing your anger-- the next step is addressing it.

Sam Reimer, Ph.D., R.C.C.#1031
Anger Therapist

Sam Reimer, Ph.D., R.C.C.#1031

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1Y 2E2 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In V1V 2Y9 - Nearby to Oyama.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Donald Straub, M.A.
Anger Therapist

Donald Straub, M.A.

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Certified Clinical Counsellor

In V1Y 7T2 - Nearby to Oyama.

We look at the family of origin and how expressions of anger were assimilated by the client. I explore a client's style of expressing anger and teach appropriate methods of assertiveness rather than passive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive methods. I explore and heal the shame and negative core beliefs that lead to unhealthy expressions of anger.

Carl Malmsten, CouplesWork Senior Therapist
Anger Therapist

Carl Malmsten, CouplesWork Senior Therapist

CouplesWork Senior Therapist

In V1Y 6N7 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger issues can both result from distress in relationships and precipitate distress. Support in addressing anger issues can have a signifiacant positive impact on overall relationship functioning. The fact that relationships are one of our primary coping mechanisms multiplies the potential distress when anger is present as it impacts the very mechanisms we use to cope.

Dr. Zoë Sehn, PhD, MA, BA (Hons), RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Dr. Zoë Sehn, PhD, MA, BA (Hons), RCC, CCC

Doctor of Psychotherapy and Counselling

In V1Y 2H5 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger management generally involves working towards decreasing physiological arousal and stopping negative thought patterns and help an individual to develop strategies to ultimately control and understand their anger. Anger management therapy will also involve deep exploration of anger triggers, early experiences, and other emotions that may be masked by the expression of anger.

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1V 1M7 - Nearby to Oyama.

Individuals struggling to manage anger can be exhausting and overwhelming; often there is a significant negative effect on others in their life. We will work to uncover where the intense anger is originating from and heal. We will also wok to develop new skills and tools to manage emotional situations in a more positive an effective way. It is also important to work to heal the damage to loved ones whom have been affected.

Michel Bonin, Ph.D
Anger Therapist

Michel Bonin, Ph.D

Registered Psychologist

In V4T 3E2 - Nearby to Oyama.

I offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that examine the relationship between triggers, thoughts/beliefs, and emotional reactions such as angry outbursts. You will explore concepts associated with how thoughts have been negatively impacted by past experiences, as well as how specific triggers and thoughts contribute to emotional dysregulation. You also will identify strategies in sessions to apply to real life situations. You will learn why anger was once adaptive to keep you safe when younger but is now maladaptive. Developing a better understanding of anger will make it easier to develop strategies helpful in managing your emotional reactions and using alternate behaviors to cope/stay safe.

Maryann Daase, RPC, MPCC
Anger Therapist

Maryann Daase, RPC, MPCC

Registered Professional Counsellor, Master Practitioner of Clinical Counselling

In V1Y 3K5 - Nearby to Oyama.

Did you know that anger is the healthy response to injustice? & That it is there for a very valuable purpose? & That if unexpressed, it can actually result in anxiety, depression, & even physical illness? This is called "anger turned inward, & it causes havoc inside of us. Ever feel yourself going from "0 to 100" at something someone says or does, & it shocks even you? This is "anger turned outward" & is also a result of unexpressed anger. Anger has a way of "leaking out" at unexpected moments & with unexpected intensity, hurting our relationships. If you have found yourself experiencing either of these, please contact me. You can be free from these forces that seem to control you!

Darcy Kuhl
Anger Therapist

Darcy Kuhl

Licensed Therapist

In V1Y 1P8 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

A Path Of Heart Counselling Services, MSW RCC RSW RPC
Anger Therapist

A Path Of Heart Counselling Services, MSW RCC RSW RPC

Registered Social Worker, Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1T 3J2 - Nearby to Oyama.

Many people are stuck in highly activated states such as anxiety, anger or tension in the body. This is due to the fact that the parasympathetic part of your nervous system is not functioning as well as it could. Using somatic experiencing therapy, Robin can effectively help you to build more capacity so that your body can return to a more settled state and sense of well being. You will learn the tools to quickly deescalate your anger and gain the ability to make healthier choices on how to express that anger.

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT
Anger Therapist

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT


In V1Y 0B5 - Nearby to Oyama.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) specifically focuses on providing clients with skills in four specific areas: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. It is widely used to successfully treat many issues including anger management issues, domestic violence, PTSD, Substance Abuse, and Depression. We work with the individual to teach them how to manage and alter intense emotions, increase their ability to tolerate negative emotions, and communicate effectively in a non-emotional manner

Jadon Ward, MA, MA, RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Jadon Ward, MA, MA, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1T 2C6 - Nearby to Oyama.

Sometimes our emotions seem uncontrollable. Even though you do not mean to, anger outbursts or physical violence can leave those we love the most hurt and scarred. Anger management is about learning about emotions. By understanding the root of our anger, and specifically what "triggers" you have, you can come up with a unique plan. By stopping the anger cycle before you explode, or finding better ways to cool off, you can live better with others.

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt
Anger Therapist

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt


In V1W 5B4 - Nearby to Oyama.

“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Ambrose Bierce Anger is often an intense emotional response that can negatively affect people’s lives. Many people struggle to manage and express their anger effectively due to often intense and overwhelming feelings. Families, work, friendships and one’s personal well-being can be destroyed unintentionally along the way. Although we cannot control anger provoking situations, we can learn step by step techniques for successfully and efficiently managing them. Through counselling we will work to access the issues provoking anger and outbursts, and develop tools to identify and effectively manage emotional triggers. When needed, we will also work with families and...(view profile to read more)

Kimberly Castle, R.T.C, CAMC
Anger Therapist

Kimberly Castle, R.T.C, CAMC

Registered Counsellor, Certified Anger Management Counsellor

In V1Y 2H4 - Nearby to Oyama.

Acquiring support for Anger Management helps you move through life's challenges and also helps create better relationships in your life. Together we dig a little deeper to find out what's the root cause of your anger and then apply a variety of tools to your toolbox to cope day by day. A straight forward approach is what I strive for. No sugar coating.

Annette Adkin, RPC, Psychotherapist
Anger Therapist

Annette Adkin, RPC, Psychotherapist

Registered Professional Counsellor

In V1W 1B5 - Nearby to Oyama.

As a counsellor I have been helping people understand and manage anger for 25 yrs. My approach includes family of origin work, exploring the way we think and how this impacts our feelings and actions as well as understanding the goal of our anger. We would identify your history around expression of feelings/correction, triggers and raw spots in relationships in order to find new ways of coping and expressing our needs and wants. I want to be able to provide a safe, non-judgenmental approach that will also help you to be more gentle with yourself and others.

Traci Mainstone, MA Counselling Psyc, BAH Psyc, CYCC
Anger Therapist

Traci Mainstone, MA Counselling Psyc, BAH Psyc, CYCC

Certified Psychotherapist for Children, Youth, and Adults

In V4V 1J9 - Nearby to Oyama.

Anger is a natural and, at times, a necessary emotion. However, our society places constraints on the ways we are permitted to express our anger. Additionally, children, adolescents and adults differ in what they need in order to learn how to deal with and express their anger. I offer effective methods to help you learn to release and express your anger in healthy ways that work for you as an individual.

Authentic Connections Therapy- Steve Price, B.Ed, MCP, RCC, CCPA
Anger Therapist

Authentic Connections Therapy- Steve Price, B.Ed, MCP, RCC, CCPA

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

It sucks to be angry and loose control of our emotions. Anger can have a devastating impact on the people we love the most. I will support you in addressing the emotions, trauma and pain underneath anger and learn to identify your triggers and patterns. I will teach you tools to address your stress and help you learn to better deal with your emotions. Learning to communicate our needs in a way that will be received is also a part of how I address anger issues.

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Anger can be a reaction to a range of experiences, from past traumas to present-day stressors, and EMDR can help to desensitize and reprocess these experiences, reducing the intensity of the emotional response. Through the use of bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping, EMDR can help to process the distressing memories and emotions, leading to increased emotional regulation and a greater sense of control over one's emotional response. By addressing the underlying emotional triggers, EMDR can help to alleviate symptoms of anger and promote more adaptive coping strategies.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Oyama, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia page of anger counsellors in Oyama, British Columbia who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Oyama is located in British Columbia, Canada.  The population of Oyama is 985 people. Oyama therapists serve postal code: V4V.